
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · อื่นๆ
44 Chs

Meeting Bones and Greengrass

While waiting on the fateful meeting between Andromeda and the Bones and Greengrass family's i am meeting Grimjaw for something very important. "So Manager Grimjaw is it possible to change my name I would rather not be recognized by something as insignificant as my first and middle name?"

He ponders the question going over some papers inside of his desk "Yes it is but before that I have something for you" I reaches inside of his desk and pulls out a small box and slides it over to me "It has been cleaned of the decaying curse and the Soul piece with that one out of the way we are almost half way done." I smile and rub my hands together. I reach over to the box and place it in my pocket. "Yes the one's i know about are the ring which is done, me which is done, a locket in a black property, the cup which is done, a diadem in Hogwarts, a Diary in possession of the Malfoy's. I could get the Diadem and the locket in about a week if you could distract Albus and give me a container for the diadem I would rather not touch the thing."

Grimjaw thinks "We can make a container for it i will message you the container when it is finished it should take a few days.." as he talks a smaller goblin knocked on the door and enters they talk back and forth he turns to me "Would like to change your name now before the meeting?" I nod my head.

He hands me a piece of paper looking it over. "I, Harry James Le Fey-Black-Slytherin do hereby give up the given name of Harry James and take up the name Orion Regulus Le Fey-Black-Slytherin for hence forth until the day I pass, So Mote It Be." I feel a flash of magic when i am done I feel a weight lift off me I get a small smile.

"Hurry up time is money" Grimjaw said while being a ass i swear he gets off on messing with me. "Well are you done yet you have a meeting to get to. Your Regent is waiting on you." I nod and shake his hand "Thank you again Grimjaw until we meet again hopefully I will have two more soul anchors to be destroyed." He nods and takes my hand. "Follow the young one he will take you to the meeting room." I nod and leave the room.

I walk up to the meeting room door and Knock on it i hear the door unlock and get a look at Andromeda she looked happy to see me she gestures for me to enter. Walking in i am greeted by the sight of Lord Greengrass a tall dark haired brooding man and beside him is Regent Bones. I walk in and become the center of attention I walk over the them and do my best impression of a Pureblood "Greeting Lord Greengrass and Greetings to you Regent Bones, it is a pleasure to meet both of you, my name is Orion Regulus Le Fey-Black-Slytherin." I give a slight bow keeping their expressions in side of my field of view Lord Greengrass looks skeptical at first until he sees the rings on my finger then he gets a thoughtful look on his face. Regent Bones look about a half second from cursing me.

"So what have you called us here for?" Regent Bones goes straight for the heart of the matter. "Well several things one of which you know about the marriage contracts between your children and me personally I am thinking of canceling them." judging their reactions Regent Bones seem happy if the shine in her eyes is something to go by. Lord Greengrass is getting nervous probably wanting to be close to me in anyway possible.

"Well Heir Le Fey let us not be to hasty that is not the only reason that you have called us is it?" Lord Greengrass starts changing the subject, I shake my head. "No it was not one of the major subjects i have called you here for is someone everyone is happy that is dead is not dead as people may think." I smile at the end. They both adopt thoughtful looks on their faces. Until Lord Greengrass pales and mutters to himself 'no no no not possible.' Regent Bones thinks it over and is still skeptical on the subject.

Regent Bones speaks up first "What proof do you have on the subject?" I think over my options "Do either of you know about Horcrux's?" Regent Bones shakes her head, but Lord Greengrass goes even paler if this continues he will be a ghost he gets up and looks at me "How many did he make?!" I look over at him "Six so far possibly seven so far while working with the goblins we have destroyed three of them a ring, a cup, and me." At the end they both look at me in shock.

"A living Horcrux has never been recorded how is it possible?" I guess in for a penny in for a pound "Well on the night he fell, the Potters had more than one child. One 'survived' the other 'died." I dont think they get air quotes so I just tell them "Before that night I was Harry James Potter, After that night when he fell his curse backfired and a chunk of his pitiful soul wormed its way into a scar on my head, and i had a new name Harry James No name I had my magic sealed until I came to Gringotts and had all of the seals broken, lo and behold i was a wizard that the Potters tossed aside so let it not be said that i am not happy with them." I take a breath and continue "I see it one of two ways, one Either they gave me up on their own accord, or someone close to them Obliviated them of any knowledge of me after convincing them to get rid of me."

They sit there with different expressions. Regent Bones looks sick and Lord Greengrass is sitting behind his Occlumency in deep thought. He opens his eyes "you think Albus Dumbledore is the one who did it." I nod my head "He is one of a few who knew the prophesy about Voldemort and myself, it goes - 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....' Now think on who else this applies to.

Regent Bones speaks up "Longbottom's and the Potters." I smile "Yes and both are found and the self fulfilling prophesy is in effect now that he tried to kill me and the curse rebounded. One child parentless, one child thrown away and one placed one raised as a hero and will fall and die when he faces Voldemort in the future. Who hid both the Potter and Longbottom's? Who has the most to gain form them? Who is looked at like a savor of the light but is controlling them in the dark?"

"What do you have planed?" Said Regent Bones. I smile.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter