
Multiverse of Sword and Magic (Old)

------------- Imagination, such an interesting thing humans have... A thing that played the most important part in the development of the world... Capable of destruction as well as creation... Since years, humans have been imagining the concept of an ethereal power. Something that can make them upgrade to another level... Something that can give them a chance to reach an unparalleled position... And this fantasy of humans led to the stemming of the idea of swords and magic. These two things are the crux of human's dream to do otherworldly feats. Swords have been used by many kingdoms in wars. But still they were just boring pieces of metals, only for cutting and killing people in a predictable way. So Dull... Why not make them much more interesting and powerful? This originated swords combining with different powers in fictional worlds. Then the thing came, why only restrict to swords when you can do more? This led to the integration of magic by people in different worlds. Something magical exists is a belief that many people have. A thing that can change their world and bring them out of this shitty life they are living... Seems like a good story, right? Welcome to the Multiverse of Swords and Magic which is written by me for you readers who want a change from their monotonous life. ----------- Worlds - 1) The way to protect female lead's older brother. 2)??????? 3)??????? 4)??????? Disclaimer - 1) This is my second fanfiction so don't expect any major grammatical mistakes and poor English. English is not my first language but I still am fine with it. 2) 5-7 chapters/week 3) No promises of Harem or No Harem. Some world might have harem. I will inform at the starting of the world. 4)The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. 5) The tags of the novel will only tell about the current world I am writing. For further information on each world I have written, I will be putting the tags in the Important Points Chapter. 6) A Bonus Chapter for every 200 Powerstones. ---------- Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction - 'Multiverse of Real Life Manhwas'

East_Wind_Took_Me · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Useless hound

'___' : Thoughts

"___" : Speaking

[1124 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

In the territory of Agriches,

All the preparations have been going on for the visit by the crown prince of the Phoenix Family.

All traces of dealing with the underworld were removed, rooms and servants prepared, and every person in the mansion had been informed.

Most had no idea why the crown prince was visiting them but they were extremely excited.

I mean, it was the crown prince who was coming. How can a person be not excited about seeing the most famous person in the novel society?

Though, there was a person who had not a bit of positive opinion of the crown prince coming to their estate.

That person was Lant Agriche.

He was sitting in his office with two of his most capable children, Roxana Agriche and Jeremy Agriche.

He had his hands on his forehead and he was extremely terrified. His complexion was pale and sweat could be seen sliding down his cheek.

It was the first time Roxana and Jeremy were viewing their father having a panic attack.

Jeremy asked in confusion, "Father, can I ask why you are so much panicking? It's just the crown prince visiting. We are the Agriches, a respectable ducal family, we don't get scared."

The last line he said had a tinge of pride in it.

Lant Agriche suddenly grabbed Jeremy's shoulders tightly and nearly shouted at him, "Jeremy! Don't do the mistake of taking Phoenix Family as pushovers!"

"All of them are monsters! And the crown prince? He may be the devil itself."

Roxana's brain started thinking about several possibilities and then she asked a question to get more information out of her father, "But father, didn't you teach us that we, Agriches should always be strong and never give up our pride. And the crown prince might be strong but can go against all the Agriches alone?"

Lant had a wry smile on his face as he said, "That's the thing, Roxana. I am not sure if all of us together can beat him alone."

Roxana's eyes slightly widened as she became instantly wary of the person that will be visiting them.

If her father is saying that all the Agriches together can't beat him, then this is a big problem. Her plan of getting herself not killed by helping Cassis Pedelian escape is in tatters now.

Her father had encased him in the deepest place of the basement, only accessible by the lord of the Agriche. He won't be coming out until and unless the crown prince leaves.

According to her father, if the crown prince gets even a hint that the prince of the Blue is here, then he might use that chance to obliterate the Agriches.

Completely to the core...

Now, this was not acceptable to Roxana at all, in the process of trying to save her life and then bringing her death day even closer?

No, she liked her life a lot.

She might have to find another way to survive in this hellhole.

Some might not still realise but Roxana is a manipulator at her core. She will grab on to any straw which can help her survive and resist her fate.

She planned to help Cassis Pedelian escape but now she has to find another way to preserve her survival.

Cassis Pedelian now matters to her as much as a common peasant in the Agriches territory would do to her.

He is now insignificant to her.

Adopting this mindset, she had a crazy glint in her eyes as her lips slightly curled up into a deranged smile.


In the royal carriage travelling to the Agriches,

Panem asked nervously and had a slightly frightened countenance, "Are we really visiting the Agriches?"

Aston while viewing the scenery outside replied without turning his face to Panem, "Yes, are you not fine with going there?"

Panem hurriedly shook his head and said, "N-No. I will follow your majesty everywhere you want me to go. But... aren't the Agriches really scary and intimidating? I have heard of some rumours that they kill people too."

Aston now faced Panem and replied with a beaming smile, "Yeah, but they are fine people to work with. And they had to kill people because of a rebellion by one of their subordinates."

Seeing Aston's face dipped in beautiful sunlight during sunset and his handsome visage was too much for Panem to handle.

Panem looked down with a blush on his cheeks and fiddled his fingers on the lap shyly.

He replied, "O-Ok, your majesty."

Aston watching his reaction had a bemused expression on his face.

He said in a calm voice, "Don't be too quiet, Panem. You can be more frank with me."

Panem then asked hastily in a slightly high pitch, "Have you heard about Dion Agriche?!".

Sensing his mistake, he rubbed the back of his head and apologized.

Aston replied, "Yes, I have heard about him. He is the eldest son of the Agriches, right?"

"Yes! He is said to be one of the strongest in the generation. He hunted almost 100 beasts alone in the Northern Forest. He is also said to be the person who can surpass the crown pri-"

Realizing his mistake, he again shuts his mouth and apologizes in a remorseful manner.

Aston gave an 'Its fine.' expression.

Panem then clenched his small fists and said in a cute voice, "But I am sure that your majesty can easily defeat him! After all, you hunted a wyvern! An animal belonging to the dragon species!"

Aston slightly chuckled at his antics and had an entertained expression. His faith in his decision of keeping Panem under him for entertainment was useful.

Panem again asked another question to satisfy his curiosity, "Have you heard of the rose of the Agriches?"

Aston said, "Yes, I have heard about her. Isn't her name Roxana Agriche?"

"Yeah! I have heard about her rumours and she is said to be the most beautiful of the generation mainly because she is an untouchable beauty."

"An untouchable beauty?"

"Yes, haven't you heard? She has a lot of suitors but no one manages to win her heart because of her ruthless aura around her. It is said that she mercilessly crushes anyone who tries to propose to her."

"Go on. Continue."

"There is a saying in the noble society that the devil itself might be bewitched by her beauty. I really want to see how she looks."

Panem chattered a lot during the ride but most things were blurred out for Aston as only a single thought remained in his mind.

'The Devil Itself Might Be Bewitched By Her Beauty?'

Let's see if that holds true or not...


(End of the Chapter)

Some might think that this chapter had no need but it was still important. I realized that Aston needs another push to start paying attention to Roxana. Also, I fulfilled the need for Cassis Pedelian, out of importance for Roxana. Remember Cassis was just a useful person for Roxana at the start of the manhwa.

Also, don't swear at me seeing Panem slightly gay, it's based on my discord mod and he is gay so it is true to the personality. Also, Aston is 100℅ straight.

The next chapter will be really spicy.

If you liked my story, then add it to your library. Drop some power stones on this fanfiction, not the real-life manhwa one.

Give me some feedback on how you are liking this fanfiction until now.

Join my discord server and try to be at least active - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S