
Multiverse Internet Cafe: The Game Maker

Cryd got reincarnated without knowledge of how he died. And found himself in a parallel world with advanced technology and a new family. But he found many things has changed in this world and became disappointed with this parallel world progress. And so he decided to pursue his dreams to become a Game developer and spread the culture from his past life. but is that all there is to it? ------ This will be a slow paced story but sometimes go fast. Updates 1 chappy a day, and no Patreon Yet, but will give notice If made one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Heya everyone, Happy new year, LazyTanaka here has rested long enough and finally got my will to write stories once again. This year I decided to write a fanfiction book and an original book for this year, I want to earn some money too you know... Anyway, this is a remake of my last year book? or probably last last year? I forgot but I have improved my writing but not my grammar, hope you guys enjoy the story.

LazyTanaka · วิดีโอเกม
27 Chs

Chapter 17- What?

[Random Ability Roulette is now available]

After those words appeared, Cryd found his surroundings started to warp and in the next moment, he was now in a dark place without a place.



A spotlight appeared lighting a huge ass spinning wheel, it was so big that Cryd couldn't even see the top of it.

[Spin to receive your ability]

Cryd looked at the wheel and found a lot of words written on it, there is easily hundreds of thousands of abilities, bloodlines, items, etc over there, He could also recognize some of the things written there but when he heard the system, he couldn't help but scratch the back of his head.

"...you are telling me this huge ass thing?"

Cryd was speechless, much less budge, he might not even be able to reach it, sighing, he just raised his hand and waved it.


The wheel spun very fast that it generated extremely powerful winds.


Cryd suddenly found himself being blown away by the win and the next moment, he was already in the air.

The winds were very fierce and he was like a kite without strings, the wind brought him whenever it goes.

Cryd started getting dizzy and he didn't like the feeling, he willed his true illusion ability but he found he couldn't use the ability.

Which means this place isn't the internet cafe anymore.


Cryd tried to balance himself to not be thrown around by the wind but it was impossible due to the winds changing directions every second.

Cryd then saw the wheel from the corner of his eyes, and from the looks of it, it might not stop anytime soon.

He then noticed something from the corner of his eyes and with great difficulty, Cryd moved his body to roll away just a few moments later a cut appeared on his clothes.

"What the hell!"

Cryd couldn't help but curse, he immediately crossed his arms since he knew it would be impossible to dodge these wind blades once again.


Cuts appeared in his arms cutting some flesh away and Cryd could certainly feel the pain from the cuts.

Thankfully, the wind blades aren't strong enough to cut through his body or else he would have already been cut in half.

"Goddamn it! I just want to get my reward!"

Cryd cursed as he noticed he was losing a lot of blood and more wind blades are coming towards him, he turned towards the wheel that still continued spinning, his eyes were glowing in color, he raised his hand and made a clutching motion and gripped the air tightly.

"Stop already!!"

He roared and as if received a command, the wheel halted at zero, then his prize was also chosen.

[You have received "Living Poltergeist"]

[You have passed the first challenge, you have received extra reward "???"]

Cryd ignored his rewards as even when the wheel has stopped spinning, the wind didn't stop, and he saw that hundreds of wind blades were going towards him

His heart couldn't help but skip a beat, and an unprecedented anger erupted from his mind.


[Note: a sudden fight ahead and please don't be confused, there is no explanation yet but will be explained in the future, also I got was really bored and felt like writing a fight scene uh… so enjoy]

(Tip: I wrote this while listening help_urself hxi remix slowed, you might be able to imagine the fight scene i'm portraying here)

Something exploded out from Cryd's body, it was a very powerful aura, so powerful that it extended towards the horizon and even surpassed the wheel.

Cryd's body that was being spun around stopped and he regained his balance, but that wasn't the important part.

The space started shaking and his body started being enveloped by darkness leaving only his glowing eyes.

The wind blades that were flying towards him has long disappeared leaving Cryd and the wheel alone in space.

Cryd didn't seem to be conscious as his body was hunched as if sleeping but his eyes were wide open and his body was moving slowly.

It slowly raised its right hand and aimed at the darkness above, then from out of nowhere, silver ash colored chains descended down from the darkness and charged towards him.

There were thousands to millions of these chains and as if they have a mind of their own, they slithered towards him.

Their speed is extremely fast; it only took a moment before all of the chains wrapped themselves around Cryd's dark body.

But Cryd remained unmoved but that was only for a moment before he flicked his finger.


All of the chains broke down as if a fragile pieces of glasses, but it wasn't the end of these things as more slithered out from the darkness and now there are golden chains among them.

The unconscious Cryd's body moved once again and snapped his fingers.


This time a powerful force erupted from his snap, blowing everything away, but even with that, the chains chasing after him didn't stop.

As if getting annoyed, the body waved its hand as if swatting flies.


This time, the chains disintegrated into ashes, but as the body is returning to rest once again, bright light came from above.

The body looked up and saw a wing, yes, just a single wing because that single wing covered the whole skies, then from those wings, emerged people wearing golden white armor with different kinds of weapons on their hands.

The very thing that makes them unique is the golden halo on their heads and their golden wings at their back.

They are angels.

Then from the ground, screams could be heard,.the body that was floating turned at the ground and saw it was slowly being filled by lava.

Then from those lava emerged out monsters, each of them has different appearance but one thing is that they all have horns differentiating from 1 to 6, they have bat-like wings on their back and some looks like animals.

They are jinns, and demons.

Then from depths of the darkness, the sound of loud marching could be heard, the body looked towards it and saw countless numbers of armies.

They range from humans, elves, dwarves, dragons and more, they were a very powerful army just from their looks.

No one moved after a time until finally, the first ones to charge were the angels, with their golden weapons, they charged after the body.

Seeing this, the others also charged forward, magic, arrows, swords, all of it were aimed at Cryd.

Time seemed to stop as all of this got close to him then suddenly, a smile formed from the dark body.


A powerful shockwave comparable to a nuclear bomb exploded, blowing every attack away. The ones charging were blown away but immediately regained their balance.

Because of the explosion, smoke started to rise and cover the surroundings, everyone could hardly see anything.

One of the angels who were among the first one to charge moved forward but just then a hand covered in darkness grabbed its head and pulled the angel inside the smoke

After seeing this, everyone who has long range attack immediately attacked everywhere around the smoke.

*Boom! *Boom!

Loud explosions came as multiple spells hit inside the smoke, because of the explosions, it blew the smoke away slowly.

Then everyone stopped attacking and looked inside the smoke. What they saw was the angel that was grabbed earlier still being grasped on the head and the angel's whole body was burnt.

The hand then stopped grasping the head and the angel fell, there everyone could see the unharmed Cryd who was still smiling.

It then raised its hand and made a flicking motion and aimed it at the biggest army which is the combined army of many races.


A powerful explosion came from the flick and a powerful force charged towards the combined forces.

Seeing this, the combined forces immediately started to form and warriors carrying huge shields stepped forward and after that a huge barrier appeared in front of them.

The angels also helped by blessing them with tons of buffs, with this, the combined forces barrier is almost indestructible… Almost.


The barrier and the attack collided, the huge force started blowing the armed forces away, even with the barriers buffed by angels, it shattered like a glass before they were devoured by the force.

After he was done with the combines forces, Cryd noticed a fast figure dashing towards him in great speeds.

And there was actually not just one but a lot of them, they were the jinns.

They were moving very fast but when they looked at the glowing eyes, they could see it was following them as if they were moving in slow motion.

Then the next moment, they noticed Cryd's figure suddenly blurry.

Then all of a sudden all of those fast jinns started to lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

Cryd then turned his eyes to the angels and demons that were sti a lot but he noticed that the angels, demons and jinns seemed to be retreating.

Then Cryd suddenly turned his head and looked at his side where he saw what seemed to be the strongest gathered together.