
Murder in room A6

"This really is an amazing 1980s themed train," Aria said. "I know," Christy said. "How is it that whenever someone is going to get murdered the lights go out and the train usually stops?" Jackson said. "I don't know but it is certainly strange that the lights go out and the train usually stops," I said. "And isn't it a bit odd that there isn't anyone else on this train except us?" Dill said. "Huh, that's weird," Christy said as she was looking out the window. "What is?" Aria asked. "That tree has no branches on it... in fact, none of them have branches on them," Christy said. "Huh, that is weird," Aria said. "Oh my gosh, this view is amazing!" I said. "Well... I'm tired I'm going to go take a nap." Dill said. "Uh oh..." Jackson said. "What?" Christy asked. "It's happening again..." Jackson said. "What? What is happening again!?" I asked. "You know how I said. Dairy doesn't agree with me?" Jackson asked. "Yeah," I said. "Well, I have to go to the bathroom again... Sorry bye," Jackson said as he ran to the bathroom. "Wait where's Jacob?" Nathan asked. "I don't know, did he say where he was going?" I asked. "I think he said he was going to go sit in his room and read a book," Christy said. Someone screamed. "Was that Jackson, Dill, or Jacob?" Aria asked. "That didn't sound like a Jackson scream," I said. "Nor a Jacob scream," Nathan said. "Oh my god, if what I think happened to Dill happened to him, I'm going to be so upset," Christy said. "Well, what do you think happened?" Nathan asked. "I think... he was murdered," Christy said and she started tearing up. Aria scooted over to christy and hugged her. "It's going to be ok," Aria said. "Aria you stay here with christy and Nathan and I are going to go check on Dill, we will be right back," I said. "Oh my lord, Christy was right... he was murdered... but, by who?" Nathan said. "Well, the only people that came down here was Jackson because the bathroom is right there," I said as I pointed to the bathroom at the end of the car. "And, Jacob he said he was reading his book, and his room is over there," Nathan said as he pointed to Jacobs' room at the other end of the car. "So, it only makes sense that, one of them is the Murderer," I said. "And you and I know that Aria and Christy would never kill anyone mostly because Christy can barely chop celery," Nathan said. "Yeah, I gave her a bread knife to cut the celery... She still couldn't chop it up though." I said. They walked back to the diner car and Jackson came out of the bathroom and sat on a booth. Nathan walked over to Jacob's room and knocked on his door and told him to come to the diner car. "Ok, I have some good news and some bad news..." I said. "Where's Dill!?" Christy said still teary-eyed. "That's the bad news... his throat was cut," I said. "What!?" Christy said and started sobbing again. "And what's the good news?" Aria asked. "We have gotten closer to finding out who the murderer is," I said. "The people who we think could be the murderer is Jackson or Jacob," Nathan said. "I was in the bathroom though," Jackson said. "And when you knocked on my door I was just putting my book away because I was heading to the diner car to get some food," Jacob said. "Well, now is the time for motives," Oliva said. "Dill was... nice, Just kidding he was really rude to me and I don't understand why," Jackson said. "Dill... He did steal MY other book he also stole MY toothbrush and used MY suitcase," Jacob said. "Great, I was hoping that those motives would've shown who the murderer was," Nathan said.