
The Great Disgusting Murder

"Jackson where have you been?" Dill asked. "Sorry I had to use the bathroom... Dairy doesn't agree with me." Jackson said. Evaline, Christy, me, and Aria were sitting at a booth and the server lady walked by and asked what they wanted. "I would like the cinnamon roll please," Christy said. "The salad please," I said. "I would like the salad too please," Evaline said. "Oh my all of this stuff looks so good, I would like the burger though," Aria said, "Hey guys, isn't that how Danielle died with the salsa and chips!" Evaline yelled jokingly across the room. the 4 of them set down their chip on the table. "Ha, that's hilarious," Aria said. "I still can't believe that they thought I killed my best friend, also I loved Danielle she was amazing I was just wondering who would agree with me and it turns out everyone did," Evaline said. "I think Nicole just agreed with you because you two are... were best friends," Christy said. The lights went out "Holy moly, who controls these things!?" Christy said. "Usually the train lurches and stops this time it's still going but the lights are just out," Aria said. "Huh, strange," I said. The lights flickered back on. "Oh, hey they're back on," Christy said. "Evaline!" I screamed. "What!?" Evaline said back. "You... just... ate-" "What did I just eat!?" Evaline asked. "Flesh-eating... slugs," I said. Christy fainted and Evaline fell to the floor being eaten from the inside by slugs, "Oh my god!" Jackson yelled. "Evaline!" Aria said in a panic. Dill and Nathan gasped. and Jacob was staring at Evaline amazed at how fast the slugs ate someone. "Christy... are you still alive?" Aria asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Christy said. "But Evaline isn't," I said. Evaline's stomach was ripped open by the slugs and they ate almost all of the skin around the stomach area. Jackson screamed. "Kill it! Kill it!" "What are you screaming about!?" Nathan said. "There's a slug chasing me, and it's really fast!" Jackson said. the server came in and squished all of the slugs. "What happened here!?" She said. "Well, Danielle died two nights ago and Evaline just died from flesh-eating slugs," Christy said. "There are still 3 people it can be... Jacob, Dill, and Nathan." I said. "It could be any of them," Jackson said.