
Familiar and Unfamiliar, A Day's End of a Poor College Student

D▋y -3170 - 4:1▋ ▋M - C▋▋it▋ St▋▋e Un▋ve▋s▋ty, B▋r▋▋ga▋ Q▋e▋ns Ro▋ Ar▋▋ A, Ba▋▋o▋ Ci▋y, Pro▋in▋e of ▋av▋te

"...rk. ..ark. Dude! Wake up!"


Woken up by a rather hard shake of his shoulder, Mark raised his head slumped on his desk.

With his blurred vision returning, Mark looked forward. In front of him was a pair of large whiteboards with one filled with the basic codes of the C++ programming language.

Mark stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar sight, confused. He felt he slept for too long and had a very long dream.

"Dude, are you okay?"

The familiar voice entered Mark's ears, making him remember that he was woken up by someone. Looking to his right, Mark saw the woman nine months older than him who he looked up to like his older sister, though she definitely did not know of it.

She was the one who influenced him about Otaku culture the most ever since a year ago.