
Death was Called

"We, still have no clue who the murderer could be," Aria said. "Just stay away from both Jackson and Jacob," Nathan said. "Yeah, we probably should," I said. "Honestly, I don't even know why you guys even think it was me... I was literally pooping." Jackson said. "Still, Well I'm going to go to my room and try to sleep through the night," I said. "I'm going to go too," Aria said. "Yeah, me too," Christy said. "Same with me," Jackson said. "I'm going to stay behind and help clean up the diner car," Nathan said. "You don't mind if I help you do you, Nathan?" Jacob asked. "No, not at all," Nathan said. "Well good night, we arrive in Dallas tomorrow," I said. "Good night," Nathan and Jacob said. Everyone except for Nathan and Jacob went to bed and turned off their lights. "Good night Christy," Aria said. "Good night Aria," Christy said back across the hall. They slept until they heard a scream which woke them immediately. Jacob came running down the hall. "Jay!" Jacob said. "Yeah?" I said drowsily. "Come quickly there has been another murder," Jacob said. I got up and went to wake up the girls while Jacob went to wake up Jackson. "Aria, Christy, there was another murder... and you'll never guess who," I said. "No... it can't be." Aria said. "Yes," I said. Me, Jackson, Jacob, Aria, and Christy went to the diner to see what happened... and there was Nathan laying on the ground with a knife in his stomach. "Oh... my... god," Jackson said. "I'm pretty sure we all know who it is," I said. "Who?" Christy asked. "Jacob," I said. "How is it me?" Jacob said. "Think about it... You were the only one near Nathan you both were cleaning up the diner." I said. "Yes... but what about the other murders?" Jacob said. "Austin stole the room you wanted so you decided to kill him. You agreed with Evaline when she said she hated Danielle. You were on the opposite side of the table when Nicole was shot. You were surprisingly amazed by the slugs when Evaline was being eaten. Dill apparently stole all of your stuff but last I checked you had your other book and roommates are supposed to share things with each other unless it's your personal thing." I said.