
mushoku tensei The Forgotten Twin

truen_osteen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 14: The Silver Serpent’s Coil

**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

The night air in the northern woods felt different—thicker, laden with tension. I crouched in the shadows, watching Lyle as he spoke with his commanders, my thoughts racing. It was strange seeing him again, leading a force this large. The man I knew from our mercenary days had always been ambitious, but this? This was beyond anything I had imagined.

A plan was forming in my mind, but I wasn't sure I liked where it was leading. The more I learned about Lyle's preparations, the clearer it became that this war was going to engulf everything—innocent people, entire nations. And if I didn't do something, Roxy, Rudeus, and everyone I cared about would be caught in the crossfire.

But what could I do? I was just one man, and Lyle had an army. Facing him head-on wasn't an option, not without more information and more allies.

As Lyle moved from one group to another, I focused on his mannerisms—how he carried himself, how the mercenaries reacted to him. It was clear they respected him, maybe even feared him. He was the kind of leader who inspired loyalty, but also commanded it with an iron fist.

The thought of confronting him made my stomach churn. I wasn't afraid of the fight, but I was afraid of what it would mean. Once I stepped into this war, there would be no turning back.

I knew I had to make a choice soon.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

Ruijerd remained hidden for hours, waiting for an opportunity to approach Lyle without drawing attention. As the night deepened, the camp began to settle. Mercenaries gathered around fires, sharing stories, drinking, and sharpening their weapons in preparation for the battles to come. The tension of war was palpable in the air, but for these seasoned fighters, it was just another day.

Lyle eventually retreated to his private tent, flanked by two guards. Ruijerd observed from a distance, his mind racing. If he wanted to confront Lyle and get the answers he needed, this would be his best chance.

Quietly, Ruijerd moved through the camp, sticking to the shadows. His training from his mercenary days served him well, allowing him to slip past the guards without being noticed. He knew the layout of a mercenary camp like the back of his hand, and Lyle's was no different from the ones they had shared years ago.

As he approached the entrance of Lyle's tent, he paused, listening for any signs of movement inside. It was quiet—too quiet. With one hand on his sword hilt, Ruijerd stepped inside.

Lyle was seated at a large table, a map of the continent spread out before him. He didn't look surprised to see Ruijerd standing there. In fact, it seemed as though he had been expecting him.

"Ruijerd," Lyle said, his voice calm but edged with something dangerous. "I wondered when you would come."

Ruijerd's hand tightened around his sword, but he didn't draw it. "You knew I was here?"

"Of course," Lyle replied with a smirk. "You think I wouldn't notice when my old friend comes sneaking around my camp? I've been waiting for you."

Ruijerd's eyes narrowed. "You've been waiting? Why?"

Lyle leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Because I knew you'd have questions. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming here once you learned what I'm doing."

"And what are you doing, Lyle?" Ruijerd asked, his voice hard. "What's your endgame?"

Lyle's smirk widened. "My endgame? It's simple, Ruijerd. I'm going to change the world. The kingdoms of this continent have been rotting from the inside out for years, ruled by corrupt nobles who care more about their wealth than their people. This war? It's the cleansing fire that will burn away the old order and make way for something new."

"And you think you're the one who should lead that new world?" Ruijerd shot back, his tone laced with disbelief.

"Why not?" Lyle said, his expression turning serious. "I have the power, the men, and the vision. I've spent years building this army, gathering the strongest fighters from across the land. With them, I can topple the old regimes and create something better. A world where strength is the only law that matters."

Ruijerd's hand itched to draw his sword, but he held back. "You're delusional, Lyle. You're not saving the world—you're destroying it. This war is going to kill innocent people, and for what? So you can sit on a throne?"

Lyle stood, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Innocent people die every day under the current rulers. At least under my rule, they'll die for something greater. You think you're better than me, Ruijerd? You think hiding away with your family will keep them safe? The war is coming whether you like it or not. The only difference is that I'm offering you a chance to shape its outcome."

Ruijerd took a step forward, his voice cold. "And if I refuse?"

Lyle's smirk returned, colder this time. "Then you're in my way. And I'll treat you like anyone else who stands in my way."

There it was—the ultimatum Ruijerd had feared. There was no reasoning with Lyle, no appealing to whatever friendship they might have once had. The man standing before him wasn't the same Lyle he had known all those years ago. This Lyle was ruthless, driven by ambition and a thirst for power that couldn't be quenched.

Ruijerd knew what he had to do.

"I won't join you, Lyle," he said, his voice steady. "I won't be part of your war."

Lyle's eyes darkened, his smirk vanishing. "Then you've made your choice."

Without another word, Ruijerd turned and left the tent, his heart heavy. He had come seeking answers, and now he had them. Lyle was a threat—a threat to everything Ruijerd held dear. And there was only one way to stop him.

As he disappeared into the shadows of the camp, Ruijerd knew that the next time he faced Lyle, it would be as an enemy.


**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

I moved quickly, making my way back to the edge of the camp. My mind was racing, my emotions a turbulent storm. Lyle had made his intentions clear—he wasn't just gathering an army. He was preparing to reshape the entire continent, and he didn't care who got hurt in the process.

There was no way I could let him succeed. But how could I stop him? He had hundreds of mercenaries at his command, while I was just one man.

No, I wasn't alone. I had Roxy and Rudeus. And together, we'd find a way to stop this madness.

As I reached the outskirts of the camp, I paused, taking one last look at the fires burning in the distance. This war was coming, and there was no avoiding it. But I wasn't going to let Lyle dictate the terms.

I'd stop him, no matter the cost.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

Ruijerd returned to the estate with a newfound determination. He couldn't hide from the war any longer. Lyle's ambitions were too dangerous, too far-reaching. If left unchecked, the entire continent would burn in the flames of his ambition.

As Ruijerd prepared to share what he had learned with Roxy and Rudeus, the weight of his decision settled heavily on his shoulders. The path ahead would be difficult, and the choices he made would have consequences—consequences that could change the course of their lives forever.

But one thing was certain: Ruijerd was no longer content to stand on the sidelines. The war had come to his doorstep, and he would face it head-on.


**Author's Note**:

**Chapter 14** brings the tension between Ruijerd and Lyle to a boiling point. Ruijerd's decision to oppose Lyle sets the stage for the coming conflict, as old allies become enemies and the stakes rise even higher.