
Adaption to a New World

"I am the Butler of this mansion, here to cater to your needs. You can refer to me as... Mr Butler," I announced as the four masterminds settled on the dining table.

I sense that questions have taken root in your mind - queries like 'How did I come across these masterminds?' or 'Where did our paths cross?' But fret not, for I hold the responsibility to provide answers and steer the story down the right path. Allow me, if you may, to initiate our narrative from a fresh vantage point...


Our tale unfolds with Light Yagami struggling to walk after being shot by Matsudo. His strength wavers, leading him to collapse on the stairs of an old, abandoned place. In his thoughts, he desperately pleads, "Someone... Please help."

His mind was shrouded in darkness, knowing that Ryuk, a Shinigami(death spirit), could write his name in the death note anytime. The edge of death was near, and hope faded away. But then, a glimpse of change appeared - Light's view of impending doom shifted into an unexpected glimmer of hope. Right in front of him stood a portal, and a hopeful smile formed on his lips. Could this portal be his way out?

As the portal fully materializes, its radiant blue light engulfs the surroundings. Struggling to hold onto life, Light's ears catch a unique voice, a lifeline amid despair. "Summon your strength and enter the portal, before death claims you."

Overjoyed by the chance to evade his fate, Light stood up. However, he raises a concern, "R...Ryuk's note could still End my life even if I step into the portal."

The Voice provides clarity, explaining, "The death note's power doesn't extend beyond your world. Upon entering, you'll be rendered unconscious, healed, and stripped of your superpowers."

A small grin tugged at the corners of Light's lips. He had a thought, 'If I'm serious about making the world a better place and wiping out the criminals, then staying alive is a must. I guess I better step into this doorway and use it to my advantage.'

A strong breeze ruffles Light's hair while he steps into the portal, a mischievous grin on his face. As he goes in, he senses his body speeding like a bullet. His injuries start healing, but the strain of traveling between worlds becomes overwhelming. With a loud "THUD," he falls to the ground.


It took a span of 12 hours for him to regain his consciousness - a duration of rest required after travelling through a portal

As Light's consciousness returns, he finds himself in a calm place. Everything around him feels different like a new world to explore. He blinks his eyes open and takes in the scene before him.

The room is softly lit, and the air carries a soothing scent of lavender. Sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow. Light can feel a gentle breeze brushing against his skin, carrying a comforting warmth.

He slowly sits up, letting his fingers trail over the soft bedspread. The fabric feels luxurious and smooth beneath his touch. He listens, and in the distance, he hears the faint sound of birds singing, adding a calming melody to the ambience.

Light takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with clean, fresh air. He lets his gaze wander around the room, observing the complex details of the furniture and decor. A sense of peace washes over him, and for a brief moment, he wonders if he's entered a different realm - perhaps even heaven.

A faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he reflects on this concept. Could it be that all his actions (wiping out the criminals) have led him to this place of serene beauty?

He stretches his arms and legs, relishing the sensation of the atmosphere. Closing his eyes, he listens to the gentle rustling of leaves outside the window. The world seems to envelop him in a cocoon of calm and comfort.

As he opens his eyes again, he saw a butler bowing, "Master Light, are you feeling alright? may I be an assistance?" the butler asked.

This made light confirm he was in heaven "I knew this was heaven, And you must be the divine servant here"

With humility, I reply, "Master Light, you're on the other side of the portal, the 'human realm 01'. I'm here to serve you fully in this mansion. You may call me 'Mr Butler'."

(Yes, it was indeed I - the humble butler. The very same who, as a child, used to play this role with my brother. Oh, the memories! I often dream of the day when you could see me playing the real butler role. I can almost picture your amused smile as you hear my mouth uttering those charming words, 'Master, May I be an assistance.')

As soon as Light heard the word portal from my mouth, His memory of what happened returned, and he blushes at his misconception.

I asked him if he was hungry politely, He couldn't deny his hunger as his stomach growls.

Guiding him to a lavish table, I reveal a feast fit for royalty.

At the grand feast table, it's like a strike of foodie magic! Dishes of luxury roasted meats are rolling in, their surfaces caramelized to perfection, promising a flavour explosion with every slice. Right next to them, we've got golden-brown rolls chilling in woven baskets, and man, the buttery smell is like that perfect approach to the lane. Then there's a towering strike of seafood - oysters shining like well-polished balls, lobster tails looking all glossy and bathed in rich sauces, and plump shrimp just waiting to dive into some zesty cocktails.

The fruits? They're like those colourful pins all setup, each one daring you to take a shot. Salads are like a mix of fresh approaches - crisp greens, sweet berries, and nuts with a candied twist, all decked out with smooth dressings. But wait, the real kingpin is that centrepiece - the chocolate fountain, flowing like a lane oil, ready to cover strawberries, marshmallows, and pastries in its velvety embrace. Every little detail here is like aiming for a perfect score, an invitation to enjoy every roll, and a promise of a luxury night you won't forget!

Light's eyes widen, "Is this all for me?" he asked

"Yes, Master. It's a welcome for all four Masters," I reply.

Light's surprise grows further, "Four Masters? Where are the others?"

I explain, "One just woke up, while two delayed their feast for you. They're playing chess and will join after."

Just after I finished those words, Another servant escorts a bespectacled man, who wore a cunning smile, to the table. Ignoring my presence, he heads straight to Light

"Are you one of the Four? What's your name?" he asks as he raised his fist indicating a fist bump

"Yes, I'm Light Yagami. And you?" Light replied as he bump Kisaki's fist

"Tetta Kisaki. Pleasure to meet you."

The interaction between "The Delinquent" (Kisaki) and 'Kira' (Light) is some of the things that my words couldn't explain.

After they exchange a few friendly words, I suggest they start eating. They sat down and starts enjoying the mighty feast. Both of them were really focused on the meal, that they treated me- who was standing next to them as an invincible ghost

Amid the meal, I heard the echoing of two footsteps, I was able to see Two figures drawing near, one supporting his head with both hands, wearing a wicked grin and The other remains emotionally guarded, hands concealed within pockets.

As they drew closer, I inclined my head in respect.

"Greetings, esteemed masters. If I might inquire..."

I lifted my gaze slightly to meet their eyes.

"...may I know the outcome of the game?"


Before revealing the outcome let me rewind the clock Forty-five minutes before Light Yagami embarked on his journey through the portal,

On another realm, another character was in a dimly lit hospital room. His body showed the signs of serious injuries from a game that had gone wrong

Guess who is he? Yeah, he is non-other than Katagiri Yuuichi, and what happened to him? I will explain it briefly

It all happened when Kuroki forced Yuuichi into joining a dangerous game. While playing, Yuuichi got seriously hurt, with stab wounds on his right hand and undergoing a brutal beating. But cleverly, Yuuichi came up with a smart plan to change the situation around.

He proposed a final game to Kuroki, called the "Rock Paper Fingers" game. If Kuroki wins, Yuuichi would give him a substantial sum of money - 10 million Yen. But if Yuuichi wins, he would claim Kuroki's fingers according to what Kuroki puts - If kuroki loses with paper, Yuuichi would claim five of his fingers. If the defeat happens with scissors, the Yuuichi would only claim 2 of his fingers and if the defeat was with rock, Yuuichi would spare all of his fingers.

At first, Kuroki hesitates, but Yuuichi showed his right hand (which was wrapped up completely to stop bleeding from the stab) and told him that he can't put scissors with that hand

Now, here's where it gets spicy - even though picking "rock" was the safest bet, Kuroki couldn't lose this game at any cost, not in front of his fellow gang members. You see, Yuuichi's right hand is all wrapped up, so no "scissors" for him. After undergoing through many possibilities, Kuroki was convinced he could lose with rock, if Yuuichi puts paper and as I told you, he couldn't lose this high advantage game in front of his gang members, so he finally came up with a plan

Then they shouted...

'Rock' 'paper'


So, when the showdown comes, Yuuichi springs a surprise on Kuroki. He already knew Kuroki hates to lose in front of his gang members so he would pick paper in order to avoid losing. But what can Yuuichi do for a counter attack?

As per their agreement, it was never said that Yuuichi couldn't use his left hand...

The game isn't over yet...

Before exacting the painful punishment of removing five fingers, Yuuichi made an intriguing offer. He proposed sparing Kuroki's five fingers in exchange for one of Kuroki's gang members sacrificing one finger. This proposition forced Kuroki to approach his friends with an unusual and challenging request.

Yuuichi's strategy aimed to shatter the strong trust and loyalty among Kuroki's gang members. He cleverly manipulated Kuroki's relationship with his friends, causing doubts to emerge. Yuuichi's goal was to destroy Kuroki's influence over the gang by sowing seeds of doubt and weakening their loyalty.

In the end, these calculated strategies created divisions within Kuroki's gang.

Nobody was willing to sacrifice their one finger and moreover that, their loyalty was put to the test, revealing hidden weaknesses and literally destroying their gang. The twisted dance of psychological manipulation and high-stakes challenges showcased Yuuichi's exceptional skills and tactics.

Before things get more uglier, Yuuichi falls unconscious due to blood loss from the stab and that's how he ended up in the hospital.


(Now back to the hospital)

Yuuichi was in his bed, enjoying his meal as a patient, wasn't fully recovered but he is not in very bad shape now,

The dim room was suddenly filled with surprise.


A mysterious blue circle materialized out of thin air, leaving Yuuichi puzzled.

'Whoa, what's happening?' Yuuichi wondered to himself, mystified.

The same voice that had spoken to Light initiated a conversation with Yuuichi.

"What do you value more, friends or money?"

(This was a question that haunted Yuuichi from his childhood. anyway that wasn't the case now)

Yuuichi couldn't help but smirk weirdly.

"Why would I answer your weird question?" he retorted.

The Voice tried to make Yuuichi feel guilty, stating, "While you dine comfortably, your friends struggle to make Money."

But Yuuichi remained unfazed, responding with his usual boldness, "Who cares? Get to the point, you dimwit."

The Manipulation tactic which the voice tried failed, Now it had no choice but to get straight to the matter at hand.

"Enter the portal, Survive, and riches will be yours," the Voice declared.

"How much are we talking about?" Yuuichi inquired.

"1 billion yen.., but only if you survive," the Voice revealed.

Yuuichi's chopsticks fell, surprised. It was like he was convinced enough to take any risk for 10 billion yen

"Survive? Only living people worry about that. Do you think I'm one of them?" Yuuichi joked, his unconventional humour on display.

(This was when the Voice sensed something devilish in Yuuichi's manner.)

"Should I bring anything with me?" Yuuichi questioned, changing his patient gown into a T-shirt.

"Nothing at all," the Voice responded.

"And what will happen in my world while I'm gone?" Yuuichi's curiosity continued.

"Don't worry, time will stand still until your return," the Voice reassured.

"So, I'll come back to this same spot and time, is that it?" Yuuichi asked, seeking clarity.

"Yes, each moment you spend here will feel like a dream upon your return," the Voice affirmed.

With an evil smile and his hair obscuring his eyes, Yuuichi stood by the portal, ready for his new adventure.

"Thanks for the info," he acknowledged.

With that, he placed his hand into the portal, which forcefully sucked him.

"I'll catch up with you, you knucklehead!" he shouted as the sensation of verse travelling enveloped him.


(After Yuuichi's arrival)

(On another Realm...)

Inside his room, Kiyotaka Ayanakouji stood shirtless, diligently following his daily workout routine.

His body was like a masterpiece, each muscle shining with a layer of sweat that sparkled in the light. His strong arms, flat abbs, and every part of his muscles showed how powerful he was,

"73... 74... 75... 76..." he counted effortlessly, performing push-ups with practiced precision.

(This is the 'scene' in my prediction where I orchestrated Ayanakouji's meeting with the Portal.)

Much like before, the portal materialized before Ayanakouji, positioned near his room's entrance.

Unlike Yuuichi, Ayanakouji exhibited a lack of visible emotion. Manipulating him through emotional tactics like guilt trapping won't work on this initial encounter. Hence, the Voice went for a direct approach.

"To explore a wider world, step through this portal," the Voice communicated, aiming to engage the attention of the 'Perfect Human(Ayanakouji).'

"I appreciate your offer, but I am good on my own," Ayanakouji calmly responded, seamlessly continuing his push-up routine.

(Come on, Ayanakouji... Show at least a trace of surprise when a portal emerges before you. Are you truly so unemotional?)

Recognizing the necessity of capturing Ayanakouji's interest, the Voice presented a compelling motive.

"Surviving in this world could grant you powerfull pawns for your collection," the Voice proposed.

(Ayanakouji, a emotionless character who treats every single human as a pawn- a tool for his use, would surely be interested in this offer)

Ayanakouji maintained silence, his mind at work. Upon completing 100 push-ups, sat on his bed and finally addressed the Voice.

"You seem to possess significant knowledge about me. What makes you think I'd accept your offer blindly? I lack knowledge about what lies beyond," Ayanakouji questioned.

The Voice provided a reason that matched what Ayanakouji wanted.

"Your world's tools might not be enough to stop your Father's plans(white room)," the Voice shared.

"How do you conclude that?" Ayanakouji asked.

"The only one who can stop your father is you. But you seem to prefer using pawns to stop him. So, strong pawns would surely catch your intrest and lacking them in your realm would give you a reason to enter here" the Voice explained.

"That's a reasonably sound explanation," Ayanakouji acknowledged while drying his sweat.

Following a brief exchange, the Voice addressed all of Ayanakouji's inquiries, eventually succeeding in convincing him.

After a change of attire, Ayanakouji confronted the portal, face-to-face. He posed a final query.

"I'm curious about your identity. Any leads?" he inquired.

"Prioritize your survival for now. We can discuss my identity once you succeed," the Voice responded.

(Ayanakouji's curiosity about the mysterious voice that summoned him to the human realm remains. Will he uncover the identity behind this invitation?)

Overflowing with questions, Ayanakouji stepped into the portal, driven by curiosity and the hope for answers.


(On Human Realm 01)

A short while later, Ayanakouji was found unconscious close to the Verse Traveling machine, situated in our laboratory. I quickly took hold of his shoulders, while another servant grabbed his legs. Together, we carefully raised him off the ground and headed toward the mini-clinic.

Inside a spacious room, outfitted with advanced medical tools, beds, sanitizers, and cooling systems, three of the world's most skilled doctors were present.

One doctor carefully refilled the glucose can that was connected to Yuuichi, who remained unconscious.

The other two doctors directed their focus toward Ayanakouji's strong physique, gently placing him onto a bed to begin their medical procedures.

Returning to the laboratory, I observed the condition of the Verse Traveling machine, where mechanics performed maintenance work.

(After opening two portals, the Verse Traveling machine requires necessary maintenance, usually taking 30 to 45 minutes.)


After dispensing the required medications to Ayankouji and Yuuichi...

We escorted both individuals to separate rooms, allowing them the rest their bodies demanded.


(After nearly 12 hours)

Yuuichi regained consciousness, his head swimming with dizziness.His dizziness blocked him from enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, He stumbled to the nearby basin, splashing water over his face.

'Splash, splash'-water cascaded through his fingers.

"Something's off... Am I... dreaming?" Yuuichi wandered through his thoughts.

Hearing the sound of flowing water, I hurried to his room and bowed respectfully.

"Master Yuuichi, how may I be of service?" I inquired.

Turning his gaze toward me, Yuuichi's voice held confusion.

"Master?" he questioned, confused.

To confirm reality, he pinched himself.

"Ouch," he exclaimed, pinching harder on the second try. Convinced he was awake, Yuuichi made a request.

"Could I use a towel?" he asked.

"Certainly, Master," I responded, bowing and fetching a towel as dutifully as a dog retrieving a ball.

Upon my return, I extended the towel to Yuuichi.

"Here you go, Master Yuuichi," I offered.

Taking the towel, he dried his face, memories of recent events flooding back.

"Master, are you hungry?" I queried.

"Actually, no. I'm just bored and confused. Are there any fun or games available?" Yuuichi inquired, suppressing his queries about the Human Realm 01 for now.

"Master, what type of games interest you?" I asked.

"Why not suggest some board games?" Yuuichi proposed.

"What about chess? Is that of interest?" I suggested.

"Indeed, chess is a fine choice. Although, there's a catch," Yuuichi hinted.

"What might that be, Master?" I .

"Will you be my opponent?" Yuuichi smirked.

"Unfortunately, no. However, if you seek a worthy opponent..."

Mid-conversation, my phone rang. Pardon me, I requested a moment from Yuuichi before answering the call.

The caller was a fellow servant, sharing news of Ayanakouji's awakening.

"Sir, Master Ayanakouji is awake," the servant informed.

"Understood, I'll attend to him," I acknowledged, ending the call.

Returning my attention to Yuuichi, I addressed him respectfully.

"Prepare yourself, for your opponent will soon arrive."

Once informed of Ayanakouji's awakening, I rushed to his room and respectfully entered.

Ayanakouji was seated on the bed, his chin resting on his hands.

"Master Ayanakouji, how may I be of assistance?" I inquired.

His unemotional gaze shifted to me.

"Could I obtain some answers regarding your intentions in summoning me here?" Ayanakouji queried.

"Master, such matters will be addressed once all of you are awake," I responded.

"So, I'm not the sole recipient of your invitation," Ayanakouji deduced.

"Indeed, Master. Might you be bothered by hunger?" I asked.

He stood up, stretching his body before inquiring, "Are the others eating?"

"No, the other Masters remain unconscious except for one," I informed.

"And what is he engaged in?" Ayanakouji inquired, curious to meet this awake Master.

"Master, he is seeking an opponent for a game of 'chess,'" I revealed.

Ayanakouji approached me, standing face to face.

"May I challenge him?" he asked.

My proximity proved a bit overwhelming, causing me to step back and answer, "Y... yes."

Clearing my throat, I continued, "Certainly, Master. Please follow me."

Ayanakouji trailed behind me as we made our way toward the room where Yuuichi awaited. We stood before the grand door.

With a gentle push, the door clicked open. I held it, inviting Ayanakouji inside.

His footfalls echoed-step by step-as he entered the room.

Yuuichi gazed into Ayanakouji's eyes, offering a smile of greeting.

(A connection unique to their extraordinary nature sparked when The Devil(Yuuichi) met the Perfect Human(Ayanakouji).)

Yuuichi shifted his attention from Ayanakouji to me.

"Is he the one I'll be playing against?" Yuuichi inquired.

As I prepared to reply, Ayanakouji interjected, "Indeed, I am."

I went to retrieve the chessboard, the room retained its silence, both Masters observing each other in quiet observation.

I began arranging the chessboard, positioning the pieces carefully.

Yuuichi shattered the silence with a question, addressing Ayanakouji.

"What's your name?"

"Kiyotaka Ayanakouji."

"I'm Katagiri Yuuichi. Nice to meet you," Yuuichi greeted.

As I was meticulously arranging the chessboard, placing each piece in its proper position, Yuuichi continued

"What's your age?" he asked.

Ayanakouji glanced at him with an uninterested expression. "You appear to be around 17," he remarked.

"Yes, you're right... and coincidentally, I am the same age as you," Yuuichi said with a demonic smile.

Ayanakouji's interest in personal details was limited, yet his curiosity about Yuuichi's capabilities remained. He tested Yuuichi's intellect before the game began by posing a thought-provoking question.

"Tell me, Yuuichi, in chess, which piece is most crucial for victory?"

"The queen is the most powerful, but the game ends when the king falls, not when the queen is lost," Yuuichi replied.

Ayanakouji nodded in acknowledgment.

'Basic intelligence... He's a suitable opponent,' Ayanakouji said to himself.

Yuuichi countered with a question of his own, "Now Ayanakouji, which piece possesses the most control over the others?"

Ayanakouji sat beside the chessboard, (which was perfectly arranged by me) taking a king piece in his hand. He responded, "The king. Every other piece moves for two purposes: to secure a win for the king and to protect the king. This makes the king the puppet master, while the others are mere puppets."

(A battle of epic moves was about to begin.)

"This match promises to be quite enjoyable," Yuuichi grinned.

"I certainly hope so," Ayanakouji replied.

The battle commenced as Yuuichi advanced his white pawn in front of a knight.

I watched, captivated, as a masterpiece unfolded-strategies, traps, checks, reverse traps, and more. The game progressed smoothly until a sudden gust of wind swept through.

A swift 'swishhh'-and all the pieces lay scattered on the floor.

Ayanakouji gazed at the open window and calmly said, "Mr. Butler, please close the window."

"Of course, Master," I acknowledged, bowing, and made my way to the window.

Once I closed and locked the window before returning to the board. What I found astonished me - the pieces had been precisely repositioned, as if the wind hadn't interrupted these mastermind's memories.

Undisturbed, both Masters remained focused on the game.

I received a phone call from another servant and excused myself to answer.

"Mr. Butler, Master Light will awaken in five minutes," the servant informed.

"I shall attend to him," I assured, concluding the call.

Five minutes later...

(Returning to the begining scenes)

I attended to Light, guiding him to the dining table and ensuring all was well.

Light and Kisaki began their meal.

Time went by 20 minutes after Light woke up

They were already enjoying the food. suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears.

Two figures neared the dining table, walking side by side. Yuuichi had both hands holding his head, an unmistakably wicked grin.

In contrast, Ayanakouji's hands were tucked into his pockets, his manner void of any emotion.

As they drew closer, I inclined my head in respect.

"Greetings, esteemed masters. If I might inquire..."

I lifted my gaze slightly to meet their eyes.

"...may I know the outcome of the game?"

"Checkmate," Yuuichi replied.
