
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · อื่นๆ
44 Chs


I have been having my elfs sneak inside of Azkaban and mapping it out. They can teleport on the outside of the actual building but not inside of the building its self. i am having them going into the guard area and looking for maps that they eventually find and copy it. I also had them looking for shifts and rotations. They even found a cell list of the whole prison. It was not easy the elfs then selves where almost caught by dementors but luckily the dementors are not the smartest and cannot leave a certain permeator of the prison. I have thought of a plan to get out Sirius and Bellatrix.

It starts with the elfs teleporting me above the wards on the island right above the top of the building. So they drop me off i fall close to the roof and i fly over to the roof and use P.O.D to break any locks in between me and the two targets then using the map that was given to me i go to Sirius first hoping only five years of Dementors and his Animagus form can follow me to Bellatrix's cell grabbing her and calling my elf who will summon me with a pamphlet. I have been doing some research when it comes to elfs they can hear or feel their master call them even from behind ward lines. Which is good for me so i have all of my elfs with at least three pamphlets to call me. The first time I had them use it the elf asked for more work which was funny when i told them that they can have one wish when they hear my call.

I look over a Miny she looks nervous "Lets do it Miny." She nodded her head and grabs my hand and the next thing i know i am free falling looking around and i dont see any dementors so i angle myself to the Black tower after a few moments I snap open my wings and beat them a few times I land on the roof and sit there for a few moments. Looking around the area is clear heading to the roof access i grab the handle and pull the door open huh guess nobody is crazy enough to use the roof access.

I follow the map the the elfs made for me. Heading down some stairs I go to the maximum security ward. I step out of the stairs i look around and soon find a cell with a pile of black clothes i softly knock on the door and a dog snaps its head in my direction I look at him and motion for him to stay quite. I bring up a ball of power of destruction and have it carve out the key hole and pull the cell door open.

I look at him and motion for him to follow me. I turn to go not looking to see if he follows but i can hear the padding of paws behind me. We soon come upon another cell with Bellatrix inside of it she sees me and goes to speak i put my finger in front of my mouth. She quiets and looks at me in silence. I carve out the key hole and am soon inside of the cell i motion for both of the to hold my hands. I can feel the dementors coming to do their normal feeding "Miny" I whisper. Soon as i say that the two passengers look at the glowing read circle below us and soon we appear inside of my house Bellatrix turns to me after we settle down "Did my master tell you to get me out?" I just look at her and snap my fingers. Soon as i do a elf stuns her from behind.

I just shake my head and turn to Sirius who is still in his dog form. "So Sirius you can change back now." He changes back and looks like shit. "you smell like shit, Go and get a bath and changed get some food and start recovering go and look at the papers form the day you where caught ill have a elf drop them off in a room for you." I look at Bellatrix "Miny clean her up and get her changed keep her knocked out." she nods and gets to work. I just sit there and sigh. glad that is over with.

Now all i need to do is contact the goblins cancel the marriage contract and hire the goblins mind healers for Sirius and Bellatrix. I Bellatrix cannot be fixed i am prepared to put her down like a mad dog. I really hope not because that would have been a wasted effort and Andromeda will be upset.

I pen a letter to Manager Grimjaw about the needed mind healer and to prepare to break the contracts. So much to do i just sigh. Soon the elfs come back and tell me Bellatrix is washed and asleep after being fed the potions that her 'master' told her to drink and get better. Sirius has found the liquor cabinet and is drowning his sorrows for being abandoned by the friends he thought to be the only family he knew or so he thought now i will have to explain to him that it may or may not be true. I will need to get Andromeda to get him to get his head out of his ass and see him soon.

I start writing a letter to Andromeda about the successful extraction but i dont outright say that it was me I dont need that drama in my life hell she gave me death eyes when i swore what would happen when she hears that i broke into Azkaban and broke out the two family members out of there. *sigh* that is some shit i dont need in my life. I am too young for this shit.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter