
the death of tywin Lannister and Robert baratheon

Robert baratheon reached the king's landing and asked his army to prepare for a war while tywin Lannister also got to know about this and prepared his own army, Robert baratheon took out his war hammer and sword while gathering his army and ordered barristan selmy to prepare the kingsgaurd for the war with Lannisters and told announced the relationship of Jamie and Sersei Lannister.

while tywin gathered his force and got to know about Jamie and Sersei, he gritted his teeth and punched the table but led his army to knig's landing while this is happening, jon smiled and opened a portal while bringing his army and dragons, while he spread his clairevoyance he absorbed from the 7 gods of Balor by killing them.

Robert baratheon and tywin Lannister confronted each other and started the war while Robert baratheon like old days is in killing spree with his hammer and sword, his king's gaurd also fought and killed the soldiers of tywin Lannister.

Robert baratheon ran towards tywin while attacking him, tywin want to stab Robert but he dodged and threw his war hammer to the head of tywin smashing his helmet and knocking him but tywin stood up attacked him again, Robert baratheon who is already enraged beat tywin until he is dead while he felt a back stab and saw mountain who removed the sword from him, Robert didn't even care about the wound and smashed the hammer on mountains head with all his strength smashing his helmet while blood flow out of his body, then Robert stabbed him and again smashed his head until it's a paste, mountain is dead Robert even killed hound who ran towards him with a roar but got killed on his hit with a hammer strike.

Jon showed some sympathy while he saw barriston slemy who is carrying a bleeding Robert towards the catle on his shoulder, but jon knew Robert couldn't make it, mountain is loyal to Lannister not to Robert baratheon or the throne so he wanted to remove some threats and captured them using the kids while he placed them in church of Balor and used the same tactic as Sersei to blew it up.

Jon then flew with the dragons and began his conquest with kingdom of vale, he asked her soldiers and her to surrender while he told her if she pledge her loyalty her son can live and become rule this kingdom, while she thought for a few minutes and agreed.

he then travelled to other kingdoms and United them and at last set foot on the knig's landing with the unsullied army of 200000, and also his 8 dragons, shaking everyone present in the city with fear while Jon smiled and arrived at the castle and saw Robert baratheon who is barely alive sitting on throne while only one of his kingsgaurd barriston selmy remained by his side, jon smiled and said," yo, the king of 7 king of 7 kingdoms and the murderer of my parents, this is Aegon Targaryen, son of Rheagar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, nice to meet you, now let's fight".

Robert is so mad when he heard those words that he want to rush at him but barriston selmy stopped him and said," if you want to fight with the king, you have to kill me first", Jon smiled as he heard a notification from system:

{ mission :

defeat barristan selmy and Robert baratheon without any system advantages.

reward : world travel unlock, dragon god heart, divinity unlock.


Jon's smile grew wide and took out his valerian steel blade he got from the city of mareen, barristan selmy charged at him which Jon side stepped and kicked while swinging his sword, barristan selmy blocked this sword with his trying to kick Jon but he moved his sword and hit barriston selmy with his sword hilt and then swing his blade again but it's still blocked by barriston selmy, then Jon stepped backward and charged at him while appeared to be stabbing at his chest, which barriston selmy sneered and swing his blade horizontally but Jon bent and stabbed at his abdomen.

barriston selmy is at loss of words for a second and then said," I'm killed in the hands of someone worthy", barriston selmy dropped to the ground while Robert is enraged and grabbed his hammer, Jon has mocking smile at Robert enraging him even more, Robert charged at Jon ignoring the bleeding wound, but Jon who this smiled again and when the hammer is near him he dodged while Robert tried to punch him but Jon dodged it and slashed his sword at Robert's arm.

Robert baratheon also grabbed his word while fighting with his usual dual stance, but Jon trained with this type of tactic surrounded by many of his soldiers, so he can easily counter this, as the dual stance weakens the hammer strikes and sword slashes, he just need to dodge tiring his opponent while looking for an opening, Robert swung his hammer and sword furiously and after a few minutes as his blood loss is high he is exhausted to the point he can't swing his hammer properly, Jon smiled dodged the sword while stabbing Robert baratheon in his chest and stepped back removing the sword form the chest while saying," that's for father", he then slashed Robert's arm amputating him while Robert baratheon screamed in pain and jon said again," that's for mother, she didn't love you, she loved my father and wanted to be with him while you try to break their love, I understand my grandfather killed your family but it's started by you who didn't understand their love and wanted to hunt them".

Robert is even more angry hearing those words but he couldn't do anything, he is bleeding pig now, ready to be killed at any moment even don't have the power to fight back, Jon smiled and said," you're a great warrior King Robert Baratheon, it's an honour to fight with you, but it's time to end this".

Jon saying this decapitated Robert baratheon and stopped the war, he heard a notification from the system but felt something strange , a strange feeling inside him about this war, he won and now he is looking at the iron throne and asked Daenerys who is approaching him," is it really worth it, the throne I mean it's not made by just swords but by the blood, is this throne an authority or a curse", he felt an ominous feeling from the throne and looked Daenerys who said," I feel the same but war will ask blood and as the others called Targaryen's, "fire and blood", that's what we represent".

Daenerys also felt the throne as thorns and looked at Jon, she took him to the throne and sat on it along with him, but Jon said," let's get a new throne here, this is pretty uncomfortable sitting on some swords". Daenerys is silent for a few seconds and said," okay", Jon and Daenerys then goes outside and announced the end of war.