
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

TempestNotion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
52 Chs

Interlude: Other Side of the Calamity

[Sylphiette POV]

My name is Sylphiette, and I am a mixed-breed elf. I set apart from the other people in the village due to my green hair, marking me as different from a very young age.

I was born into a world where conformity was the norm, and anything that deviated from it was met with suspicion and fear.

The villagers were no exception. They had never seen someone like me before, and they didn't know how to react.

As a result, I was shunned and isolated from the very beginning. The children in the village used to bully me constantly, and their parents would cast cautious glances in my direction whenever I was passing by.

Growing up, I learned to keep to myself, avoiding the gaze of the villagers and retreating into the safety of my home whenever I could. My only companions were the whispering leaves and the gentle caress of the wind, for they never judged me for the color of my hair.

But my life took a sudden and unexpected turn when I met two extraordinary individuals—Rudeus Greyrat and Reine Greyrat.

Unlike the other children in the village, they did not reject me for who I am.

Instead, they extended their hands in friendship. I remember that day vividly, the day our lives became intertwined.

We laughed, played, and learned together. Rudeus, with his boundless wisdom, introduced me to the wonders of knowledge, while Reine, with her kindness and patience, helped me understand the complexities of courage.

Those days, spent in their company, were the best days of my life. For the first time, I felt truly alive, unburdened by the weight of isolation and fear.

But happiness, I would come to learn, can be a fleeting thing.

One day, everything changed. I watched in silence as Rudeus was being taken away into a horse-drawn carriage. This caused me to lose myself and tried my best to save him from his captors.

However, I was forced to fight my dear friend, Reine, in a sword fight. I could have won if it weren't for the powerful wind spell I was about to conjure just mysteriously disappear.

Because of that, despite my best efforts, I lost the fight. Defeated and barely conscious, I watched as Reine disappeared into the carriage and left along with Rudeus.

That was the last time I saw them, and my world once again became a lonely, silent place. The village whispered its condolences, but it was no substitute for the companionship I had lost.

I was left with questions that had no answers.

Why had they left?

Where had they gone?

And most importantly, would I ever see them again?


Months had passed since my dear friends had vanished, and I had become a solitary figure once more, haunted by the memories of happier times.

But my heart still ached for Rudeus and Reine. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were out there somewhere, facing unknown dangers.

That is why I resolved to seek answers about their whereabouts. Not only that, I needed to know what had happened to them, and wonder if there was any chance of meeting them again.

So, with a determined heart, I made my way to the Greyrat residence, hoping for some shred of information that could lead me to my dear friends.

As I approached the familiar wooden door, my heart pounded in anticipation. I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock, but before I could, the door swung open.

Standing before me was Zenith Greyrat, the mother of my friends. Her kind smile and warm eyes greeted me with recognition.

"Oh my, hello there, Sylphy," she said, her voice gentle and warm. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

I nodded, struggling to find my voice. Memories of happier days flooded my mind, and I managed to respond, "Yes, it has, Mrs. Zenith."

She then stepped aside, inviting me into their home. "Please, come in. It's been too long since we've seen you."

As I entered, the familiar sights and smells of their home enveloped me. It was a bittersweet feeling, a reminder of the moments I had shared with Rudeus and Reine. I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat.

Mrs. Zenith led me to their dining area, where I took a seat in front of their table. I recalled the times when my friends used to sit beside me, teaching me how to read, write, and do arithmetic.

"Here, have some tea, Sylphy," she urged, handing me a cup of freshly brewed tea.

"Thank you," I accepted the drink and took a sip.

Mrs. Zenith sat on the other side of the table before asking for my intention, "You've come here for a reason, correct?"

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, the taste of the tea helping to calm my racing heart. Finally, I found my voice and looked earnestly at her.

"Yes, I am," I began, my voice filled with a mix of desperation and hope. "I've come to ask where Rudeus and Reine are. I wanted to see them because I miss them terribly"

Upon hearing their names, Mrs. Zenith's expression darkened, and she begin to ponder. Eventually, she stood up from her seat and went towards the front door before looking back at me. "Follow me, Sylphiette."

Confused by her request, I complied without hesitation. I followed Mrs. Zenith outside their home and walked for several minutes until we arrived at a certain building.

Entering inside, I noticed a lot of beds lined up in a room and cabinets filled with bottles containing unknown liquids.

"Um, Mrs. Zenith. Where are we?" I asked, feeling a sense of unease in this unfamiliar place.

She turned to me and explained, "We're in the clinic, dear. Come on, I'll show you around."

Perplexed, I followed her, and we entered an adjacent room with a desk and more cabinets filled with bottles.

"Mrs. Zenith, why are you showing me this place?" I asked once again. "How does this help me find where Reine and Rudeus are?"

In response, she went towards the desk and gestured for me to sit down on the chair. I reluctantly complied, and she handed me a book before explaining, "You see, Reine used to tell me that she wanted to follow in my footsteps and dedicated her time to learning healing magic."

"Okay.... But that still doesn't answer my question," I pointed out, my confusion deepening as I tried to process the information.

She smiled at me and gently patted my shoulder. "Look, Sylphy. If you want me to tell you where Reine and Rudeus are, you have to learn all of the healing magic incantations in this book."


"Na-ah-ah, no buts. You want to see them, do you?"


"Good, now start reading, and I might consider telling you about their whereabouts."

After talking to me, Mrs. Zenith exits the room and goes to assist the people lying on the beds in the other room.

Days turned into weeks, and my frustration grew. Mrs. Zenith hadn't yet shared any information about the whereabouts of Rudeus and Reine. Instead, each time I visited their home, I was met with something unexpected.

The next day of my visit, it was Mr. Paul, the father of the family appeared at the door. I asked him the same question I asked yesterday, hoping for a different response.

Instead, he scrutinized my swordsmanship. Apparently, he said my techniques had been sloppy when I had fought Reine before, and he saw it fit to refine my skills.

On the following day, It's Mrs. Lilia, the maid, who greeted me. I asked again but it was unanswered as she took it upon herself to instruct me in matters of etiquette and sophistication.

She believed that I needed to refine my manners before I could be considered worthy of meeting them again.

Eventually, I couldn't help but feel frustrated by these diversions.

All I wanted was to know where my dear friends were and if they were safe. Yet, each visit seemed to lead me further away from the answers I sought.

Despite my growing impatience, I continued to persevere, determined to prove my worth and gain the information I so desperately needed.


After a year and a half of perseverance, I had made significant progress. I managed to cast healing magic without incantation, honed my swordsmanship, and learned basic etiquette.

This time, I was positively sure that today was the day when I could finally ask about my friends' whereabouts. I quickly rushed towards the Greyrat residence, excited to learn the truth.

However, as I walked along the dirt road, I noticed a multitude of people in horse carriages passing through, their expressions filled with anxiety.

Curiosity and concern filled me, compelling me to continue walking toward my destination to find out what was happening.

Arriving at the Greyrat residence, I saw Mrs. Zenith and the maid packing their belongings into a horse-drawn carriage. I decided to approach them and inquire about the situation.

"Mrs. Zenith, Mrs. Lilia, why are you packing your things?" I asked curiously.

The two women looked at me with worried expressions, and Mrs. Zenith responded to my question. "We are leaving the village, Sylphy."

"But why? What's going on?" I asked again, my voice tinged with anxiety.

Mrs. Lilia stepped forward and explained, "Master Paul told us about an impending calamity, and we've been instructed to evacuate."

"Calamity?" I repeated, unfamiliar with the term.

"A mysterious anomaly was said to be hovering in the sky, dear Sylphiette," a voice called out behind me, answering my question. I turned around and found Mr. Paul along with my father, Rawls.

"Father!" I cried out as I approached him. "What's happening? I'm scared."

He patted my head and reassured me. "It's okay, dear. Everything will be fine. We just need to do what they are doing."

"But what about Rudeus and Reine? Where are they? Are they okay?" I managed to find the opportunity to ask what I had come here for.

I looked at my friends' father, waiting for him to answer. He scratched his head and reluctantly answered my question. "Well, they are fine, but they're currently busy somewhere."

"But where? Tell me, Mr. Paul. Where are they?" I pressed further, desperate to know their location.

Hearing this question, he frowned and looked at my father. "Rawls, I think it's time for you and your daughter to pack your stuff and evacuate as well."

"Of course, let's just meet up at the safe haven," my father responded to Mr. Paul's command, then he looked at me. "Come on, Sylphy. Let's go."

I was perplexed when my question went unanswered once again. "Wait, what about my question? You didn't answer it, Mr. Paul."

"Look, Sylphy. I know you're worried about Reine and Rudeus," he said empathetically. "But just like I said earlier, they are busy right now and you're not allowed to meet them."

"But why?" I persisted, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "Why can't I do it?"

Mr. Paul exchanged a somber look with my father before turning back to me. "Sylphy, there are circumstances... that prevent you from reuniting with Rudeus and Reine right now. Trust us, it's for their safety and yours."

"But father..."

"Please, Sylphy. You must understand."

".... Okay..."

I wanted to protest further, to demand a clearer explanation, but the urgency in their expressions convinced me to relent, at least for the time being.

With a heavy heart, I returned home with my father and met up with my mother. Each of us packed our belongings and climbed inside a vacant horse carriage.

The news of the impending calamity had spread through the village, creating a sense of urgency among its inhabitants.

As our carriage joined the departure of villagers making their way to the safe haven, I couldn't shake the worry that gnawed at my heart. I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of the calamity and the role my two friends played in it.

The journey to our destination was long and grueling. The path was fraught with uncertainty, and the weight of the unknown bore down on us all.

Yet, amidst the collective unease, there was a glimmer of hope that we would find safety on the other side.


Upon reaching the safe haven, I looked around at the weary faces of different people, each carrying their own burdens of fear and anticipation. We were all united by the shared goal of seeking refuge from the impending calamity.

We eventually reunited with the Greyrat family in their designated temporary shelter. Mr. Paul, Mrs. Zenith, and Mrs. Lilia greeted us with waves and smiles.

As we approached the three individuals, my father stepped forward and exchanged greetings with them. "Hello there, I'm relieved to see that you all made it."

"Likewise, Mr. Rawls. I'm glad you and your family were safe," Mrs. Zenith said, her voice reassuring and kind.

Mrs. Lilia then stepped forward and bowed gracefully. "You and your family must be tired from your journey. Would you like some tea?"

"That would be lovely. We could use some refreshment after that exhausting travel," my father agreed with her offer.

"Yeah, I hear you. It's been a bit challenging for us too, especially with these two youngsters in tow," Mr. Paul chimed in.

Upon his remark, I noticed two more figures shyly emerging from behind the three adults. If I recall correctly, their names are Norn and Aisha, the younger siblings of Rudeus and Reine.

I used to see them inside the Greyrat's residence whenever I visited their home. They usually checked on me whenever I was around.

Aisha, the younger sibling with maroon hair and a cute maid outfit, usually talked to me whenever Mrs. Lilia taught me about etiquette.

On the other hand, Norn, the older sibling with blonde hair, was somewhat reserved and cautious around me. She didn't talk much and seemed shy when approached.

I crouched down in front of the two girls and gave them a gentle smile. "Hello there, you two. How are you both doing?"

"We're doing well, Sister Sylphy," Aisha confidently replied, stepping forward and bowing gracefully.

I nodded, reassured that they're fine. "That's good to hear."

Meanwhile, Norn sheepishly approached and extended her hand towards me, showing a magic wand in her palm. It bore a striking resemblance to the one Rudeus had given to me.

"Where did you get that magic wand, Norn?" I asked gently, intrigued by the wand she was holding.

Norn hesitated a bit before admitting in a meek voice, "Mama gave it to me."

Hearing her answer, I turned to Mrs. Zenith for more information. She met my gaze and told me everything she knows about it.

"Ah yes, that wand was found under Reine's bed when we were packing our stuff," Mrs. Zenith explained. "I thought she might have forgotten it, so I decided to give it to Norn."

Understanding her explanation, I nodded and turned back to Norn. "Do you want to learn magic like your older siblings?"

Norn hesitated for a moment, her fingers gently tracing its surface. Her gaze shifted from the wand to me as if contemplating her response.

"I... I'm not sure," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Seeing her hesitation reminded me of myself when Reine introduced me to magic, so I decided to do the same thing for her little sibling.

"Hey Norn, do you want to see something cool?" I asked, echoing the words Reine had once used with me.

In response, she nodded sheepishly, her interest somewhat piqued. With that, I raised my hand and channeled my mana, causing a wind sphere to materialize in my open palm.

Norn's eyes widened with amazement as she watched the swirling wind sphere in my hand. Her initial shyness seemed to melt away, replaced by a spark of curiosity and wonder.

"Wow, so pretty!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at her reaction. It reminded me of the first time I had witnessed magic, under Reine's guidance.

Aisha, who had been watching with interest, looked at the wind sphere on my palm. "Wow, that's so cool. Hey, Sister Sylphy, can you teach us?"

"Watch your manners when asking, Aisha," Mrs. Lilia scolded, her voice stern.

Startled, Aisha flinched and lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Mother."

I couldn't help but smile at Aisha's enthusiasm despite her mother's scolding. It was clear that the younger siblings held a genuine curiosity for magic, much like Rudeus and Reine.

"It's alright, Aisha," I reassured her, then turned to Norn. "I'd be happy to show you both a few things about magic."

Their faces lit up with excitement, and they rushed toward their parents to ask for permission. Mr. Paul and Mrs. Zenith seemed to approve of the idea while Mrs. Lilia seemed hesitant at first but told Aisha to be careful.

Following our conversation, I began instructing Norn and Aisha in the art of chanting magic spells, all while their family and mine watched with smiles of encouragement.


Teaching Norn and Aisha magic became a daily routine during our stay in the safe haven. Their enthusiasm for learning was infectious, and I found great joy in watching them grow and discover the wonders of magic.

In the evenings, under the soft glow of lanterns, I would sit with the two sisters, guiding them through the intricacies of incantations and spellcasting.

Aisha, being a fast learner, was able to cast magic easily. On the other hand, Norn sometimes faced challenges in progressing with her magic, causing her to feel frustrated.

During those times, I would offer Norn some words of encouragement, just as Reine had done for me when I struggled with magic. I reminded her to never give up and keep practicing, despite the occasional setbacks.

As the days passed, the two sisters continued to practice their magic with different yet consistent phases. It was inspiring to witness their progress.

Meanwhile, my heart remained heavy with the absence of Rudeus and Reine. Despite the distraction of teaching, my thoughts often wandered back to them, wondering where they were and if they were safe.

I occasionally asked Mr. Paul about this matter, but every time I inquired, he would always tell me that they were busy and didn't share their location.

Frustrated by this, I persisted on asking for few more months, until one day, Mr. Paul finally gives in and decided to share some information with me.

After my magic practice with the sisters had concluded, he motioned for me to sit beside him. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the safe haven.

I eagerly took a seat, my heart pounding with anticipation. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the chance to learn about my best friends.

Mr. Paul sighed deeply, his expression somber. "Sylphiette, I know you've been patient and persistent in wanting to know about Rudeus and Reine. It's time I shared some information with you."

I nodded eagerly, my eyes fixed on his, waiting for the answers I had longed for.

"However, promise me first that you will not leave the safe haven and go after them, okay?" he declared, his voice filled with concern.

Nodding once again, I complied to his request. "Okay, Mr. Paul, I promise I won't run away."

"Good, now listen up. I'll tell you what I know," Mr. Paul continued. "Rudeus and Reine are currently at the citadel of Roa. They're busy with evacuating the people and creating some kind of protective barrier there."

My heart raced as Mr. Paul's words sank in. I couldn't help but imagine how hard they were working to save the people from whatever impending danger was threatening there.

The image of Rudeus and Reine, together, facing this monumental task filled me with both pride and worry.

"Thank you, Mr. Paul," I managed to say, my voice filled with gratitude. "But why couldn't you tell me this before? Why all the secrecy?"

"You see, your father originally told me to refrain from telling you the location because he feared that you would run away and go there without them knowing," Mr. Paul explained.

Hearing that, it made sense why my father would want to keep me from knowing the truth, as my impulsive nature might have led me to take reckless actions to reunite with my friends.

"Thank you for telling the truth, Mr. Paul," I said, my voice filled with a newfound sense of understanding. "I promise I won't do anything reckless. I just... I miss them so much."

Mr. Paul gave me a gentle smile, his eyes filled with a sense of paternal care. "I know you do, Sylphiette. They definitely miss you too, I'm sure of it."


Days passed, and I continued my routine in the safe haven, teaching Norn and Aisha while anxiously waiting for news about Rudeus and Reine.

One day, Mr. Paul came to me with important news. It was Rudeus and Reine's upcoming birthday. I was filled with both happiness and sadness because we couldn't celebrate it together due to our current situation. Leaving the safe haven was not allowed.

But then he shared something that sparked mixed emotions in me. I was told that Reine would be coming to the safe haven to escort the last batch of evacuating people from the citadel. This news filled me with immense joy and anticipation.

However, a question nagged at me, so I asked, "Mr. Paul, why isn't Rudeus coming with Reine?"

"Well," he began hesitantly, "I heard that he will be staying behind in the citadel."

My eyes widened, and a surge of concern and worry washed over me. "But why?!"

Mr. Paul explained that Rudeus was assigned to activate the protective barrier in the citadel, and his mana reservoir was crucial for sustaining the mechanism.

My heart sank as I realized the gravity of the situation. Rudeus was staying behind in the citadel, potentially putting himself in harm's way to protect the place. It was a selfless act, but it filled me with anxiety and fear for his safety.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something might go wrong, that the impending danger looming over Roa could pose a great threat to him. However, I also knew that I had promised not to do anything reckless, as Mr. Paul had requested.

As the days counted down to their birthday, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions - longing to see them, worry for Rudeus, and the anticipation of Reine's arrival.

So, in order to distract myself from these worries, I decided to create special trinkets as birthday presents, inspired by something my father used to have.

I carved two of these trinkets into woods and used my father's amulet as a guideline. The final product wasn't as good as the original, but at least I did my best to replicate it.

When the day of Reine's supposed arrival came, my heart raced with excitement and nervousness, hoping to see her and receive some news about Rudeus.

Heading towards the Greyrat's designated shelter, I clutched the two trinkets I had made, my heart filled with anticipation.

Arriving there, I gave the trinkets to Mrs. Lilia, who also have a present for them as well, which is a mysterious box. I tried asking what's inside and she just brushes it off by telling me it is a secret.

I left the Greyrat's shelter and head back home. However, as I was walking my way back, I sensed a presence following me. I turned around and saw a tall hooded figure with a strange white mask.

"W-who are you?" I asked nervously as I backed away from the mysterious masked figure.


The figure remained silent, steadily advancing toward me. An ominous sense of danger emanated from them, prompting me to run away.

However, the masked figure grabbed my hand and reached for the sword on their back. Was I about to get killed? No, I didn't want to die yet.

I squeezed my eyes shut, dread coursing through me as I waited for whatever might come next. But to my astonishment, I felt something being placed into my open palm.

Slowly, I dared to open my eyes, and there, I discovered a sword within my trembling hand. Confused by this, I looked at the masked figure and asked, "What is this for?"


The figure once again remained quiet. They turned their back on me before finally speaking. "You will need it, Sylphiette. This place is dangerous, and you should tell everyone to move out."

"Huh? But this is a safe haven," I argued, confused at the masked person's request. "How could this place be dangerous?"

"Because this is no safe haven," they said, looking back at me. "It's a trap."

My heart raced as their words sunk in. I couldn't comprehend the danger that surrounded us in a place that was meant to be our refuge. But one thing was clear - I needed to warn everyone about the danger immediately.



Suddenly, we heard the sound of someone screaming reverberating in the distance. The masked figure and I rushed towards the scene and found a bunch of dark hooded people with bladed weapons attacking people in the area.

Without hesitation, I gripped the sword the masked figure had given me and stood ready to defend myself and those around me.


In the face of imminent danger, the masked figure drew a second sword from their back. "Sylphiette, tell your family to move now. I will handle these attackers."

My heart raced as I nodded, fear gripping me tightly. Without another thought, I turned and sprinted back towards where my family and the other villagers were sheltered.

When I arrived at the shelter, chaos and panic filled the air. People were scrambling, trying to protect themselves and their loved ones.

My father was at the forefront of the struggle, using his bow to fend off the attackers while shielding my mother.

"Father! We need to move, now!" I shouted, running towards him.

He turned to me, eyes wide with concern, and nodded before turning back to mother. "Elysia, take Sylphiette and go. I'll cover you two."

"Of course, dear," mother agreed and took my hand. "Let's go, Sylphy."

We followed the stream of fleeing villagers, my heart pounding with fear and uncertainty. I couldn't help but look back, searching for the masked figure who had warned me, but they had vanished into the chaos.

Just then, a beam of light appeared from the sky. It struck the ground, seemingly destroying a city in the distance. My heart sank when I realized it was the place where Rudeus was, and devastation washed over me.

I clung to my mother, tears streaming down my face, knowing that my friends were there, and I had been unable to reach them. The masked figure's warning had saved us from a similar fate, but it was a bittersweet salvation.

However, the problem didn't stop there as more hooded figures appeared and lunged at us. I had no choice but to use the sword the masked figure had given to me and fend off these attackers.

With every swing and parry, I tried my best to protect my family and the other villagers, just as Rudeus and Reine had once protected me.

The fear and desperation fueled my determination to survive, but the uncertainty of what lay ahead was a heavy burden on my shoulders.

In the end, as I fought valiantly against the attackers, I failed to notice the expanding beam of light enveloping us all, and everything faded into darkness.

Volume end

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