
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · อื่นๆ
44 Chs

Are you Sirius

I sit in my office waiting on Sirius to come here. I hear a knock on the door "come in" i call out. Sirius wakes into the door and looks around nervous. I look at him up and down giving myself a mental pat on the back he has filled out pretty well. Trimmed beard new clothes and a bath made him look like a new man.

"Sit down and let's talk Sirius." He flinched and looked at his seat and looked back at me. "Why is the chair so small, and pink?" I looked at him "Well act like a child I will treat you like one." He just sighed and plopped down.

"So do you know why I called you here?" He looked down and muttered under his breath. "Speak up" I called out. "I tried to... " He muttered the end, "Speak the fuck up!" He flinched again "I tried to contact James and talk to him...." I nod "Yes and why would that be a bad idea you stupid delusional sack of shit." He looked like a kicked puppy. "They think i am the one who betrayed them..." I nodded "Yes you cannot trust them at all not while they are around Dumbledore, I have already told you that they where either going along with his plan or Obliviated of the information, and if you where to write them you will give away my location which will piss me off and i will dump you on Black Island with nothing besides health food, water and no porn."

He goes pale "You would not dare to do such deplorable things." I just stare at him "Test me please just test me." He goes silent. "well what do you have planed." I just sighed "I plan on embarrassing the British wizarding world by having you tried in front of the French and having you reveal all that happened during that night. I also have a plan to keep you far away from the shores of Britain for at least ten years so you will enjoy your self and keep my name out of the break out if they ask just say you walked out which is true. Also work on your fucking Occlumency and start practicing you magic." i just sighed he gets up and looks at me

"What is your plan to get me a trial in France." I just looked at him "I have been in contact with their version of DMILE and I will give them Peter Pettigrew." He looked at me with a mad glint in his eyes. "Where is he." I brush him off "Where you cannot find him and I will keep it that way." He just hung his head and walked out. I want to bang my head on a table "Miny keep an eye on him please."

I pen another letter to Monsieur Delacour hoping he can set it up fast so i dont have to keep a rat hidden form a dog. While i am at it I send another letter to Grimjaw seeing what is taking so long with the mind healer for Bellatrix she is getting cabin fever from not seeing anyone besides me and house elfs there is no way i am showing her to Sirius with out any supervision and i am not getting between crazy and a dumb fuck that is a way to get in a early grave.

As i write a letter to the Monsieur Delacour i hear a pecking on the window i turn and see a barn owl sitting there I walk over and open up the window the owl flies over to my desk. Feeding and watering the owl i look at the letter and see it is from Grimjaw, So it seems that the healer is ready and all i need to do is get Bellatrix there and they will take care of the rest. I am happy that it is finally ready.

I head over the Bellatrix's room I knock on the door and hear a muffled 'come in' I enter and look at Bellatrix sitting in a chair reading a book which is weird. I scan the room and look at her "Bellatrix we need to go we have a meeting with some people." She looked me over "Aww meeting are boring why dont you play with ickle bella?" I deadpan "No, Lets go." she muttered about no fun.

I grab her and the gold Galleon and we appear in the meeting room with several goblin guards and some of the robed healers but these have a gold bracelet i see grim jaw sitting behind the desk with a grin that yells 'expenses is not cheep' fucker is going to bleed me dry. "Her she is take good care of her." needing no further prompting the guards grab her and take her off her yelling and kicking while they drag her off. I look over at grim jaw "Not a word, not a word."

He just chuckled "So young Heir now thats taken care of, now we need to go over the contract of house Lestrange and House Black. I am wondering if you want to use the Maximum penalties since no children where born?" I smiled at that not a kind smile "yes bleed them dry." He laughed "Oh we will young Heir it is to bad that nobody will complain about the missing gold. Now on to other business. We have been in contact with Narcissa and she has shown interest with meeting you would you like to set up a meeting?" I nodded my head "Yes set that up as soon as you can. also can you buy out the Daily prophet?" he looked me over "Yes we can but it will not be cheap.' I figured as much "Buy it most of it at least."

"Any other business that needs to be talked about today?" He goes over the paper work "No it seems that everything is in order, but we heard of a child getting arrested but no name was spoken and it seems that the child escaped before any information was taken down from the child. You would not know anything about that would you?" He asked with glee in his eyes. I chucked "Now why would you think that. I was at home all of the last week." I said with a grin. "Yes, yes young Heir now if you need anything else let us know." I get up and shake his hand "Good to see you again Manager Grimjaw, until the next time."

A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter