
Mushoku Tensei: Second Son

A young high school boy, Ren Nakamura, known for his empathy with the side of stubbornness, sacrifices himself to save a girl from assailants, which leads to his death. Suddenly, he awakens in a mysterious new world, reincarnated as the second son of the Greyrat family and the third younger sibling of Rudeus Greyrat.

TempestNotion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

Next Course of Action

As Nanahoshi and I sat around the unlit campfire, we confronted Orsted, who was sitting on the other side. The morning light poured in through the small opening in the ceiling, casting a faint glow on Orsted's stern face. His golden Sanpaku eyes remained fixed on us, emanating an aura of quiet authority.

Yet, his expression remained serious as he regarded us in silence. So much so the room was filled only with the echoed sound of our breathing and the faint rustle of the wind outside.

I cleared my throat, attempting to break the tension. "Thank you for helping us last night, sir Orsted," I expressed, choosing my words carefully. "We appreciate your kindness."

In response, Orsted nodded curtly, his gaze never leaving ours.

"I did what was necessary," he stated, his voice devoid of any sentiment but not unfriendly either. "Now we must discuss what happens next."

Nanahoshi shifted uncomfortably beside me, clearly still apprehensive around our imposing host. Not only that, but she also couldn't understand the language of this world, which was a problem in itself. Perhaps I should teach her the basics later. But for now, I needed to focus on the discussion at hand.

"First of all, Dante, what are your objectives?" Orsted asked his question straight to the point.

I contemplated his question, considering my current goals for now. Perhaps I should inquire about the light that sent me into the middle of nowhere.

"Well, my objective is to find out what caused the bright light that brought me here," I replied, keeping my voice steady. "You see, I was with my family when it happened unexpectedly and hauled me into the empty plains. Perhaps, there was an explanation for why this is occurring, and I need your help finding my way back to family members."

Orsted remained silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he processed my words. Then he nodded as if coming to a decision.

"The light you speak of is the massive mana disruption I mentioned yesterday," he disclosed, his voice solemn. "I do not know what caused it, but there is someone who does."

"Really? Who are they?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Orsted paused, his gaze shifting momentarily as if carefully considering his words. "There is a member of the Dragon Tribe who resides in a huge fortress hovering in the sky. His name is Perugius Dola, and he is said to possess knowledge of all significant magical occurrences in this world. If anyone knows about the mana disruption, it would be him."

Hearing his response, a flicker of hope ignited within me. Perhaps this person held the key to solving the mysteries of this whole situation and finding a way back to my family. But before we could proceed, we needed to plan our approach carefully.

"How do we get to him, sir Orsted?" I inquired, leaning forward slightly to hear his answer.

Orsted's gaze barely shifted, his expression unreadable as he considered my question. After a moment, he spoke, his voice firm and authoritative.

"There is a path that leads right below the floating fortress," he firmly explained. "However, it is dangerous and fraught with threats. Few have attempted the journey and even fewer have succeeded to reach their destination."

I swallowed hard, realizing the magnitude of the task ahead. But with Orsted's protection and guidance, Nanahoshi and I might have a chance with the long journey ahead.


After discussing my objective, Orsted turned his attention to Nanahoshi. However, given the fact she doesn't understand our language, he returned his gaze to me.

"What about her? What's her objective?"

I glanced at Nanahoshi, who looked back at me with a mix of curiosity and concern. It was clear she felt left out of the conversation. I decided to translate Orsted's question to her in Japanese quickly.

{"Nanahoshi, he wants to know what your objective is."}

She took a moment to think, her youthful leyes reflecting the weight of our situation. Then, with a determined expression, she responded to me.

{"I want to find a way back to Japan."}

{"Eh? Why?"}

{"I don't belong here, and I want to see my family again."}

Hearing her conviction, I nodded and turned back to Orsted, relaying her words.

"She wants to return to her original world and family. Can you help her with that?" I pleaded, wanting to grant Nanahoshi's request.

Orsted considered this for a moment, his stern expression perpetually unchanging. But then, he shook his head and declared, "I'm afraid I can't help her with that."

"What? Why?" I asked, disbelief and frustration creeping into my voice.

Seeing my reaction, Orsted's gaze remained constant as he replied, "I simply don't have the knowledge and resources to assist in her objective. What I do know is that the process of traveling between worlds is extraordinarily complex and demanding."

His explanation hung in the air, and when I translated Orsted's words to Nanahoshi, her eyes reflected a mix of despair and misery. However, she clenched her fists, her resolve persistent despite the disappointing news.

{"Then what should we do? There has to be another way, right?"} she asked, her voice tinged with desperation.

Turning back to Orsted, I conveyed Nanahoshi's question. "Sir Orsted, if you can't help her go back to her world, then there should be someone else who can, correct?"

He paused, contemplating my companion's predicament before uttering his response. "There is one person who can help you with that."

"And that would be?" I pressed ahead. 

"Perugius Dola, the same person who might have answers about the mana disruption, is also known for his knowledge of spacial travel," he explained. "If anyone can help her, it would be him as well."

Hearing his response, I quickly translated his words to Nanahoshi, causing her eyes to light up with a glimmer of hope. It appeared our paths were now aligned, both leading us to this mysterious wise individual.

With our objectives established, I bowed to Orsted and pleaded to him, "Please, take us to the floating fortress so we can meet this Perugius fellow."

Orsted studied us for a moment, his golden Sanpaku eyes piercing through the dim light of the room. Then, with a deep sigh, he complied.

"Very well, I'll take you two there. But remember this, the journey to get there will be difficult, so do everything I say if you want to survive. Understood?"

As I translated his condition to Nanahoshi, we both nodded at Orsted, clearly understanding the gravity of this person's imposing words.


After agreeing to Orsted's condition of following his instructions, he instructed us to wait for a while as he retreated to another room. Moments later, he returned, carrying two coats—one red and the other blue.

"These coats will offer you protection during the journey," Orsted explained, his tone flat and uninflected as he handed us the clothing. "The red coat is fire-resistant, while the blue one protects against cold."

Gratefully accepting the coats, Nanahoshi put on the blue one, the fabric snugly conforming around her frame. However, when I tried to wear the red one, I realized it was rather too large for my childish body, with the sleeves hanging down past my hands and the hem seemingly touching the floor.

"Umm, sir Orsted, I might need a smaller coat," I remarked with a slight grin, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

In response, he simply stared at me, his expression still apathetic. "That's the smallest I could provide. Deal with the size for now, and recognize the coat's functionality."

Pouting at his indifference, I was left with no choice but to roll over the sleeves and tuck the excess fabric into my shorts. Although I look rather ridiculous, at least I can move better.

With our coats secured, Orsted led us deeper into the ancient structure, guiding us to a room with a platform in the middle. An intricate circular pattern was etched into the stone, its lines glowing faintly with magical energy.

Upon closer inspection, I couldn't help but ask, "What is this, Sir Orsted?"

"That's a teleportation circle. It will take us to a location closer to Perugius's fortress," Orsted explained. "From there, we will continue our journey on foot."

While feeling a sense of excitement and uncertainty, I translated his words to Nanahoshi. She nodded as her resolve was firm despite the suspense ahead.

Orsted stepped onto the platform, gesturing for us to follow. "Stand close to me. The process of teleportation can be disorienting if not prepared."

Nanahoshi and I moved to his side, standing as close as we could. Moments later, the pattern beneath us began to glow, and a force seemed to pull us out of the room we were in, moving us elsewhere.

In an instant, the world around us shifted. The ancient stone walls of Orsted's dwelling gave way to less dilapidated surroundings. We found ourselves in a different room. Its architecture was similar but more recent, with sunlight streaming in through uniform gaps.

The new room was spacious and well-lit, with walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting dragons and mystical symbols. Orsted stepped off the platform, his movements precise and deliberate.

"Follow me," he commanded, not waiting for a response.

As we complied and followed him, I couldn't help but notice how Orsted's presence filled the space. Despite his lack of social grace, there was something undeniably profound about him.

We exited the building and found ourselves standing at the edge of a vast forest. The air was cool and crisp, and the ground was covered in a thick carpet of fallen leaves. In the distance, towering mountains loomed, their peaks shrouded in mist.

"This is as far as the teleportation circle can take us," Orsted noted, turning to face us. "From here, we will cross this forest to get to our destination."

Turning to Nanahoshi, I translated his words for her. She nodded, showing a hint of resolve in her eyes. {"Understood, let's get going, Dante. We don't have much time to waste."}

{"That's the spirit. Perugius's fortress, here we come!"} I exclaimed enthusiastically, pointing at the forest ahead.

With determination in our hearts and Orsted leading the way, we ventured into the depths of the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on our journey to Perugius's fortress.

To the next destination we go

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