
Multiverse of Sword and Magic (Old)

------------- Imagination, such an interesting thing humans have... A thing that played the most important part in the development of the world... Capable of destruction as well as creation... Since years, humans have been imagining the concept of an ethereal power. Something that can make them upgrade to another level... Something that can give them a chance to reach an unparalleled position... And this fantasy of humans led to the stemming of the idea of swords and magic. These two things are the crux of human's dream to do otherworldly feats. Swords have been used by many kingdoms in wars. But still they were just boring pieces of metals, only for cutting and killing people in a predictable way. So Dull... Why not make them much more interesting and powerful? This originated swords combining with different powers in fictional worlds. Then the thing came, why only restrict to swords when you can do more? This led to the integration of magic by people in different worlds. Something magical exists is a belief that many people have. A thing that can change their world and bring them out of this shitty life they are living... Seems like a good story, right? Welcome to the Multiverse of Swords and Magic which is written by me for you readers who want a change from their monotonous life. ----------- Worlds - 1) The way to protect female lead's older brother. 2)??????? 3)??????? 4)??????? Disclaimer - 1) This is my second fanfiction so don't expect any major grammatical mistakes and poor English. English is not my first language but I still am fine with it. 2) 5-7 chapters/week 3) No promises of Harem or No Harem. Some world might have harem. I will inform at the starting of the world. 4)The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. 5) The tags of the novel will only tell about the current world I am writing. For further information on each world I have written, I will be putting the tags in the Important Points Chapter. 6) A Bonus Chapter for every 200 Powerstones. ---------- Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction - 'Multiverse of Real Life Manhwas'

East_Wind_Took_Me · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

A Nice Feeling...

'___' : Thoughts

"___" : Speaking

[1070 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

Edmund's voice pierced through the silence that seemed everlasting.

He asked hesitatingly, "Your Highness, Can I suggest something?"

Edmund's master, Aston Phoenix, the crown prince of the Empire was sleeping in a rocking chair.

He said drawlingly, "Yes Edmund... Say anything you want to say. Don't be scared."

"Your Highness, I would like to see you outside this room. We haven't stepped outside this room for a week. I know you feel like that because of your..."

Edmund hesitated for a moment but continued, "...your condition but we should at least conduct our weekly training."

Aston didn't reply anything but after a minute, he stood up and stretched his arms.

A wide and long yawn came from his mouth utterly unbefitting of a crown prince.

He wore his royal coat hanging on the chair he was sitting in and said, "You are right, Edmund. I have been stuck in this room for like a few days which is unhealthy, very unhealthy. Why don't you call Miss Roxana so she can guide us?"

Edmund bowed and said, "Of course, your highness. Are we doing the usual?"

"Yes, Also call Panem. He must be bored staying alone."

"Of course, your majesty."


Roxana was leading the trio of Aston, Edmund and Panem in the Agriche Estate.

Roxana's crystal clear and pleasing voice said, "Your Highness, this is the hallway of the Agriches. Every member of the Agriche Bloodline is recorded here and their feats as well."

Panem asked with curiosity, "Miss Roxana, can you tell me who has the most feats?"

"It's the first patriarch of the Agriche, Blake Agriche. He along with the other heads of the house defeated the malevolent entity, according to the ancient records, he dealed the most damage among all the other people in his party after Edward Phoenix. Currently, no one stands even close to him."

Panem's eyes shone like pearls as excitement was apparent on his face.

It seems like Panem greatly respects the story of the five heroic people who were friends defeating the evil existence.



Edmund coughed a bit to interrupt Panem so he doesn't ask any more questions. He turns towards

Edmund coughed and asked in a slightly urgent voice, "Miss Roxana, we will have a tour of this house later. Is there a clearing in the estate where no other person can find us easily? Preferably a place where there aren't any valuable things in the vicinity and free space."

Roxana pondered over the request for a moment before she replied, "Of course, there is a place. Please follow me."


The trio of guests followed Roxana Agriche. They reached a clearing which was surrounded by several trees and a few hills on the other sides.

Edmund nodded in acknowledgement.

"This is a perfect space for his highness's training. Thank you for providing it to us. We will reimburse for any damage that might be caused."

Roxana asked with slight reluctance, "Can I also see the prowess of his highness? I have heard many rumours about his strength and would like to watch it first-hand."

Edmund just looked at his highness for his answer.

Aston nodded in response.

Roxana wanted to see the actual combat capability beyond his weird power.

One thing she noticed as she visited his room thrice a day is that Panem has no idea about the actual personality of his master.

He views his master as the common public views him. To Panem, his highness cannot do anything wrong.

Conversing with Panem, Roxana realised the innocence that he holds in his heart.

Panem does have an idea about how cruel and merciless some people are but he has never faced it directly. His diplomatic skills are top-notch as he didn't give out a single piece of information that might risk his highness...

Still, she can use this thing to her advantage. If she manages to show Panem the real personality of his master, she will at least have one up over him.

She had expected the crown prince to act like a mutt in lust.

He has power, money, looks, reputation...

Everything that a commoner dreams of.

These elements makes the person a tyrant.

A person who acts according to his instincts...

Her family members were an example.

Look at Fontaine Agriche, that disgusting pig. He has nothing for him except being the eldest child of the Agriches.

She has felt him looking at her with a disgusting gaze. It sickens her stomach. She wants to just rip those eyes out of his sockets and force them into his mouth. Make him hang from a height with hooks in his arms, legs and balls.

Then he would be the food of her precious carnivorous butterflies.

Roxana wanted to relish that glorious sight when her plan was fulfilled but the visit by the crown prince tore everything into tatters.

Even her useful pawn, Jeremy Agriche has been starting to like her in a different way. He views her romantically even though he is her half-brother. It's disgusting to her, a person reincarnated from the modern world even though it is not an unusual custom for sisters to marry brothers in a noble family.

It is said that it keeps the bloodline of the family pure.

Her experience with men has been awful since she was born. Her twin brother was killed by her other half-brother, Dion Agriche. Other brothers of her view her as an object to conquer. Her father only looks at her usefulness. Other men only drool over her looks.

So, her expectations of the crown prince were extremely low but she was surprised...

He didn't do any of those above things, he treated her as a normal person.

Not someone who is useful...

Not someone for looks...

Not as an object to conquer...

It was a new feeling for Roxana.

Staying in this world for 17 years in the Agriche Estate has forced her mentality to change.

Her morals and beliefs from the modern world are no more.

Roxana still wasn't sure whether the crown prince's personality was a farce or not.

But getting treated as a human was a nice feeling.


(End of the Chapter)

So, as you can see Roxana's views of Aston are changing. The process of her liking him has already started.

You will see her thoughts like this several times. It will be a gradual progression...

I have noticed that this world is moving at a snail's pace. So, to counter that the pace of the fanfiction will be increased and I will be devoting more time to writing.

Expect two chapters in a day sometimes.

If you liked my story, then add it to your library. Drip some power stones.

You know what? If I reach 100 power stones before the next week starts, you will receive a bonus chapter or several bonus chapters.

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