

An explorer,a young ,bold,pretty explorer gets wrapped in a situation that was inevitable if it didn't happen then it had to happen someday in one way or the other .This was her fate, he was her fate ,there was no denying that . Even before she had been born he fate was sealed,her life would take the same turn as before ,it would be influenced with the same people as before ,not very nice people ,I presume. Iris ,the explorer is a charming lady that enables to charm an old ancient Pharaoh,a dead ancient Pharaoh,a mummy preserved for thousands of years ,a mummy found in the long forgotten buried city ,mummy yes but handsome too.You would think he would be old and rotten ,smelly flesh but no he wasn't all that,but this Pharaoh is either stupid ,has his brains fried,or has no brain at all ,Why wouldn't he stop calling her a name that didn't belong to her ?and to add on that he seems to be bipolar. One moment he is dotting and loving and then the next he is filled with rage ,anger deep regret all this directed to her . sometimes she wished she could take him back to where she found him. Iris is confused by him.He has influenced her emotions her mind at great levels,heart aches ,headaches too .Why her? Why?but the pain she feels is beyond more than that she had caused to the man who came back to life ,his intentions unclear ,was he here to destroy her? exact revenge? was he here to love her dearly? forget about the past? move on ? Acknowledge the fact that she was not her? No one knows to add on that it seemed like more from the underworld had been released to come make her life a living hell.Who were those people? why did they hate her? what do they want from her? Why do they keep calling him she? `Sean don't tell me you are one of them too ? What are you? Did I hurt you too?"she asked with pleading eyes .She wanted him too be an exception,she could never want to hurt a sweet guy like him but maybe she had already done it ,like what she had done to the rest of them..... Mummy 'love .Love between the dead and the living...

chrysan_themum · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


"Life isn't as easy as I often used to think it was, born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I wouldn't know that ,that's what everyone thinks.Hey! I'm just a spoilt child who is given everything and I have everyone doing everything for me `She doesn't even have to work,' that's what they say .That I could just leach off my parents because they are rich ,you know ,but to be honest I also experience some difficulties and I feel like there is no one in this world that understands me ,there is no one willing to understand me .I feel like I don't have a life ,I have never even been in a relationship and I'm twenty eight would you look at that ,I got no friends, i mean apart from you ,"she looked at him as she said the last part.

Waiting for the person that sat next to her to say something,and he didn't disappoint.

`Look Iris I don't get why you are complain,'he bit into his carrot pausing for a while.Iris had turned to look at him properly `What does he mean by that 'she thought to herself waiting for him to finish chewing first before he continued .

`First things first so what if you have silver spoon in your mouth or you are born rich ,some of us would actually like to be in your place and will definitely not complain about it ,that was a by the way .

We also both know that you ain't leaching off your parents,you have your own job as an archaeologist, which by the way was a terrible choice ,you have poor decision making skills I'm surprised no one advised you against it ,'he shook his head .

`Excuse me?'she was offended .He ignored her and continued to say `If I was your dad I wouldn't have allowed the daughter of a billionaire to become an archaeologist ,(pffft) seriously? I'm rich but my daughter gets an underpaying job ?

Also the only reason why you are still single is because you are terrible at socializing like you literally have no social skills , wonder who was your life skill teacher.

And by the way you are twenty seven and not twenty eight, yet . Point is your life is just great I don't get what you are even complaining about .' He continued to loudly chew his carrots which seemed to have tick her off or was it what he said that ticked her off? She snatched his carrot and threw it away not caring where it landed.

`Thanks a lot Sean for your advice and for being there for me .Next time I need advice I will make sure to not go telling my feelings to a fully grown man eating carrots ,a bunny in other words,'

The glass door of the room they were in opened and in came a man in his mid forties .`Oh , would you look at that my office became a farm ,'he was looking at the carrot that seemed to have landed near the door .They both stood up and greeted him,`Mr Jones ! ,"He nodded at them as he walked around the table going for his seat .He gestured for them to seat and they did .

`I thank you both for showing up here ,'They nodded and he continued.`I have some work for you two and I hope you two will take it 'He opened his bottom drawer and took out an envelope and handed it to Iris .

`Its the same usual old work that you do to earn a living,but this time it will be in a different continent different country.'Sean was intrigued,he has been waiting for this for God knows how long .A vacation!

`Where will we be going?'Iris asked as she took her eyes off what she was reading looking at the man who was now smiling at them .

`India ,and Sean this is not a vacation it's work and I expect results ,as your boss . Don't let me down.'

`How did you know?'he asked confused.

`You have that smile that says I will leave everything to Iris as I enjoy my vacation 'Iris answered for him , Jones nodded to show that was the same thing he was going to say .Sean rolled his eyes at that, whatever they said didn't matter to him ,he still will considers it as a vacation.