
A Kindle of Flame, Finding the Faster Route Back to the Fortress

Day 358 - 6:21 PM - Ex Pueblo La Noria, Pozo Almonte, Tarapacá, Chile

In a very uncanny place in Chile, a mysterious location of a haunted abandoned mine. South America had been devastated thoroughly without the help of the missing [Eye]. However, this haunted location somehow survived the Fusion of Dimensions intact.

Now, it was a place where Demons gathered. It was a place where the ominous beings of the past began to form their schemes.

In this abandoned town, an ominous tower appeared out of nowhere. It became the central location of this place. It was where the rulers of these Demons lived.

"Have you found them yet?"

A deep and haunting voice from a robed man echoed within the highest chambers of the tower. His body exuded a dark aura as he moved around his newfound toy.