
Mushoku Tensei - A Second Chance

***SPOILERS for Mushoku Tensei anime watchers*** This fan-fic will contain heavy spoilers for any anime-only fan of Mushoku Tensei. You have been warned. This story considers what may have happened if the Rudeus from the future had been successful in his attempt at time travel. What if Rudeus' attempt at time travel had resulted in him traveling back into the body of his younger self? After researching time travel with the help of Perugius and Nanahoshi, Rudeus makes his attempt only to find himself opening his eyes to see Paul and Zenith doting over their newborn son. Rudeus is essentially given a second chance at life in this world starting with all the knowledge he had accrued. Will he be able to protect his family this time around? Please note this is my first attempt at writing of any sort. I would honestly appreciate any critiques and advice. I don't mind criticism, but please be kind about it.

Coolex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
120 Chs

Close Encounter

***** Eris' POV *****

We ran all throughout the night and have now continued even into the day. Even after using such absurd magic, Rudeus doesn't show a hint of fatigue. He really is amazing.

I really wish that I would have changed before coming here. I don't know how much longer I can keep running in this skirt. No... I can't think like that. I forced Rudeus to take me with him. I can't allow myself to hold him back.

Suddenly Rudeus stopped.

"Are we taking a break?"

"Phew!", Rudeus exhaled loudly after removing his helmet. "Yeah. I want to keep going, but I'm at my limit."

'Oh thank God!'

I wouldn't let him see it on my face, but I was approaching my limit too.

"Wait there for a moment. I'll make something to shelter us from the heat."

After saying so, Rudeus turned and reached his hand out in front of us. Stone walls rose up from the sand and shaped themselves into a simple building enclosed on all sides with a small cutout for a door. The spell reminded me of the enclosure Sylphiette made around us during Rudeus' duel with Gal. Rudeus' shelter was much more refined and detailed, but then again, Sylphiette was probably in a rush to protect us from the storm.

Rudeus welcomed me inside the newly constructed building. The soft desert sand was replaced with a sturdy stone floor. The air inside was comfortable; it was as if we were back in his home in Sharia. He must have cast another spell of some kind to lower the temperature. Is there anything he can't do?

As I marveled at the convenience of being able to conjure temporary lodging like this at a moment's notice, Rudeus pulled a cup of water out of thin air and handed it to me.

"Here. Take a drink."

The water was cool and refreshing. I needed more. He refilled the cup with a smile.

After a short while, Rudeus got up and conjured up a bathtub in the back of the shelter and filled it with water.

"Cool yourself off and put these on."

He tossed me some of his clothes from the traveling gear he always brings with him.

"I know these are men's clothes, but it can't be comfortable to keep running in that."

'Rudeus is a life-saver... I really needed this. I just hope he didn't give me his only spare set of clothes. I'm sure he's gotten all sweaty as well...'

Immediately I began undoing the top buttons of my shirt. I couldn't wait to get out of these sweaty clothes and clean off! Rudeus summoned a stone wall between us to separate the building into two rooms.

I knew Rudeus wouldn't try to peek anyway, but part of me was a little sad that he summoned that wall.

After undressing, I stepped into the cool water in the bathtub and began to rub the sweat off my skin, starting with my arms and legs. It felt so good to finally be able to clean myself off... It was so refreshing that I wanted to just lay back and fall asleep in the bath.

My relaxation was short lived, however, as a hideous smell began wafting through the air. It had to be the worst thing I've ever smelled. It was like stepping into a room filled with rotting monster entrails.

"Bleh! What is THAT smell!?", I couldn't help but yell out.

No response... What is going on? Did something happen? Is Rudeus alright? The only explanation was a monster attack. I know Rudeus can handle himself, but the eerie silence had me worried.

I got up from the bath and peeked around the side of the wall. What I saw horrified me.

A freakish looking monster with pale blue skin and long claws stood in the doorway. Its body vaguely resembled that of a human woman, but it also had large bat-like wings and its face looked more bat-like than human.

What's worse, Rudeus was stripped of his special armor and was staring directly at me, seemingly completely unaware of the monster right behind him!

"Rudeus! Behind you!", I shouted.

My plea fell on deaf ears.

"Oho? You couldn't wait for me to join you in the bath? Let's do it right here! I've been holding myself back for too long!"

'Huh!?', for a moment I stood there in shock, trying to digest the words that Rudeus just said to me. The monster snapped me back to reality though, as I saw it step into the room and approach Rudeus from behind.

Without a second thought, I charged straight for the creature. It's hand was outstretched mere inches from Rudeus' shoulder when I tackled it to the ground.


The monster yelled out a high pitched shriek as I pinned it to the ground. It swiped its long claws my way but I managed to catch both of its wrists in my hand and held it down in place.

"Woah! Where did you come from!?", Rudeus yelled out in surprise. "Don't start without me, hehe. I want in on the fun!"

While the monster writhed on the ground trying to free itself from my grasp, Rudeus tore off his shirt which was already unbuttoned for some reason and then started pulling down his pants.

"You idiot! Get me my sword!"

"I've got your sword all primed and ready!", he said while continuing to disrobe.

"What are you doing! Help me kill this monster already!"

"Now, now, there's no need to fight over me. I've got plenty of love to go around."

I don't know what's gotten into Rudeus, but it was clear that he was going to be no help at all. I had to take care of this on my own.


I reared back my head and slammed it into the creature with all the force I could muster. It shrieked in pain. Using the opportunity, I hopped off the creature and ran towards the other side of the room where I had left my sword on the ground beside my clothing.

By the time I had grabbed my sword and ran back into the main room, Rudeus had finished disrobing and was standing beside the monster, staring down at it. The monster seemed to have recovered from my headbutt and was trying to get back up.


In one fluid motion, I unsheathed my blade and sent the creature's head flying before it could even finish standing up. Its body plopped back onto the ground with a thud.

Rudeus didn't say a word. He just stared down at the body of the monster with shock written on his face.

"Wake up already you idiot!"

"Wha-? Oh, um... yeah?"

The two of us stood there for a couple seconds in silence, both of us completely naked and confused with a monster's corpse laying on the ground beside us. Rudeus was the one to finally break the silence.

"You... I've always thought you had a really nice body, you know."

A little embarrassed, I couldn't help but cover myself with my hands. This wasn't right... but at the same time I felt happy.

"Don't you have Sylphiette at home? What would she think?"

"Hey, what she doesn't know can't hurt her!", He responded with a devious smile. Now that I look, it was obvious to see that Rudeus was aroused.

"This... We can't... not right now..."

"What do you mean? Now's the perfect time. Nobody is around for miles. You can't tell me you don't want this too!"

Rudeus walked towards me. I backed away as he approached until my back hit the wall. Rudeus put his arms against the wall on both sides of me. He stared down into my face. We were mere inches apart.

"But what about Roxy?"

Rudeus' eyes went wide and his expression went blank. He blinked a couple times before finally taking his hands off the wall releasing me. He stepped back a couple times before stumbling to the ground.

He reached both hands up to his face and they began to emit a yellow glow. The expression on his face turned mournful.

"I... I'm sorry", he said as a tear formed in the corner of his eye.

"No... It's alright."

"It's not alright!", he yelled as he slammed his fist on the ground. "For all I know, Roxy could be clinging to her life by a thread and here I am trying to take advantage of you in such a vulnerable state."

"You weren't taking advantage of me."

"If she were to die... I could never forgive myself... This is all my fault..."

Rudeus broke down into tears as he covered both of his eyes and turned his head trying to hide his face from me.

I knelt down beside him and gave him a hug.

"It's not your fault. You're doing everything you possibly can to save her. Roxy will be fine. I'm certain of it."

"You don't understand", *Sniffle* "You don't know what he's capable of."

"I've never met Roxy, but any mage who is able to earn your respect has got to be top class. There's no way she'd let something like a Labyrinth defeat her. Trust me. Roxy will be fine."

Rudeus continued to cry as he sat there on the ground for several minutes while I held him in my arms.

"I'm sorry", he said once again.

"You've nothing to be sorry for."

"That monster. It was a Succubus... They are my natural weakness."

A Succubus? I've never heard of that type of monster. If it's Rudeus' natural weakness then perhaps it is completely immune to magic.

"Thank you", Rudeus said as he looked up at me with a smile finally returning to his face. "You really saved me back there. I would have been doomed without you."

The blood rushed to my face as I felt myself fill with indescribable warmth.

'Rudeus DOES need me after all'