
Chapter 4

I open my eyes when I hear screaming from the outside. I quickly open my window and see some monster attacking the village.

|New Quest!|

|Defend the Town!|

|A monster attacking the town! Defend it!|

{Reward: A good chunk of EXP and one Gacha Coin}

{Failure/Rejected: A good amount of people will die}

|Accept? Y/N|

I press the accept button and take a deep breath. I quickly take out my sword and jump out of the window.

I land on the monster and stab it with my sword. I can feel the monster did not die in a single hit and decided to reinforce my sword with Electro.

A crackling of electricity can be heard, and the monster is screaming in pain. When I feel the bastard stop moving, I pull out my sword and look at the woman on the ground looking at me. She is a bird-type youkai. I can see the beak and the claws.

"Are you okay?"

"T-Thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it. Anyway, what are those?"

"T-They are Amanojaku. They are creatures that hunt Youkai for them to eat. Errrr, I think the people in the west call them Japanese Goblins."


I look at the creature that stands two meters tall and the body filled with muscle that makes world-famous bodybuilders blush in embarrassment, and people call them a Goblin? That is really different than the Goblin I know.

The color scheme is the same, and the ugliness is also the same but the size? That is totally different.

I shake my head and look at the woman next to me.

"Can you walk?"

"Yes, I can walk."

"Good. Go and hide. I will hold them back.

"B-But our hiding spot has been surrounded. I come out to ask the other to kill the Amanojaku that surround our hideout. We think the barrier cannot hold out from the constant hit."

"Very well. Get inside one of the houses. I will clean them."

"A-Are you sure? There are eight of them."

"Don't worry."

|Amanojaku| |Level: 12|

"I can take care of it."

I can see her nod her head and get inside the building next to us. I take a deep breath and dash toward the group of Goblins surrounding the building.


|Kuchiki Kesa - Bird Youkai|

|AN* I will always use Western Naming. That means, Given name first and then Family Name|

I look at the Wolf Youkai from the second floor of the building. He is weird. Usually, wolf youkai have the smell of moon and wind, but this man has the scent of moon and lightning. Maybe it was from his mother? Maybe his mother is Dog Youkai.

I shake my head and see him taking a deep breath. After taking a deep breath, I can change his sword into black. Huh? How? I can feel chakra coming from his sword. Is it some enchantment? The color is beautiful.

It was black that could reflect the light. It is black, but it is warm. Every black chakra I encounter always feels cold and empty, but this one is warm and… how do I say it… protecting? Yeah, it's like someone says that they will protect me.

Oh! Lightning! Other than that black thing, the wolf youkai also coats his weapon in lightning.

"Let's do this."

I blink a little when I see he is gone. I look at the elder house where many people are trapped inside and see him already appear there. I can see him swing his sword and cut one of the Amanojaku in half before taking a deep breath.

"Wolf Howl!"

I can hear it. The howl of the hunt many wolves youkai does before they hunt. However, instead of a regular howl, this man's howl released a torrent of lightning that fried three Amanojaku. After releasing that attack, that man quickly dashes forward and swings his sword once again. Each swing unleashes crescent-shaped lightning that attacks the other enemy in the back.

It did not take him a minute to defeat all of the Amanojaku surrounding the building. After killing the last one, he looks at me and says.

"Oi! Come on down! I am already taking care of them."

I smile at him and jump out the window before releasing my wing to glide toward him.

"If you are that strong, why do you ask me to hide!"

"Just to make sure you are okay. Anyway, you can tell the people inside that they are safe. However, make sure they are not getting out just yet."

"Huh? Why?"

"Look behind you."

I look at my back and see another group of Amanojaku running toward us.

"Get inside the building. I will take care of this."

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Thank me later; for now, get inside."


I quickly ran inside the building and closed the door. I can see many people watching the wolf youkai fighting from the window.

"Kuchiki, who is he?"

I look at my friend, Yuki, and say.

"Truthfully, I don't know. He saved me by jumping out of the window from the inn."

"Oh! I remember him! He is the man that comes at night!"

I look at the grandchild of the inn owner.

"Really? Do you know his name?"

"Hmmmmmm… I think his name is Lucy? I don't know."

Lucy? I don't think that is his name, but that is cute. I chuckle a little and look out the window just to see Lucy swinging his sword left and right to kill all the enemies coming at him. I can see him releasing a torrent of lightning and shooting lightning from each of his fingers.

I can see him twisting his body to surprise the enemy and ensure he did not give them an opening.

One minute. That is how long it took for him to defeat all of them. After killing them all, I can see him standing there alone, covered in blood. I can see his sharp eyes looking around for any more danger. I can see his claw, ready to slash any enemy that comes at him. I can see his sword prepared to decapitate anyone who comes close to him.

H-He looks like an alpha of the pack. Ah~

No! Hold yourself together, Kuchiki. This is not yet a mating season. I must put myself together. I did not want to jump at my savior. However, if he asks for it, I don't really mind.

No! Bad!

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