
The Station pt.2

Austin saw Jackson and Jackson saw Austin they were having a wonderful conversation. Evaline and Jacob were having a Conversation same with Dill and Christy and Nathan and Aria, Danielle, Nicole, and I were also having a conversation when the conductor said

"All aboard the Dallas Express where it only goes to Dallas and back,"

"Well that's us," I said. The eleven of us got on the train to go to Dallas and no one else was going to Dallas which was quite odd. there was a dining car, a car for rooms to sleep in.

"Any questions before we start the train?" The conductor asked,

"Yes, when does the train stop?" Danielle asked.

"Only if we run out of fuel for the train." The conductor said.

"I also have a question, how long will this trip be?" I asked.

"The trip will be about a week-long." The conductor said.

The eleven friends each choose their rooms Jayden was in A1, Christy in A2, Aria in A3, Nathan in A4, Jackson in A5, Dill in A6, Austin in B1, Jacob in B2, Nicole in B3, Evaline in B4, and Danielle in B5. They all put their suitcases in their rooms and went to the dining car and got some food for their long trip ahead.