
So You're Saying There's a Chance!

I spent the next couple hours scouring the city. My strategy was to perform a bar crawl across each tavern and ask around if anyone has seen Laws or his group. Paul was checking each Inn to try and find the place Laws was staying at.

Not surprisingly, most of the gossip I overheard revolved around something big happening during Princess Aurora's wedding. News of her turning to stone hadn't seemed to reach the common populace, but there were several rumors floating around about what actually happened.

Some people claimed that her wedding was crashed by an assassination attempt, others said a fight broke out involving foreign nobility. I even heard a rumor that the headripping prince had killed her and was thrown in jail. I forgot how terrible Zanoba's reputation was around here.

Unfortunately, with Aurora's wedding on everyone's mind, nobody seemed interested in talking to me about some traveling search group. Those who bothered to respond to me were generally curt with their responses and nobody I asked said they'd seen or heard anything about them.

Once it started getting dark out, I made my way back to our Inn. Hopefully Paul had better luck than I did.

***** Paul's POV *****

While Rudy was asking around at all the taverns, I did so at the Inns. When I led the search group, the first thing we always did when we reached a new city or town was stop by the local Inns to secure housing. I knew that wherever they were staying, the room was most likely rented out in Laws' name.

Sadly, I wasn't having much luck so far. I've already covered all the Inns on the southern half of the city. It was starting to get a little dark out, so I decided that after this Inn, I'll have to head back to meet with Rudy and we'll continue the search tomorrow.

I opened the door to the Dragon's Reach Inn and walked up to the clerk.

"Hello. Welcome to Dragon's Reach Inn. How can I help you."

"I'm looking for a good friend of mine, he came to Shirone ahead of me. Could you please check if you have any rooms rented out to a man named 'Laws'?"

"Of course, sir. Give me a moment."

The clerk knelt down under the counter and pulled out a small ledger and proceeded to comb through the pages.

"I'm afraid not, sir. Will there be anything else you need?"

"No. Thank you for your help."

That's how it's been going all day. A quick question to the clerk or receptionist, they check their books and I'm out of luck. I'm beginning to question if Laws' group was even still in Shirone. What if they already moved on from here?

I was taking the main road back to our Inn, and just when I was beginning to think we might be wasting our time, I spotted something from the corner of my eye.

"B-Bragg!? Is that you?"

The man turned around with obvious shock on his face. Sure enough, it was Bragg! For some reason though, he was dressed in a soldier's uniform and was walking alongside a fellow soldier.

"Paul? What are you doing here!?"

"I've come to pick up Laws. We managed to find my son, Rudeus, so I thought he would like to come with us and return to his family in Sharia."

"Ah. I see."

For some reason, Bragg looked down in shame as he said those words.

"Did something happen to Laws?"

"Listen, Paul. You're better off just heading back home with your boy. Forget about Laws."

"What was that!?" I couldn't control my anger as I shouted those words. Forget about Laws? How could he say such a thing! Did he forget all that Laws has done for him over this past year!?

Bragg jumped back in surprise at my anger, but neither he nor the other soldier grabbed for their weapon. In fact, the other soldier was looking away in shame as well.

'Ok, calm down', I told myself. 'They clearly aren't trying to pick a fight.'

"Please, just tell me where Laws is. Did something happen to him?"

"I'm sorry, Paul. I can't say. It's for Laws' own good."

As Bragg said that, he turned away along with his partner and they fled back towards the Royal Palace.

"Stop!", I yelled as I cut them off.

Bragg and his partner both came to a sudden halt with scared looks on their faces, and moments later I heard a loud whistle. I turned around to see another small group of guards further down the road. One of them had just blown his whistle and the others were pointing at me and shouting.

I reached for my sword, ready for a fight, but Bragg grabbed my arm from behind to stop me.

"No, Paul! Please don't! You're just going to get Laws killed!"

I let go of my weapon when I heard that. "Then what am I supposed to do!?"

"Just take your boy and leave. There's nothing you can do. Now run! Before you get completely surrounded!"

"Aaahh!" I yelled out in frustration, but in the end decided to heed his warning. I ran down an alleyway and quickly got out of sight. From there I made my way back to our Inn. Hopefully Rudy and I can come up with a plan. At least what Bragg said implies that Laws is still alive.

***** Rudeus' POV *****

The moment I opened the door to our room at the Inn, my eye of foresight warned me of an incoming attack. I immediately dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding being tackled to the ground by Princess Aurora. Evidently she had lunged in for an embrace right when she saw me, but instead found herself on the ground beside my feet.

"How cruel! How could you shun your bride to be like that after leaving me all alone for half the day!"

"Sorry, Princess. Are you alright? Are you in need of any healing magic?"

"Hmmf! No... I'm fine. Please, no need for formalities. Call me Aurora."

"Very well, Aurora, but from now on, please refrain from diving at me right when I enter a room."

"Is it not natural for a wife to greet her husband after a long day at work?"

"First off, we're not married. Second, even if we were, it's dangerous to lunge at someone out of nowhere like that. One of us could get hurt!"

"... You're right. I apologize. It's just... after everything that has happened today... being left all alone in a room when the whole city must be looking for me... I'm sorry, I was just so happy to see you!"

The poor girl looked like she was about to cry. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She's right. After everything she's been through today, I should have been kinder, even if I'm not inclined to marry her.

"Come on then." I reached out my arms for an embrace. Aurora excitedly took me up on my offer and hugged me tightly. I could feel her tears rolling off her cheeks onto my shoulder as she squeezed me.

"I'm so glad you're back, my beloved."

'Ugh... I need to convince her that we're not a couple like she thinks. I need to tell her I already love somebody else... but that can wait for tomorrow. With everything she's been through, I'll give her one day.'

At that point, the door flew back open; Paul rushed inside and slammed it back shut. He turned and looked at Aurora and I, before the corner of his mouth raised in a small smile.

"You warn me you'll tell Zenith about me, and this is how I find you? Maybe I should tell Sylphy!", he said with a teasing smile.

Aurora let go of me and gave me an accusatory glare before questioning "Who's this Sylphy!?"

'Ugh. Nice going Paul. So much for giving her a day of peace.'

"She is a childhood friend of mine. I intend to ask her to marry me one day."

Aurora's face went pale as she just stood there for a moment, mouth agape.

"H-How? How could you! You cannot take a second wife! Milis strictly forbids it!"

"We're not married!", I shouted in exasperation. "I've known Sylphy for many years and I've only just met you. I don't mean to hurt your feelings Aurora, but I can't accept that we are 'Destined to be married' out of the blue like that just because you say so!"

Aurora went silent for a moment. She didn't know what to say. But then, after steeling her resolve, she clenched her fist and answered, "I'll just have to prove it to you then!"


"I'll prove to you that we are meant to be together! You said you plan to ask for this Sylphy's hand in marriage one day! Well that means I still have time! I will prove to you before then that you are meant to be with me!"

'Oh god...', I thought as I reached up to massage my forehead. I was beginning to get a headache right between the eyes.

"At the risk of getting between your lovers quarrel, there is something urgent we need to talk about", Paul interrupted.

"Did you find Laws?", I asked, happy for the change of topic.

"No, but I found another member of our search party, Bragg. Something weird is going on. He seemed like he was employed as one of the city's soldiers, and when I asked him about Laws, he looked as though he was ashamed and told me to drop the subject and just leave town. That's not like him at all. I think Laws might be in some sort of trouble."

"Ah. This sounds familiar. I think I know what's going on."