
[Soul Prison], A Twisted Punishment for the Souls of the Enemies

Day 324 - 5:25 PM - Training Area, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon, Philippines

With a bit of a surprise, the passing residents greeted Mark as he approached the training area. Huey also came to greet Mark in a hurry after noticing his arrival.

Huey's greatest strength was his enhanced senses. As such, he could detect any movement and noise within a covered distance. However, voices aside, he could not differentiate the things he could find using his senses unless they had something peculiar compared to others.

But there was no way Huey would not be able to detect Mark. There was only a handful of people with barely audible footsteps among the people of the Mountain Base. And the ones with the most silent feet were only Odelina and Mark. As such, Huey was able to find Mark in no time if he appeared within the base.