
Chapter 5 - SCUMBAG


The detective opened a file and looked up at me. I was quiet and I was starving. I wanted nothing more than to eat and get this thing over with.

"You have an impressive track record Ms.Adams. You just transferred to the school 6 months ago and managed to secure yourself in the top leagues of the school." He smiled to himself. I managed a half smile.

"I heard rumors that it was a suicide, Officer." I said looking up at him.

" If it was ruled out as a suicide, why am I here." I paused as something clicked. "Unless, it wasn't...?"

The detective smiled at me. A knowing smile. "Huh, as expected of an Alpha Elite. Smart ones you guys are."

He leaned back and cockily folded his arms.

"Indeed. It's not a suicide. Mr. Adu was murdered."

I stared back at him at a loss for words.

"He was....murdered??"

"Yes. I can't disclose the full details of the autopsy. Well not yet at least. But yes, it's a homicide and we are treating it as such. Now," he leaned closer from across the table giving me that cocky smile.

What was his deal really?! I thought to myself. I wanted nothing more than to smack that stupid grin off his face.

"Can you tell us your whereabouts on the day before the incident. Leave nothing out. No matter how insignificant it might be."

I gave him a confused smirk and said.

"O..kay. Well. It was a busy day. Lots of preparations were going on at the school. Woke up. Did chores. Since I am a Day student, I took the school bus to school. Went to class. Then I went for a meeting with the SRC to plan for the upcoming Games Week for the school. But was told that I would have to stay the night as it wasn't something we would finish that day. And thus, the SRC council and I spent the entire night at the school library. The next day, on my way home, we saw the principal...dead."

There was silence, except for that annoying fan and the tapping of the Officer's finger on the table as he looked at me. I looked back at him too. Totally calm and relaxed. The tears from earlier had dried on my face.

He wasn't saying anything. Just deep in thought.

"Soo..." I edged him.

He blinked. Well, your version checks out the timeline. No suspicions there." He said as he sat straight and turned another page in the file.

"Say, can I ask something. You spoke so highly of Mr.Adu earlier. However," I sensed the tone in his voice change. It turned dark. "Alot of people tend to disagree on that matter. He seemed to have alot of enemies especially amongst the student body."

"Yeah. I did hear alot of teachers complain about him though. Some even called him an 'asshole'. " I giggled. " But he did treat me nicely. So he seemed nice to me. But if I'm being honest with you..."

Now it was my turn to lean in. "He truly was...a SCUMBAG."

The officer smirked amused. "My my, and the plot thickens. "

I flashed him a smile back.

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