

If you want to get right into the story, you can skip this chapter. I, of course, recommend reading it.


"Remove your clothes," Zane said, having a huge smile on his face.

"Yes, master." Angelica, the woman standing before him, nodded as he let go of her beautifully embroidered gown. Her red short hair fell on her shoulders as she licked her lips, revealing the goodness hidden beneath the clothes.

"Kneel and crawl here," Zane commanded, removing his clothes as well as he sat in the chair, pointing at his enormous dick. Angelica nodded without questions, falling onto her knees as her huge boobs moved up and down from the pressure.

Sticking her tongue out, she slowly crawled towards Zane as her little hands grabbed onto his thing, juice spurting out from it. Not awaiting any further commands, she put her lips around it, sucking it viciously.

Zane closed his eyes for a moment.

Yes. This was the heavenly feeling that he craved so much.

The emperor's daughter was quite good, considering that she was still inexperienced. It took him quite a lot of time to conquer her properly, but he had finally done it.

Deciding to enjoy it to the fullest since it would probably be the last time he had sex, Zane discarded all the unnecessary thoughts. Extending his hand, Zane grabbed Angelica by the back of her head, pushing her with all his might.

Her eyes bulged open as she gobbled Zane's dick altogether. She couldn't breathe properly, but Zane didn't stop just there. He grabbed her by the hair and continued to push her head back and forth, saliva dripping from her mouth.

"Cumming!" Zane shouted, pushing her one last time as a heavenly feeling descended upon him. He released as much as he could with his closed eyes before eventually looking back down.

Angelica was sitting on the ground, her eyes dazed from just this much. Little did she know it was just the beginning. Zane put a finger in her mouth and she started to suck on them, causing another smile to appear on Zane's face.

"Turn around and spread your legs," Zane commanded and Angelica obliged, standing up with her legs trembling slightly. Zane pushed her forth, causing her to stumble against the bed, while her knees were still on the ground.

Zane said nothing else, putting his thing in her pussy and propelling her forth like a bullet. Juices flowed down her legs as Zane proceeded to push forth like a wild beast. She grabbed onto the bed for support, loud moans escaping from her mouth.

However, her moaning was overwhelmed by the sound of their legs colliding with each other. Slap! Zane grabbed onto her butt, causing her eyes to rise up just from this alone.

Zane continued to slap her until her ass was red like a tomato, and then he grabbed her by the hair, pushing her back. In this position, his dick reached even deeper, causing Angelica to completely lose her mind.

Zane grabbed her by the jaw with his other hand, kissing her with his tongue while never stopping pushing with his waist. A strange sound escaped from her mouth as Zane released another shot straight inside her womb.

He no longer cared about any consequences, nor did Angelica seem to care that much anymore. She fell against the bed, her boobs getting hidden.

"Don't you dare pass out yet. We are just getting started." Zane took her by her hands and rose her whole body into the air. Placing her legs against his shoulders, Zane sucked on her tits before putting his thing back inside.

"Yes! Fuck me, master!" Angelica regained her composure, once again filling the huge dick fill her up from the inside. She continued to moan, her breasts moving up and down.

She was about to lose consciousness. The pleasure was too good.

Angelica wrapped her hands around Zane's neck, her mouth opening wide. She no longer cared about her appearance, nor about anything else.

"Don't stop! I am cumming!" Angelica shouted, expression lewd. A few seconds later, goosebumps went through her entire body as she felt the juices squirting out of her pussy. She completely drenched Zane in it, but he cared not and continued to fuck her hard.

Throwing her onto the bed, he continued to fall into the clenches of this pleasure. They continued for almost two hours before Angelica finally passed out, her majestic body unmoving on an entirely wet bed.

"This wasn't too bad, though I expected the daughter of the empire to feel a bit better." Zane sighed, taking one last glance at Angelica before putting his clothes back on. Stretching slightly, exhausted, he yawned before opening the door outside.

An enormous hallway stretched from where Zane stood, and he started walking towards the staircase leading upwards. He walked slowly, leisurely, befitting of the one called the strongest one in history.

Shouts and noises of war echoed from above, yet Zane continued walking like a monk, slow and deliberate. Finally, his huge figure revealed itself on the battlefield, as his fellow soldiers suddenly got quiet.

All noise ceased from the surroundings. Both the demons and the humans got silent, and only the seven demon kings and demon lord remained unhinged. They stood there, hundreds of kilometers away from the castle, staring back at him.

"Maybe this will be fun." Zane smiled, walking to the edge of the castle, looking down at thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of demons. They all were staring back, unmoving, clearly scared. Grinning, Zane put his two palms together and clapped once.

This one single movement caused all the demons to start running away like cockroaches. Suddenly, the entire world was plunged into darkness, and even the soldiers standing beside Zane felt sweat running down their faces.

They all turned towards the sky, seeing four huge meteors falling upon the world, each of them covered in dark fire. Zane smiled like never before. "Perhaps I can finally go all out!"

With that, Zane appeared before the demon lord and his lackeys, his smile remaining unchanged. Then, without any ceremony, they started fighting. It was a long and exhausting battle, with hundreds of thousands dying from each side. Their collision alone caused continents to change, mountains to shatter, and the sky to disappear. It was power beyond what could be handled by this planet.

In the end, everything came to an end. The planet itself got destroyed, and all its precious women that Zane hadn't played with yet also ceased to exist.

Before dying, however, Zane ripped something pink out of his chest.

"Go and find someone as worthy as me," Zane whispered to it and then threw it toward the sky. It moved like a comet, piercing space and continuing onward.