
Multiverse of Sword and Magic (Old)

------------- Imagination, such an interesting thing humans have... A thing that played the most important part in the development of the world... Capable of destruction as well as creation... Since years, humans have been imagining the concept of an ethereal power. Something that can make them upgrade to another level... Something that can give them a chance to reach an unparalleled position... And this fantasy of humans led to the stemming of the idea of swords and magic. These two things are the crux of human's dream to do otherworldly feats. Swords have been used by many kingdoms in wars. But still they were just boring pieces of metals, only for cutting and killing people in a predictable way. So Dull... Why not make them much more interesting and powerful? This originated swords combining with different powers in fictional worlds. Then the thing came, why only restrict to swords when you can do more? This led to the integration of magic by people in different worlds. Something magical exists is a belief that many people have. A thing that can change their world and bring them out of this shitty life they are living... Seems like a good story, right? Welcome to the Multiverse of Swords and Magic which is written by me for you readers who want a change from their monotonous life. ----------- Worlds - 1) The way to protect female lead's older brother. 2)??????? 3)??????? 4)??????? Disclaimer - 1) This is my second fanfiction so don't expect any major grammatical mistakes and poor English. English is not my first language but I still am fine with it. 2) 5-7 chapters/week 3) No promises of Harem or No Harem. Some world might have harem. I will inform at the starting of the world. 4)The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. 5) The tags of the novel will only tell about the current world I am writing. For further information on each world I have written, I will be putting the tags in the Important Points Chapter. 6) A Bonus Chapter for every 200 Powerstones. ---------- Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction - 'Multiverse of Real Life Manhwas'

East_Wind_Took_Me · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Edmund's Secret Technique

'___' : Thoughts

"___" : Speaking

[1104 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

Panem said while bowing, "I had a lot of fun while playing with your highness."

Aston smiled at Panem's true-to-heart statement unlike most of the people in this world, who try to lace their poisonous true intentions with flowery and sweet-scented words.

"Panem, I also hope we can play again soon. How is your report on the Agriches going on?"

Panem enthusiastically brought the notepad out of his pockets and rambled, "Yes, your majesty. I just wanted to report it to you."

"From what I have gathered, it seems that the whole family is in a power struggle. The eldest son Fontaine wants to take up the seat of power and he is gradually building up his power. The most capable child of the head of the Agriches, Dion Agriche is out on a mission. The content of the mission is kept in full secrecy so I am not sure."

"Miss Roxana has been visiting the greenhouses regularly and I believe it to be a poisonous greenhouse. I don't have any more information beyond that. Jeremy Agriche, the child of the head of the Agriche who comes at the third position regularly has been interacting with the monsters kept in the Agriche Estate."

"Beyond that, Miss Roxana's mother is slightly ill. Apparently, she has a mental illness. I couldn't find the cause of that illness except it probably originates due to an incident that happened a decade ago."

"That's what I have gathered. I know it isn't much but I can definitely find more information!"

Panem said the last line while puffing his chest. Panem was truly proud of the work that he had put into it.

"Wow, Panem. You have gathered information beyond my expectation. I knew I was right in choosing you among others. Now, you are free to go to your room. Have a good day!"

Panem wished a good day back as well and exited the room.

Though, his eyes carried slight traces of excitement and joy on getting praised by his highness.



When Panem left the room, Edmund said, "Your highness, Mr Panem's capabilities seem to be more than we expected. His observation skills are worthy of praise."

"Yes, Edmund. It seems like he can be a good tool for our future plans."

" A-A tool, your majesty?"

"Why yes? Aren't all people around me tools to use? They are just divided between useful and not useful."

Looking at his highness's cold expression and hearing him say those words with utmost seriousness, dashed all of his hopes of believing his majesty to have a good side.

He didn't have any thoughts of his highness becoming a better person, but there was still some hope...

A tiny hope in his heart...

The hope of him having a quality which could redeem himself from his heinous crimes.

Edmund now knew, knew that his highness was putting up an act.

An act to beguile the young woman that was present here some time ago...

Aston said while looking at Edmund with a sharp gaze as if perceiving the constant change of emotions in him.

"Edmund, did you do what I wanted you to do?"

Edmund halted his train of thoughts and answered, "Your highness, I have analysed her emotions, using my family's secret technique."

"Hmm... Go on. Tell me."

"Yes, your highness. Your conjecture was right. She is severely different from the rest of the Agriches. She despises unnecessary murder and assassination. Though, she is ready to do those acts if necessary. Apparently, her personality has an amalgam of 'good' and 'bad' personalities. She treads on the true gray area."

"Her disgust for her family is great even for her mother. She dislikes-..."

Taking a deep breath, Edmund continued.

"She dislikes your highness as well."

Hearing that, Aston said mockingly, "Oh my! Is it due to the murders I did of innocent people in front of someone who dislikes unnecessary murder? What a surprise! I couldn't have thought of that!"

Edmund didn't reply back but resumed his report.

"She was also planning something before we came but due to our visit. It has been in tatters."

Aston had a slightly surprised expression.

"Hmm? Ask the Tenebres Squad to investigate it properly. I need all the details."

"Of course, your highness. I will inform them soon."

"Anything else, Edmund?"

With slight hesitation, Edmund replied, "Your highness, I would like to warn you. She has a manipulative side as well. Her actions may lead you into a trap."

"Thanks for the reminder, Edmund. Now, I think so, I don't know why Edward Phoenix gave such a useful ability to your ancestors. I am surprised he gave one of his core abilities to one of the servants."

Edmund felt a drop of sweat trickling down his forehead.

"Your highness, I would give this ability back to you if I knew the procedure. Unfortunately, I don't."

"Hmm... No worries, I know you can't. I am just curious about how was something like that possible. Anyway, Edmund. This card game was pretty enjoyable. I didn't know it would be this fun. Now, I know why my stupid excuse of a father managed to give up a few mines when he lost a game of cards. It's truly a pity, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes, your highness."

"You know what, Edmund. Capture four people that are friends together."

When he heard that line, he knew what would be the plight of those people.

He internally sighed and asked for customary purposes, "Can I know the reason, your highness? So, I can find the most appropriate people."

"I want to see all four of them play a card game."

"A C-Card Game?"

"Yes, a card game. The four will play 'Catch the Ten' and then the duo who loses will be tortured and killed in front of the winning team. Then the two people left will play Rummy. The one who loses will also be tortured and killed in front of his friend. Make sure you choose people that have great camaraderie. It will be fun to break their mind."

"B-But what about the person who wins?"

"Hmm... The person who wins will have to first eat the bodies of their friends left and then we will leave them in a room with just a rope. It will be a good experiment to see human's working of the mind."

Edmund didn't have anything else to say except, "I will fulfil your orders as soon as possible, your highness."

He knew that flimsy excuse of studying the human mind was a farce. His lord just wanted to see chaos happen in front of him.


(End of the Chapter)

More interactions in this chapter. I hope you enjoy seeing them. They are the ones that make the characters feel real.

They give the 3-Dimensional personality that many people want to see. Mainly Edmund is being explained in this chapter, about his background and his thoughts.

As well as Roxana, whose personality was analyzed by Edmund easily.

I know Aston still feels like a person who just wants chaos. But I can assure you that his more humane side will be shown later.

If you liked this story, then add it to your library. Drop some power stones and write some comments so I get more motivated to write.

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