
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

Chapter 19: 2 Years Later…

~Third POV~

Two years have passed since the return of Seiya with his new Tyrant abilities and began training with the rest of the group.

Seiya and Akame are 13 years old, Esdeath 15 years old, Kurome 12 years old, and Susanoo's age is unknown.

When Seiya discussed the relationship of Akame and Kurome to Susanoo about the idea of multiple partners the answer he received from Susanoo was, "Hmm… so Akame and Kurome both took an interest in you yes? Well, that is no issue from what I can see."

As soon as Susanoo replied that to Seiya he asks him how was it normal till Susanoo gave him a valid reason that left him stump, "I don't see the issue here plenty of my previous masters had harem members for a time wither for lust or love that doesn't seem to be an issue. Also, you could always simply deny them right here and now wither you wanted to so be done with it master."

Seiya was left stump after that so he soon asks Esdeath the idea of the twins loving him, but he was also shocked at the answer from Esdeath, "Hmm… I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea even though I'm not willing too I don't think I can satisfy you in bed in the future if you continue to get stronger. Plus, I can already establish that Akame and Kurome to be good strong potential mates."

When Seiya heard that he couldn't help but be shocked as his brain short circuited a bit.

He felt that the world was ending.

Esdeath willing to share was blasphemy?!

When Seiya asks where she got that idea she innocently replies to him continuing to shock him more that day and questions his sanity that not even his adaptation ability would help, "Easy when my father was still alive he says that there would be a chance that you could have more wives I was against the idea but if I was the head I would make sure they are filtered to my standards making it VERY difficult for them to pass."

Seiya could only stand their shock at the information but Esdeath smiles innocently when she finally says what she has been teaching the twins, "Plus teaching Akame and Kurome how to love their savior making them strong and giving them a place pretty much cemented to love you already as well as teach them under me already meets my standards for them."

It was at that moment that the next time he leaves the duties of trusting someone is going to say Susanoo to do it the next time.

After that they all spent their time training and going on shopping trips to nearby villages or the Capital in the Central Region of the Empire.

During that time Seiya spent his time with the girls and with Susanoo helping him train to the most of their abilities.

Soon enough Seiya was able to transfer his Muarsame Soul Bound weapon to Akame to make sure she has her signature weapon since his Soul Fruit ability makes it pointless to have the weapon around.

Esdeath and the rest have also been hunting and sparing matches on how to use Haki with Seiya to help them fight against Danger Beasts and raiding groups of other people attacking Seiya group.

With the attention of the El Thor attack the people of the Northern Tribe to find out who caused it.

As well as sudden lightning strikes were happening all around the Northern Region targeting specific people who assisted with the assaults of his original home even though Seiya has failed to protect them that doesn't mean he was going to avenge them.

The targets happen to be too killed all those involved with the destruction of the Partas Clan soon the King of the Northern Region was killed in the act of Seiya vengeance unknown that everyone believed it was an act of God that did justice or Budo killing them.

No matter the results it made the Northern Region starting to gather up a great army in the making to defend themselves from the Empire advancing forces.

When the existence of Seiya was revealed that one man destroyed the raiding group or Imperial forces caught the attention to the next leader of the Northern Region himself came to visit him wanting to have a chance to recruit him or an alliance.

The current Prince of the Northern Tribe as well as soon to be the King is named Numa Seika 15 years old teen the next heir to be the leader of the Northern Tribe.

Numa Sieka is a charismatic man with great leadership skills who cared about his people and is fighting this war with the Empire alone hopping he can gain the man named Seiya to his side in hopes of getting victory on his side.

During the 2 years Seiya and his group have gotten a nasty reputation for killing off raiders or imperial soldiers attacking them first have gotten the name from the place they were from the Ghosts of the Partas.

Currently Numa Sieka was soon approaching the home of Seiya with a small group of his forces with him on Danger Beast tamed snow bears…

~Seiya POV (13 years old) ~

Ok so far seeing from the sky above I see that the prince or king has finally come to see me?

I may have disliked his father but right now I have no issues with his kid but seeing is believing.

As the Numa finds my home I see him above as he says to anyone listening, "Hello is this the place where the Ghosts of the Partas home I'm Numa Sieka the King of the Northern Tribe and Hero of the North I have come to request your assistance!"


I guess the Prince became the King well might as well introduce myself to royalty, "Hello there what are you doing to my home!"

Yelling at them they looked shocked as I descend before them using my Flame Clouds when I landed, I see the rest of my group came out to see.

When we were finally all made our appearance Numa seems surprised but soon regains himself as he announces himself, "Sorry for the disturbance but I'm Numa Sieka the King of the Northern Tribe I have heard rumors of your power Ghosts of the Partas of your skill of destroying the Imperial soldiers or Raiding groups I wish to make an alliance with your group."

Seeing Numa Seika has long black hair and blue eyes he wears a grey suit of armor on top of a purple high-collared shirt also wore a metal headpiece with a symbol of his tribe which matched the ones on his chest plate and shoulder guards, as well as a purple cape.

I checked his emotions it looks like an honest guy, but I can never know what this guy can do so I replied to him in a blank voice, "An alliance you say what exactly can you offer me and my group?"

Numa looks at me trying to persuade me to his cause, "I know a man named Seiya is in your group we ask for his assistance in the war against the Empire with their forces at our doorsteps we hope to ask an alliance with the young man."

Saying the response to the King I politely decline the offer, "Sorry pal but I going to take a hard pass in this war your majesty."

Numa seeing that I was the one to respond to him he was surprised at me but soon he asks me in a clear voice, "I'm sorry are you the one named Seiya?"

Nodding my head at the young man I simply ask him in a blank tone, "Like I said before I don't want to participate in your war with the Empire even though they attack us they have the same idea of not to annoy me."

Numa was shocked hearing my response but soon pleads to me for the help surprising me and my group, "Please! I know my country needs your strength for it to survive against the Empire forces even now with the Empire hiring The Oarburgh and have General Budo attacking us!"

Now that was surprising information, I didn't know that Budo was in this war now?

Then Esdeath next to me asks in curiosity with surprise in her voice, "General Budo? Isn't he supposed to guard the Emperor at all times why is he here in the north?"

Yeah, I agree with Esdeath here why is he here to begin with?

Then Numa begins to explain to me the reasoning in an urgent voice surprising me, "Apparently the Revolutionary Army has been getting more forces getting ready to end the Empire soon but when the Empire noticed this they needed more people for their cause so they took this chance to use everything in their power to take our people that was why Budo is here in the North".


I guess without Esdeath with them at this moment the Rebels are getting stronger now that I took basically the Final Boss out of the picture but to this massive effect?

Truly unbelievable but to have Oarburgh with them in their side?

I guess Esdeath not being with them changes their firepower from the show?

This changes my plans a bit since now I have to get those Teigu's now before the Revolutionary Army gets the chance!

However it looks like Numa wasn't done just yet as he informs me further, "Since the forces of the Rebels just got a talented young soldier named Najenda leading their cause in the Revolutionary Army they have been getting more bolder in their actions and have come to us for an agreement of an alliance to which I gladly agreed however they need us to deal with Budo here."

Ok I think I can see where this is going now.

With that in my thoughts I soon ask Numa the real reason he needs my assistance, "So when you came to me you hoped that I would deal with Budo since you can't handle him yourself is that right?"

Numa nodded his head to with a shamed expression as he says to me with clear guilt in his voice, "As shameful it is to admit I can't face Budo with his Teigu that but that was when I heard of the Ghosts of the Partas dealing against invaders using Lighting so I was hoping that you face him since you will have the better odds of winning instead of me and please avenge my father since him and other soldiers were killed by lighting with Budo sightings."

Next I see that everyone in my group was looking at me with a raised eyebrow except Esdeath smiling at me for that.

Well at least this King is honest and him wanting to kill Budo instead of me was good enough to pass the blame towards him than me.

If I want to kill Budo I might as well get paid for this so I respond to him in a honest voice, "Very well but I want to be paid handsomely enough for my group to live off their days in peace so 1,000,000 Million Golden Coins to kill Budo and I will even handle the army currently as a bonus making sure that your men can advanced and defend the borders."

Numa looks shocked at my offer but some of his guards almost refuted in rage, "1,000,000 Million Golden Coins?!! Are you insane that much would drain a lot of our Royal Treasury what you're saying is madness?!"

However, that was when I gabbed Numa away from his guards as they were suddenly killed by insects in the air as Numa was surprised at the sudden death of his men and my group easily avoided the insects, "What?! My men what happened to them!"

Soon enough using my Lighting destroying the insects around me and my group glaring at the people coming towards our direction, "Oh? It looks like you brats are very talented to avoid my attacks and the Ghosts of the Partas sure live up to their reputation of being monsters."

Glaring at the four people here are Daniel, Taeko, Barbara Oarburgh, and Merraid Oarburgh coming towards us with bugs at the ready.