
007 Mr. Stewart

Nathan couldn't focus on the relaxed weekend he planned for himself, he kept flashing back to the exact moment he saw her again!!! He was plain angry especially at how he wasn't in control of himself, his heart kept beating fast whenever he remembered how she looked. She didn't change a bit, she was still as beautiful as ever... then he remembered their last night together and felt tingling inside. He was shocked at how Audrey has been working under him for 3weeks and he didn't even know!!! Immediately, he remembered she left him for another man and his heart sinked... maybe she moved because of him, maybe they're married now, maybe... he immediately snapped himself back to reality and promised to know everything that's worth knowing.


Audrey was sad to be back to Los Angeles, the weekend went by too fast she wished she could spend more time with Zane... she was glad he'll come live with her soon then she'll not feel lonely any more. Mondays were always very busy days for her, burying herself in her work, she was interrupted by her supervisor.

Mr. William. 'I have a new assignment for you' paused and looked around like he misplaced treasured item... 'go to the 18th floor, Mr. Nathan Stewart office, you're assigned to assist him with a case'

Audrey. Nervously 'ok, ermmm... what do I tell him when....'

Mr. William. Impatiently 'he personally requested for you so meet him.... any reasonable question?"

Audrey. Smiled weakly 'none, thanks sir.'

Audrey felt like she already had enough work load on her to want to take on more responsibilities, she reluctantly started trying to tidy up her table before leaving...

Mr. William. Iritated 'Leave everything you're doing, Miss. Rachel will sort them out... you've been assigned to Mr. Nathan it's a very simple order Miss!!!'

Audrey. A little scared 'I'm sorry, I'll go meet him now' She left feeling scared.

On her way to the elevator, Audrey couldn't help thinking about where she was assigned to, although she started working in the firm not too long ago but she has heard more than enough when it came to Mr. Nathan... she wished someone could call her back and tell her it was a joke... she was surprised at how quick she was already at his office... she paused for a little while and knocked, she heard a faint voice from inside asking her to enter....

Entering the office she saw a good looking man, standing and staring outside his window, the view was beautiful she couldn't help but commend his dress sense the view she saw was like that from a painting. Although she could only see his back, she knew his a beauty and hoped he'll not be half as bad as she's heard...

Audrey. Trying to mount confidence 'Good morning

Mr. Stewart, I was sent from the paralegal department...'

Nathan. Turning to face her... 'call me Nathan, my father is Mr. Stewart...'

Audrey. couldn't hold her surprise 'Nat??? What are you doing here?' She couldn't control herself, her head was aching, her heart beating fast and tears was streaming down her cheek... she gathered the last strength she had 'I'm so sorry Mr. Stewart, I don't feel so good... excuse me.' She didn't wait to hear his reply she just ran out of his office.