
mushoku tensei The Forgotten Twin

truen_osteen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 2: The Magic Tutor Arrives

The day I met Roxy Migurdia, I knew everything was about to change. Not just for me, but for this entire household. Rudeus would see her as his magical savior, the one who would help him tap into his dormant talent for magic. But for me, she represented something more. She wasn't just a tutor. She was the start of the next phase of my plan.

When Roxy arrived at the front gate of our home, she looked smaller than I expected, even for a Migurdian. The light blue hair, her petite frame, and the sharp look in her eyes as she took in her surroundings—all of it was just as I remembered. The world of *Mushoku Tensei* was vividly real now, not just some fictional place I read about. And here I was, in the middle of it.

Paul was the first to greet her, as usual, with his boisterous confidence. "Ah, you must be Roxy!" he called out, a wide grin on his face. "Welcome to the Greyrat household."

Rudeus was already curious, watching from behind Zenith, his eyes filled with anticipation. He knew what was coming. In his past life, Rudeus had always longed for an opportunity like this—to learn magic under a real master. For me, it was different. Magic was just another tool, another thing to master. But Roxy... she was far more important.

"Thank you for having me," Roxy said politely, giving a small bow. Her voice was calm and reserved, yet there was a confidence in her posture that made it clear she wasn't someone to underestimate.

I kept to the side, watching her carefully. Rudeus wasn't paying much attention to me; he was too fixated on the idea of learning magic. But I knew this was my opportunity. I had to make a good first impression, without being too obvious.

**Third Person (Narrator)**

As Roxy settled into her new role as the Greyrat family's magic tutor, she quickly got to work evaluating the two boys. Rudeus, who had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of a teacher, was thrilled. He was a fast learner, absorbing everything she taught with enthusiasm. His natural talent for magic was undeniable, and Roxy took note of this almost immediately.

But Ruijerd was different.

At first glance, Roxy didn't quite know what to make of him. He didn't show the same overt excitement for magic as Rudeus did, nor did he seem to have the same natural affinity for it. But there was something about him, a quiet strength that made her curious.


"Now, Rudeus," Roxy said as she knelt in front of him, "I want you to try again. Focus on the incantation, but also on your intent. Magic is not just about saying the words. It's about the feeling behind them."

Rudeus nodded eagerly and extended his hand. "<Water Ball>," he said, his voice steady. Immediately, a small ball of water formed in the air, hovering just above his palm.

"Excellent!" Roxy praised. "Now, try shaping it into a blade."

While Rudeus concentrated on his spell, Ruijerd stood off to the side, watching intently. His thoughts were far from focused on the lesson at hand. Instead, he was observing Roxy—her mannerisms, her patience, the way she guided Rudeus with gentle yet firm encouragement. It was clear that she was a natural teacher, and though she appeared young, she carried the wisdom of someone who had lived far longer.

Roxy caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow. "Ruijerd," she said, turning her attention to him, "would you like to try as well? I've noticed you've been quiet during the lessons."

Ruijerd met her eyes. There was no point in pretending. If he wanted to keep his skills and intellect hidden, he had to walk a fine line. "I'll give it a try," he said, keeping his voice casual.

Stepping forward, he extended his hand, mimicking Rudeus's earlier stance. Roxy nodded, and the familiar words flowed from his lips. "<Water Ball>."

A small ball of water appeared in front of him, just like Rudeus's had. But Ruijerd was holding back. He could have made the water much larger, more complex. He had the intelligence and power to do it, but he didn't want to draw attention. Not yet.

"Not bad for a first try," Roxy said, her voice measured. "But you can put more intent behind it. Magic is about control, not just brute force."

Ruijerd nodded, pretending to absorb the advice. He knew she was right, but there was no need for him to put all his cards on the table just yet. He was playing a long game, and this was only the beginning.


**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

I could see it in her eyes—Roxy wasn't convinced by my performance. She wasn't the type to be easily fooled. But that was fine. For now, I would let Rudeus be the prodigy. He could have the spotlight. I wasn't in a rush to show off, not when I had other priorities.

As the days went on, I found myself watching Roxy more closely, not just as a teacher but as a person. There was something about her that drew me in. Her serious nature, her dedication to teaching, and the way she interacted with us—it was like she had so much to give, yet there was a distance between her and everyone else. Maybe it was because she was Migurdian, a race that lived much longer than humans. Maybe it was something else. But either way, I wanted to understand her better.

I wasn't just some random reincarnated soul in this world. I had a plan. And that plan included getting close to Roxy.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

The days turned into weeks, and soon, Roxy had become a fixture in the Greyrat household. Under her guidance, Rudeus's magic skills flourished. He was learning faster than even Roxy had anticipated, mastering spells that should have taken years to grasp. But despite his rapid progress, Roxy couldn't help but notice that Ruijerd remained... different.

He participated in the lessons, yes, but there was a certain restraint to his actions. While Rudeus showed excitement and eagerness, Ruijerd was calm, composed, almost too composed for a child his age. And though his magic was competent, there was a sense that he was holding something back.

One evening, after a particularly intense lesson, Roxy approached Ruijerd as he was practicing on his own. The other members of the household were asleep, leaving the two of them alone in the courtyard.

"Ruijerd," she said quietly, her voice breaking the stillness of the night. "You're different from your brother."

Ruijerd stopped, his eyes meeting hers. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen how you approach magic," Roxy continued, her tone thoughtful. "You're careful, deliberate. You're not like other children."

Ruijerd shrugged, trying to play it off. "I guess I just learn differently."

Roxy didn't seem convinced, but she let it slide for the moment. "You don't have to hide your potential," she said after a long pause. "You're more talented than you let on, aren't you?"

Ruijerd hesitated, wondering how much he should reveal. He didn't want to scare her away or draw unnecessary attention. But at the same time, he didn't want to push her away, either. Roxy was important, not just as a teacher, but as someone who could be a valuable ally.

Finally, he spoke. "I guess I just have my reasons."

Roxy gave him a long, hard look before sighing softly. "If that's the case, I'll respect it. But know that you don't have to hold back with me."

Ruijerd nodded, grateful for her understanding. He watched as she turned to leave, her blue hair catching the moonlight.

This was only the beginning. There was a lot more he needed to learn about Roxy, and a lot more he needed to figure out about his own role in this world. But one thing was clear.

She wasn't just his teacher. She was someone worth fighting for.


### **Author's Note**:

In **Chapter 2**, we see the protagonist, Ruijerd, beginning to navigate his life in this new world while maintaining a careful balance between revealing his true abilities and keeping his secrets. His relationship with Roxy is starting to take shape, though it will be a slow and deliberate build.

Stay tuned for **Chapter 3**, where Ruijerd's bond with Roxy deepens, and he begins to reveal more of his true self.