
Checking the Loot, The Items Mark and Mei Gathered

Day ▊▊ - ▊▊:▊▊ ▊▊ - Guestrooms, Stone Fortress, Eastern Mountain

Returning to their room, everyone welcomed Mark back. Of course, none of them asked what he did as they already knew what could have happened. He immediately left after hearing what happened with a scary expression. They already expected that he might make the Tikbalangs regret targetting them in them.

They already expected that Mark would not kill them because they witnessed how effective their magic towards the infected. That did not mean that they would not suffer. He would probably beat the hell out of them to the brink of death.

Well, of course, they did not try to ask what Mark did, except for one person.

"Did you kill them?"

Karlene asked childishly.

Her question made Alana want to choke her. The others could only sigh. They were already used to it. There were times that Karlene was too childish, and there were times that she had a screw loose.