
Multiverse of Sword and Magic (Old)

------------- Imagination, such an interesting thing humans have... A thing that played the most important part in the development of the world... Capable of destruction as well as creation... Since years, humans have been imagining the concept of an ethereal power. Something that can make them upgrade to another level... Something that can give them a chance to reach an unparalleled position... And this fantasy of humans led to the stemming of the idea of swords and magic. These two things are the crux of human's dream to do otherworldly feats. Swords have been used by many kingdoms in wars. But still they were just boring pieces of metals, only for cutting and killing people in a predictable way. So Dull... Why not make them much more interesting and powerful? This originated swords combining with different powers in fictional worlds. Then the thing came, why only restrict to swords when you can do more? This led to the integration of magic by people in different worlds. Something magical exists is a belief that many people have. A thing that can change their world and bring them out of this shitty life they are living... Seems like a good story, right? Welcome to the Multiverse of Swords and Magic which is written by me for you readers who want a change from their monotonous life. ----------- Worlds - 1) The way to protect female lead's older brother. 2)??????? 3)??????? 4)??????? Disclaimer - 1) This is my second fanfiction so don't expect any major grammatical mistakes and poor English. English is not my first language but I still am fine with it. 2) 5-7 chapters/week 3) No promises of Harem or No Harem. Some world might have harem. I will inform at the starting of the world. 4)The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. 5) The tags of the novel will only tell about the current world I am writing. For further information on each world I have written, I will be putting the tags in the Important Points Chapter. 6) A Bonus Chapter for every 200 Powerstones. ---------- Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction - 'Multiverse of Real Life Manhwas'

East_Wind_Took_Me · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

A Mother and A Son

'___' : Thoughts

"___" : Speaking

[1040 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

Sierra looked at Aston lovingly and though both were of different stature, she hugged him.

Aston was taller than Sierra by a foot and Sierra's flimsy, weak build paled in comparison to Aston's battle and training build, still, the scene of her hugging him didn't seem out of ordinary. It seemed that a son was hugging his mother.

Roxana was scared out of her mind when she saw them hugging. Even if she has convinced herself that, she doesn't care much about her mother, there is still a sliver of concern for her.

Sierra took care of Roxana throughout her childhood, and she was Roxana's only support along with Ashil. One of the favourite highlights of the day for Roxana was when she hugged her mother after a day of gruelling training and she called her Ana lovingly.

After the death of her brother, Ashil Agriche, her mother turned mentally retarded. She had to be cared for by the caretakers from then. That sight of Ashil dying at the hands of a person for not completing his mission was imprinted in both of their minds. Roxana tried to hate her mother but she couldn't. Spending around a decade with a person does that to you.

So, she did the best thing she could do. She ignored her entire existence, Roxana didn't meet her mother unless it was absolutely necessary. She just focused on her plan.

After Sierra had started getting ignored by her daughter, she didn't have anyone to talk to. She spent most of the time in her bed, talking with her guards occasionally. She also met with Maria, and both became fond of each other. But she remained alone for most of the time till now.

Lant never cared about his wives, his only purpose in life after becoming the patriarch was to help the Agriches reach higher heights. He would sacrifice anything, even his soul for the devil if it meant that Agriches could reach higher heights and surpass other ducal houses, or possibly the Phoenix Family.

His encounter with Aston told him that with his current sources, it would be impossible to even reach close to the level of the Phoenix Family. They hadn't been ruling over the Phoenix Empire for thousands of years without any basis. They possessed overwhelming strength and influence. There was a saying that if you are born with the Phoenix Bloodline, then you are guaranteed to rank as one of the strongest people in the Empire if you didn't face any setbacks. Phoenixes just like their name suggested, dwelled at those heights where no one could reach them.

So, Lant focused on making the Agriches stronger than the other houses. And if Roxana got taken even as a concubine by Aston, then it would open a whole new path for Lant and the Agriches.

Anyway, while Sierra was hugging Aston, she started sobbing slightly and said with difficulty, "I t-thought you were g-gone. I n-never thought I would e-ever meet you again. I am just s-s sorry about e-everything. I s-should have never a-allowed you to t-take that m-mission."

The guards were quietly signalled by Roxana and Panem was ordered by Edmund to leave.

Aston was surprised when the whole thing started but he thought to go along with it. he put his hand behind her head and stroked it gently to calm her down.

Sierra brought herself out of Aston's chest and wiped her tears off with her hand. She put up a brave smile and had an excited face. She grabbed Aston's face and squeezed his cheeks.

"Look at you! You have grown so much, I can't even believe that my son would grow up to be such a handsome boy."

Seeing Aston not talk, Sierra gets slightly anxious as she asked, " Ashil, are you fine? You haven't said a single word till now. "

Aston replied quickly, "I am just feeling overwhelmed, miss Seirr-"

For a moment, Sierra seemed horrified and asked anxiously, " Ashil, why are you calling your mother, Miss? You used to call me mother with so much love in your tone. What happened to y-"

Realising her mistake, Sierra started fiddling her thumbs nervously, she said meekly, "I-I see. I-I am s-sorry again. I came up to you t-too strong. I k-know you must b-be still a-apprehensive of me. I s-should have realized i-it sooner. I w-was just v-very happy seeing y-you."

She sighed a very deep sigh and said in a bitter-sweet tone, "If you don't want to meet me again, then you don't have to meet me again. But still... I hope you come to see me again."

Then she tip-toed and kissed Aston on his forehead. Her hands lingered on his face for a while before she quietly went to her room.

There was utmost silence throughout the corridor and no one squeaked a single word.

Roxana tried to speak up and bowed in front of Aston, "I am so sorry, your highness. I apologize on behalf of her as she has shown disrespect to yo-"

Aston held up his hand and replied stoically, "No, there was no disrespect done. I should go to my room."

"Let me guide you to the room,your highne-"

"No, that won't be required," said Aston gravely.

Leaving Roxana frozen in her place, Aston headed off to his room along with Edmund.


(End of the Chapter)

So, yeah. Sierra is gonna play an important role in the story.

Aston's weaknesses are gonna surface up soon. It is needed in a yandere x yandere relationship. Yes, I will delve into his history soon and how he became a psychopath. He hasn't been a psycho since his birth.

Anyway, give me your opinion on how you felt about the interaction between Sierra and Aston.

If you liked the story, drop some power stones. Write a review and some comments. Add this story to your library.


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