
mushoku tensei The Forgotten Twin

truen_osteen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 11: The Shadows Closing In

**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

The days stretched on, and though we continued our training and preparations, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were running out of time. Each morning, I woke with the same thought—when would the storm break? The weight of my decision bore down on me like a millstone, and no matter how much I tried to focus on the present, my thoughts kept returning to the figure from my past and their ominous promise.

Could I trust them? Could I trust myself?

I found myself spending more time in the garden, walking the same paths I used to tread as a child. I'd spent years trying to move beyond the warrior's life, trying to become more than just a weapon. But was that even possible? Or was it only a matter of time before I had to embrace that part of myself again?

I thought about Roxy, about Rudeus, and the life we were trying to build. Could I really protect them by staying on the sidelines, pretending that this war wouldn't affect us? Or would my hesitation be the very thing that put them in danger?

As I walked, lost in thought, I felt a familiar presence beside me.

"You're thinking too much again," Roxy's voice was soft, her tone teasing, but I could hear the concern underneath.

I glanced at her, smiling despite myself. "You're right. I can't seem to turn it off."

"You don't have to figure everything out on your own, you know." She reached out, brushing her hand against mine. "We're in this together, Ruijerd. Whatever decision you make, I'll support you."

Her words meant the world to me, but they also made the choice all the more difficult. I didn't want to drag Roxy into a conflict that might destroy everything we cared about. But I also couldn't lie to myself—if I didn't act, the war would come to us anyway.

"I know," I said quietly. "But I'm afraid, Roxy. I'm afraid that no matter what I choose, it'll be the wrong decision."

Roxy squeezed my hand, her blue eyes steady and unwavering. "There's no such thing as a perfect choice. All we can do is make the best decision we can and face the consequences together."

I nodded, grateful for her wisdom. She was right. I couldn't spend my life paralyzed by fear. The world was moving, and I had to move with it.

But even as I resolved to take action, the question still remained—what would that action be?


**Third Person (Narrator)**

The next few days were filled with preparations. Ruijerd, Roxy, and Rudeus intensified their training, working together to hone their skills in both magic and combat. The tension in the air was palpable, and it wasn't long before Rudeus began to ask more questions.

One evening, after an especially intense sparring session, Rudeus approached Ruijerd with a serious expression on his face.

"Ruijerd," Rudeus said, wiping sweat from his brow. "You've been training us harder than ever lately. It feels like you're expecting something to happen soon. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Ruijerd paused, considering how much to reveal. He hadn't wanted to burden Rudeus with the full weight of the situation, but his brother was sharp—he would figure it out eventually, if he hadn't already.

"There's a lot happening in the world right now, Rudeus," Ruijerd said carefully. "And I've been contacted by someone... someone from my past. They warned me about a conflict that's coming, a war that could sweep through this entire region."

Rudeus's eyes widened, his face growing more serious. "A war? And you think it'll reach us?"

Ruijerd nodded. "It's only a matter of time. I didn't want to worry you before, but... we need to be ready for anything."

Rudeus was quiet for a moment, processing the information. Then, with a resolute expression, he straightened. "Then we'll be ready. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

Ruijerd smiled, pride swelling in his chest. Rudeus had grown so much, not just in power but in maturity. He wasn't the naive child he had once been—he understood the stakes, and he was prepared to fight for what mattered.

But even as Ruijerd and Rudeus strengthened their resolve, the shadows of conflict were drawing ever closer. Whispers of unrest reached the outskirts of their estate, and travelers spoke of strange happenings in distant lands—towns being raided, powerful figures disappearing, and strange magical phenomena.


**Third Person (Narrator - Elsewhere)**

Far from the Greyrat estate, in a distant kingdom shrouded in mystery, the figure who had approached Ruijerd stood in the center of a dimly lit chamber, surrounded by a circle of cloaked individuals. Their faces were hidden, their identities concealed, but their power was undeniable.

"The time is approaching," the figure said, their voice echoing through the chamber. "Our forces are in place. Soon, we will strike, and the world will tremble before us."

One of the cloaked figures stepped forward, their voice low and dangerous. "And what of Ruijerd? Has he made his decision?"

The figure hesitated for a moment before answering. "He has not yet chosen, but I am confident that he will join us. He cannot resist his nature for long."

Another figure, taller and more imposing, spoke. "If he refuses, we will proceed without him. But I trust you will ensure that he is on our side."

The figure nodded, though there was a flicker of uncertainty in their eyes. "He will come around. I'm sure of it."

The meeting continued, filled with dark plans and whispered secrets. And though they spoke in hushed tones, there was no mistaking the power they wielded—power that was about to be unleashed upon the world.


**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

I had made my choice.

After days of deliberation, of agonizing over the potential consequences, I finally knew what I had to do. The figure from my past had offered me a path, and though I didn't trust them completely, I couldn't ignore the truth in their words. There was a war coming, and whether I liked it or not, I had a part to play.

But I wouldn't do it alone.

I sat down with Roxy and Rudeus, the two people who mattered most to me in this world, and I laid out my plan.

"I'm going to meet with them," I said, my voice steady. "The figure who contacted me. I need to understand what we're up against. But I'm not going to join them blindly. I'll gather information, learn what I can, and then we'll decide what to do."

Roxy's eyes were filled with concern, but she didn't argue. She knew that this was a decision I had to make, and she trusted me to make it wisely.

Rudeus, however, looked more skeptical. "Are you sure about this, Ruijerd? What if it's a trap?"

"I've considered that," I admitted. "But I don't think they'll try to harm me. They want me on their side. That gives me leverage."

Rudeus nodded slowly, though his expression remained uneasy. "Just... be careful, alright? We can't afford to lose you."

"I will," I promised.

With that, the decision was made. I would meet the figure, learn the truth about the coming war, and decide where we stood. But I couldn't shake the feeling that no matter what I discovered, the world would never be the same again.


**Author's Note**:

**Chapter 11** sees Ruijerd finally making a choice to confront the figure from his past, setting the stage for a dangerous meeting that could alter the course of his life and the lives of those he loves. As tensions rise, we also get a glimpse into the forces behind the looming conflict and the dark plans they are hatching.