
Abbygale's Birthday, A Party Till Night Watched by a Sentiment

Day 262 - 5:59 PM - Cliff House, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

Abbygale sobbed in tears, hugging the doll her father gave her. It was a surprising but welcome sight as the ever-calm little girl showed a different emotion.

Mark remembered the first time he saw Abbygale, sitting like a life-less doll under a store counter while drenched in blood. Despite the trauma, fear, and even the loss of her mother, the little girl was calm and silent. Although she sometimes smiled, showed her desires, and displayed agitation and killing intent, she never showed any other emotions. While it may be the result of her being a [Mutator], it still felt abnormal considering her age. They had other [Mutator] children in the base with their [Mutator Traits] reigning over their subconscious. However, none of these children looked as abnormal as Abbygale if it came to expressing emotions.