
The Murder at Midnight

The eleven of us were done eating after a short time and we all said our goodnights. The train suddenly lurched to a stop waking everyone who was asleep and the lights flickered for a short while until they completely stopped working. Nicole, Danielle, Aria, and I all walked to Christy's room and hung out there until the train started again. After a little while in the dark, the lights flickered back on and the train lurched to life. everyone went back to their rooms and slept peacefully until the next morning. After everyone was awake they all went to the dining car. "Wait someone isn't here..." Danielle said.

"Your right... Oh my god wheres, Austin!?" Jackson said.

"Did anyone see him come out of his room?" I asked.

"No, I don't think he even left his room the entire night," Aria said.

"Well, why don't we go check his room," I said.

"Oh my god, He's dead!!" Christy said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked. Christy pointed at the glass on the seat across from where Austin was sitting.

"Ok, we don't know what that is but you guys stay here and don't touch anything I will be right back," I said and ran over to my room and grabbed gloves so I didn't contaminate the crime scene I also grabbed gloves for everyone else.

"What are these for?" Nicole asked.

"It's so you don't contaminate the scene," I said. Christy picked up the vial

"yup, this is poison," she said. I took the cup that had some cider in it and spilled some on the floor

"Pretty soon ants will come and if the drink is poisoned the ants will die." I said. Sure enough, ants came, drank a bit, and died immediately after.

"So we all know how Austin died." Aria said,

"What's next?" Danielle asked.

"Next step, interrogations," Jayden said. First was Aria, "What do you hate about Austin?" Jayden asked.

"Nothing, he was a great guy I don't know why he was murdered," Aria said. The second was Christy.

"What do you hate about Austin?" Jayden asked.

"I didn't hate anything about him," Christy said. The third was Nicole.

"Eh he was ok... he stole my toothbrush though," Nicole said. Danielle

"He used to be my best friend until he literally took my phone and threw it at the ground after I texted a guy... Then again he did me a favor I needed a new phone." Jackson

"How dare you accuse me of murdering my best friend I would never in my entire life," Jacob. "Uh, Austin whos Austin... Oh right the guy who died sorry brain fart I barely even knew the guy He stole the room that I wanted though."

"Ok, I have my accusations to whom I believe it is. If I say your name you are someone who has a motive to kill Austin. Jacob, Danielle, Nicole, Dill, Nathan, and Evaline. So Aria, Christy, and Jackson none of you guys had motives to kill Austin." I said.

"Ok then we must keep an eye on all of them," Jackson said.