
Dropping off the Loot, A Day Stop at the Mountain Base

Day 145 - 10:15 AM - Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

Mark's group had returned to the base once more. Everyone was definitely happy to see them safe and sound. Their worry was not surprising considering that the workers that cleared up the dried trees around Chiyo in the Spirit Dimension witnessed the danger of facing the magical infected from there.

Of course, Mark's group did not return without conveying the news to the Stone Fortress about the destruction of the Kingdom of Black Duendes. Without a doubt, they were shocked by the news. Mark's small group managed to take down a whole Kingdom of Duende's? It was not easy to believe. Well, if they knew that Mark did most of the work and it was just because they were caught while escaping, they might plant their faces on the ground.