
Multiverse Game Designer

A man named Aatrox died. But as you probably already thought he died because of a truck. And that even though the truck only wanted some love and kiss some one. Well he kissed someone but he did that just a bit too hard. Anyways. That is of course not the end of Aatrox he was brought to a white room where a screen opened in front of him... [Welcome to the Multiverse Game Designer System!] [Please program a game, that is good enough to play even in worlds where you need to kill to survive] „Ah, yes. Of course. I mean I would like to make a game really and it sounds like fun and all. But there is a tiny problem.... „ „I CAN’T PROGRAM!?!.....“ Did the system really chose the right person?

EvelynnTheGreat · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 3 - My own Game? - Part 2

As soon as he said that everything went black around me. After a few seconds he could see something in front of him.

[Please choose the main genre but do keep in mind that you won't be able to change this choice and that you will only be able to create one game and then upgrade and update it]

"Wait! Why can I only create one game? Shouldn't I create more so that we will have a greater selection?"

[You will only be able to create one game to make sure that you won't stop midway and start a new one but you are right that it is better to have a greater selection that is why you can create another game after you have completed a few objectives but before you ask I can't tell you those objectives and you need to discover them on your own]

After his system answered him he started to think. After a few minutes he couldn't choose and decided to ask his system for help.

"System, can you recommend me a genre?"

[I am not allowed to directly say a genre but I can describe certain aspects that I would recommend your choosen genre should have]

[I would recommend a genre that can be updated a lot and is quite big. In the later stages it would be better if it has a multiplayer so that the players can play together. Also would it be a good idea to choose something that is playable for a long time a we don't know when you complete all objectives for your second game. Beside that it is possible that in the future new players want to see the first game of the incredible 'GD']

[That would be all my tips but in the end those are just tips and you don't need to follow them]

After his system gave him those tips he once again fell into deep consideration. After a few more minutes he already a idea with which main genre he will start his game and the more time he thinks about it the more he is convinced that he should chose that genre. So after he thought about everything over and over again he said.

"Ok, I choose the Massively/Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, a MMORPG."

[Genre selected]

[Please say the main story for version 1.0 out loud next]

This made him think... again. And this time it wasn't just a few minutes it took him a few hours to think of a good main story. But he thought it was quite good... at least he himself thought that but well... let's just not talk about that, ok?

So a after taking a few deep breaths of non existing air he started.

"At the very beginning the player will meet the avatar of the nine 'Main Gods'. The first god is 'Bahamut', the god of swords. He will look like Bahamut of Final Fantasy VII but with nine sword flying behind him."

"The second god is Spyd, the god of spears. He will look like Sander Nielstrom from The World of Athemik."

"The third god is Hakilo, the god of axes. He will look like the minotaur from Assasins Creed - Odyssey."

"The forth god is Pugnus, the god of fists. He will look like Ryu from Street Fighter but without a bandana and he has bare hands."

"The fifth god is Ifrit, the goddesses of fire. She will look like Ifrit (Dimension II) from Final Fantasy but... well female."

"The sixth god is Shiva, the goddess if ice and water. She will look like the Shiva from Dissidia."

"The seventh god is Gaia, the goddess of earth. She will look like Gaea from Riordan."

„The eighth god is Anema, the goddess of wind. She will look like the summon Garuda from Final Fantasy."

„The player can chose one god to follow and he will be given a gift, a power, from the chosen god. If you for example chose Bahamut you will gain a sword or if you chose Ifrit you will gain control over fire. The player will then be called a 'Favored One' from npcs."

"Every God has a kingdom. The player will later be send to the kingdom of his god. But the other gods which the player hasn't chosen will try to kill the player. The longer he can survive under the attacks of the other gods the stronger his first gift will be. After the player dies he will be thrown into a prison from the other gods as the player hasn't chosen them and he has the potential to become a threat for them and their kingdom."

"There's a hidden option to not chose any god which would result in the player becoming a so called 'Forsaken One', a being that isn't blessed by any god. This 'Forsaken One' has the ability to absorb gifts from 'Favored Ones' after he knocked the 'Favored Ones' out or after he killed them. The 'Favored One' whose gift was absorbed will be weakened for three days in which he can't use his gift. After those three days the 'Favored One' will get his gift back."

"The 'Forsaken One' will get 1 SP (Stat Point) for every 10 SP the one whose gift was absorbed has in a category. He will also get on GiP (Gift Point) with which he can create his own gift. He can also summon all gifts he has absorbed and use them. The 'Forsaken One' will after he has escaped from the tutorial, to which he fled to, will be send to a random city."

"But as there is no god who is willing to revive him he needs to escape from the gods and if the player ever dies he won't be revived. That means he has perma death. Also if the player manages to escape the gods will inform every believer they have and make them hunt the player down."

"If the player just chose a god he will later be resurrected by his god and then the player will need to get out of said prison and the domain of the other gods and go to the kingdom of his god. But as there are a lot of monsters the player will have to fight his way out and he can only accomplish that with the gift of the god he has chosen."

"After he gets out of the prison the player will come to a village. If he has drawn out his weapon or has his magic active (to use magic one has to activate it and you would be able to see the element which he has control over swirling around his hands.) then the villagers will try to kill him and he will get chased out by the villagers as the other gods have warned them about you in case you can get out of the prison. If the player has hidden his weapon or deactivated his magic the villagers will ask him questions about where he comes from. If he says he comes from the prison the villagers will once again try to kill him and chase him. But if he answers with something else then he will be able to go into the village and rest there."

"There are nine villages, each following a different god, in the whole zone, which has monsters from level 1-10. The player will need to level up to level ten, the max level for the beginning and will then have to kill the guards at the temple and jump inside the water pool to get to the main land of Etsinta. But that is the end of the version 1.0."

"There is also one secret village, which doesn't follow any god. There the player has the choice to chose to forsake his believe and chose to follow no god. The player will then become a 'Forsaken One' and have the same disadvantages and advantages but instead of 1 SP per 10 SP the player will only get 0,1 SP per 10 SP. Only after ten 0,1 SP were collected will there be a change in the stats of said player."

"That is everything for version 1.0."


A/N: Next chapter Aatrox will complete version 1.0 of his first game. If you have any other kind of ideas which I should implement in later stages of the game just write a comment and I will most likely use it. Also if you want the 'ICI' to be connected to a special anime, manga or something similar you can just write a comment and I'll probably implement it at some time.

Goodbye and have fun