"Are you Surprise now Mr. Louie Chen?" the question of Pearl lingers to his mind. Yes, he was surprised, surprised knowing that Luna is still alive, surprised that they have a twin and surprised that Luna didn't recognize him at all or she is just pretending and using Francois just to annoy him or for him to get jealous. These are the things that he was thinking as he was not in his mind. He just got back to his senses when the song ended, that song was dedicated for him….those are the unspoken words of Luna's asking for love to him.
"The next performance will be coming from Mr. Louie Chen" Jamil announces, Kim taps Louie's shoulder to signal him that they need to go to the stage to perform. Ethan, Harry, and Yuan also stood up to help him. Sofia's eyes widen upon hearing Louie's name, her friends Rita and Aira smiled as they thought that the performance of the 5 good looking men is for them.