
Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire.

Contemplating the ruins of his once prosper Empire. Marek Vega, the New Emperor, with his new found Legendary Super Saiyan power, takes on the Project of a lifetime! Conquering everything under the Heavens!! Naruto World! DXD World!! Dragon Ball Z World!!! And finally The Strongest Primordial Realm(OG)!! Everything is a land to be taken over in his eyes!! Watch as he becomes the greatest Emperor to ever lived!!! There will be a Harem, but it won't be too much... The MC will be OP in the first arcs but as the story continues this will change. If you want more chapters... Up to 15 Chapters!! Please join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ThunderDawn And if you want to discuss the story please join my discord. https://discord.gg/NDDP4KCX2D

Thunder_Dawn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
262 Chs

Slumber and Imperium.

The two brothers looked at the Vaillant old man with respect:

"If he is this strong at the end of his life…Just how strong was his peak?"

Marek sighed deeply:

"Probably stronger than me."

The two opened their eyes in surprise! But suddenly narrowed them in thought. You should understand that the current situation of the old man here is equivalent or even worst than an 80 old Men doing chemotherapy…

He is really in a super weakened state…But eve, in this weakened state he could use shadows of his former glory.

Izuna looked at the Emperor…he sighed in relief:

'It's good that Big Brother managed to calm down and see the situation clearly.'

Contrary to his brother, he wasn't a strength worshipper who only cared about war. He was a clan leader…He could see…That if he did go throught with it…The Whole Empire would have been left behind and only the Jannisaries could possibly keep up with the Emperor.

…It would probably ended as The Emperor, the Four Marshalls and him against the world.

Madara would had no problem with it, but Izuna knew that this isn't what his Brother wanted.

His eyes then flashed as he had a questioning gaze on:

'This time everyone was prepared for imminent war.'

'After all…Big Brother isn't so kind to restrain his anger this time.'

It was a question Madara also had on his mind. But he kept his doubts to himself.

Earlier….He felt it the dangerous rage of the Emperor….He knew the Empress had something to do with it…

…But was it really enough…To quell this kind of fury?

The Emperor's eyes were already on the battlefield again…

But not only the Emperor but all the other countries and even the other continents!!

Such a power release in a peace zone, is something that couldn't go unattended.

The Clashed resounded through the whole Continent!

And even in the Sword Sect had an inquiring gaze as she looked at the faraway power shocks.

"What is happening, for this dog to go so big this time?"

At the same time, she was more aware of the power such an Empire possesses. She stood up and marched back into the Ancestral Training Ground:

"Let's go dance some more."

The battle raged and even inside the Atleasian Empire, a green haired woman, was fidgeting nervously from the power shocks.

She spoke worriedly to the Mother Empress, and the Two Empresses who were charmingly having tea.

Seemingly without a worry on the world:

"This much power unleashed inside of the Continent…."

"What's on the world…?"

Devran's gaze lingered on Elga, a small smile on:

"A Crisis…A Big Crisis that could have plunged the whole Low Primordial Realm in endless wars."

Roygun's eyes narrowed, as she titled her head in desolation….When she saw the anger in the eyes her beloved. Even her didn't know how to soothe it.

She looked at the woman beside her with a gaze filled with gratitude:

"You really did a good job…Shahrazad…"

Devran nodded:

"Although I don't imagine my Lion ever loosing…It's never good to go at the pace of others."

Shahrazad as she drunk her tea gracefully:

"You overestimate me."

There was a hint of helplessness in her eyes:

"Even I, was only grasping at straws."

"And to be honest…It's not really me who quelled his Majesty's fury."

The both narrowed their eyes, as they sighed deeply. She then continued:

"But for a moment his Majesty seemed really happy about something."

Elga looked at the graceful and beautiful Empress, speaking with endless poise and grace.

'This is Shahrazad Vega, My Liege's Little Sister.'

'It is as my Liege said…What a beautiful sight….'

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks:


"Did you say…All the lower Primordial Realm?!!"

Devran sighed deeply:

"Oh, My Sweet Child…For what exactly did you think your Mother and I fought so much for?"

She titled her head:

"Anyway, you will see it. When you meet my lion."

The Emperor narrowed his eyes and spoke in his mind…

"Your words better be true. Great Priestess."

His tone was commanding yet held a tinge of intimacy that didn't escape her senses.

The Great Priestess held a delighted yet retrained smile:

"This is the best choice, your Imperial Majesty."

"If you stopped him now, you would have deprived him of his glory."

"The Glory, Yashin promised him."

His eyes became more solemn.

"Who is this Yashin Vega for his subordinates to be so loyal to him?"

The Grand Priestess' tone softened, it was full of doting and love:

"Your Predecessor…"

She added:

"But I do not have to worry about you either…"

"The men by your sides are also as loyal if not more, your Majesty."

Marek smiled condescendingly:

"Is it?"

The Woman laughed lightly:

"How amusing…"

"What is it?"

"There isn't one of the Grand Monarchs that didn't want to best his predecessors."

"It seems it is the same for you, your Majesty."

"I always found it childish…But not one of them was willing to listen to me."

Marek sighed:

"The Vega Dynasty…It seems there is much I still don't know…I could require your guidance."


The Grand Priestess smiled brightly at being called this way once again:

"Your Majesty…I could aid you…"

"But I can't build the Empire by your side."

"I am only a relic of an old era…And you are the one blessed with the Imperium."

"If I interfere too much…Your blessed road could be tainted."

Marek smiled:

"You already interfered plenty, don't you think?"

"Without you…At this moment…Would there still be peace in the continent?"

The Matriarch sighed:

"The Saharian are much more scheming than they appears to be…"

"You never used your full powers in here, so you don't know of it yet."

"If you flew into rage and attacked Yasrib."

"Your Power and the resonance between you and the Heaven and Earth of the Primordial Realm, would be apparent."

"You may not see it…But powerful beings could see the way the Dao favors you."

"You would have announced the birth of a New Vega Grand Monarch to the world."

"And all the rest of the Lower Primordial Realm would have ganged up on you at the same time."

"It's what happened to Yashin back then."

"But for him it was on a much bigger scale."

"Although I don't think you would lose that war."

"However that would destroy the foundations you would have laid for your country."

"For now, in their eyes…You are simply a Vega Monarch."

"The different factions wouldn't take the risk of waking up the slumbering vassals of our dynasty for you."

The Emperor's eyes became serious:

"You've been talking too much, Matriarch."

His eyes were impatient:

"What I wanted to know…is what you said…About the slumber in the Imperium true…"

The Ancient Empress eyes widened and a little smile appeared on her face. Here she was talking to him about power struggles and countries he would have to fight…But his mind was on one thing only….

Indeed, Sharazad already evoked the possibility of a war of this magnitude, but barely moved him.

Only one thing could get him to calm down. And turn his anger into delight.

Her eyes brightened…This why she loved the Monarchs so much…And this why she never even thought about intervening in the affairs of succession.

And thinking about it…Didn't he only calm down after she mentioned this…

A kind and benevolent smile appeared on her face.

"You probably need more in depths explanations for you to believe me."

"Do you know why our Dynasty is so feared…"

"And why despite our priors we are still not be provoked even in time of extreme weakness…?"

"The Saharian Empire is only one dynasty who has a grudge with us…"

"And is not even close to the being who hate us the most in the Primordial Realm."

"There are monster who have been holding on a Epochs of hatred."

"Yet they never acted on it."

"Even when your country was about to be destoyed."

"The Saharians always showed their intention of intervening in the last moment."

"Even if they wanted the King Piece…They never wanted to force it."

"Do you know why is that?"

The Emperor's eyes narrowed….The Matriarch continued as she chuckled, pride and vainglory in her voice:

"It is because of the Imperium."

"The Imperium is the accumulation of power of all the past powerhouses and Grand Monarchs of the Vega Dynasty since the more ancient times of the Primordial Realm"

"Even dating to the times when the Primordial Races, and the Titanus ruled the Primordial Realm."

"The Imperium is the will of all the Vega Dynasts, from the unborn child to the Grand Monarchs through the epochs and unending times."

"All the creature from the little viruses to the most powerful Omniverse Deities…"

"All that once lived and swore allegiance to the Vega Dynasty, never truly dies…"

"They all slumbered…in the depth of the Imperium."

"And only the Fire of a Great Monarch could awaken them from their Slumber."

"This is why Great Monarchs are feared in the Primordial Realm."

"And this is why nobody dare to go too far in provoking the Imperium."

"The Imperium is like a Pandora's Box…"

"That no one dare to open, where the servants and monstrous clans and endless armies of the previous Epochs and all their successors lay silently waiting for the call to awaken once again."

"And if the Vega Dynasty is really facing extinction, those monsters would use their own existence to awaken themselves."

"Paying corresponding prices."

"Be it the people you lost when you were incomplete…Or the People you will lose in the Future."

"All will be slumbering in the Imperium waiting for you to awake them once again."

"Even if they were destroyed until the tinniest fragment, even if their soul was dissipated, even if their existence was uprooted from the realm of possibilities and causality."

"What once lived in the Imperium, shall slumber in the Imperium."

The Emperor took a deep breath, his normal calm eyes disappeared as a rare of look of relief and emotional clarity appeared on his face.

"I can do it."

His voice was trembling, something even Madara and Izuna were surprised by.

Madara looked deeply into the Emperor's eyes, his eyelash was trembling…His back was arched as if a load was carried on his back…

He had a relieved face…In his life, even he never saw Marek Vega this happy.

"I can make it right…"

"My people…I can bring them back."

His hands trembled. Hearing his emotional voice, a big smile appeared on the Matriarch face:

"I am happy for you, my child."

For him…Be it the Monstruous Universal civilizations that already began eying him, or the Saharos Empire that dared provoke him.

All that was insignificant in front of this one and only truth. Finally, the fire burning deep in his heart…The Anger he felt that threatened to destroy everything calmed down.

He smiled:

"Only this is relevant, all the rest is unimportant."

He sneered; arrogance carved in his face:

"You only have to wait and watch me."

"I will create the most prosper Empire in the Primordial Realm."

The Matriarch nodded, acknowledging those words:

"I do not have the slightest doubt, my child."

His eyes then became once again solemn and respectful, as he looked at the Old Man. He sighed, a melancholic glint in his eyes:

"I hope you realized your wish before slumbering."

He took a bottle of alcohol he shared with his brothers…He spoke, a light smile on, as he watched the happenings.

"Let's drink!!"

"To the Ancestral Tree."

Madara and Izuna nodded before drinking in a little moment of bliss. They then heard other words:

"Your slumber shall be short, I promise!"

The last sentence confused the brothers, but they didn't ask about it further….