
Forcing Her Out, Felicia's Reunion with Her Father

Day 129 - 10:36 AM - Audubon High School, Audubon, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America

Mark's arrival took everyone in surprise, and the way he harvested the lives of the enemies with his scythe made the soldiers relieved that he did not seem to be an enemy. If this man clad in a black haze that looked like a grim reaper started attacking them, they were not sure if they would be able to stand it.

After all, Mark just eliminated most of the enemies by himself and that the soldiers did not know how many casualties they would have if they were the ones to do it.

Thus, when he said that it was his vehicle that was coming, they could only lower their weapons without hesitation.

This person did not seem to be human, after all. Even if one were to tell them that he was, they would not believe it entirely. They were enclined not to for some reason they could not understand themselves.