
Mushoku Tensei: Angy

Angy, a lazy guy transmigrated in Mushoku Tensei, and he just want to live peacefully. How does that work out?

ZennyWry · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Chapter 6

(This will actually be AU, sorry but I can't keep track of the butterfly effect, any mistake on my part will just be considered AU)


I'm writing this Diary to keep track of things


A day have passed since we started our journey to get Norn to Paul, hopefully he won't be a drunk idiot like in the novel when we find him, because I definitely won't give Norn to him

Though it's only been a day I've grown fond on Norn she's quiet, doesn't ask many question doesn't whine and isn't annoying

Exactly what I like, though it might only be because she's scared

I'm trying to get her to open up to me more, though I wouldn't like it if she turned annoying after, but based on what she's showing now there's a high chance she won't


It's been a month since I last wrote, Norn opened up to me more, enough to let me carry her in my back, and that's good progress, considering the first week she didn't even seem like she trusted me

And now she doesn't want to walk herself and always wants me to carry her, oh boy I hope she won't turn annoying, which she isn't in fact I like to keep her close to protect her, and carrying her is easy she isn't heavy

Though my body is small I can probably carry her one hand


Well, it's been a year

Norn and I started getting closer to the point that I probably wouldn't mind if she got a little annoying, still just a little

She started asking me questions and sharing things about herself

It improve to the point that she will whine if she doesn't like the food

All we eat it fruits, bread I packed, and yes I preserved it using magic, we also eat animals we sometimes come across


Months after the last time I wrote

We found a bird, a giant one it was black in color, it's beak , feather, eyes and even it's talons are black

It was bleeding, and Norn thought it was cute so She made me heal it

Yes our relationship got to the point that she demands things, and it wasn't troublesome, at least not yet, and I hope it will never be

For some reason though, the bird wasn't hostile, or maybe it was never supposed to be, she got attached to us,

We found out it was a girl and Norn decided to name it "Ella" but not after going through 100 names before getting to it

Ella was actually a great help, she was big enough to let us get on her back and strong enough to fly us


Because of Ella flying us we actually got to The adventurer's guild In the Milis Continent in just 2 months

It took us about One and a Half year, I guess half a year more till Rudeus comes

(End of the Diary [POV/Whatever this can be Called])

"What are you writing" asked Norn sitting beside me

"It's a diary Princess, you use it to keep track of things or just write your experience however you want"

"Can you show me?"


"Why not?" asked Norn pouting

"Diaries are personal items, usually the writer wouldn't want anyone to read it" I answered

Norn acted cute thinking I will let her, but no, I gained immunity to it after almost 2 years of traveling together

"Stop that Princess that doesn't work on me anymore" I said as I pinched her cheek

"Hey stop doing that" I let go, but not after flicking her forehead as she was left with a red cheek

"We might be able to find Paul now it's been 3 days since we arrived let's start searching"

I said trying to lighten up her mood, and it definitely worked

"Really!? You think so?" She asked cheerfully

"Yes I think I know where he is" I said as I patted her head, but was stopped when she suddenly jumped on me and hugged me

"Thank You!" She said sobbing into my clothes

"Don't worry, it's why we came here" I said patting her back

She looked up at me, kissed me in the cheek and blushed a little by what she did

"Ah well that was a nice reward, specially because it's came from you Princess" I said as I once again pinched her cheeks, but this time she didn't complain, only her face gaining a more darker red

I smiled at this thinking 'too cute' before carrying her and putting her at my back

She didn't get surprised as I always did this she got used to it

The two of us ... or three including the shrunkened Ella, she was in Norn's bag which I specifically made for her to fit perfectly, went out with Norn still in my back and Ella in her bag and started to look