
Phase 1 Part-1

The examiner jumped off the pedestal and says, "This way please," as he starts walking.

"Just so there's no mistake… The Hunter exam is very rigorous. If you lack the necessary ability--Too bad. If you are unlucky--Again, too bad and examinees are not above sabotaging each other as you saw. If you are okay with that then you are welcome to follow me."

Everyone seemed to ignore his warnings anyway and started following him.

The Examiner- "Still with me? Good. You 404 applicants may enter the first phase."

Leorio- "Apart from that Tompa guy, that's everybody. Had hoped a few would chicken out."

The examiner was gradually picking up the pace. Soon everyone was running.

"Hey, what's up? Why's everyone in a rush?" asked Leorio confuse by the sudden change in pace.

Kurapika- "As I thought, the pace is quickening!"

Gene- "Yeah, the guys in the front have Running!"

The Examiner- "I am Satotz, your examiner for the first phase of the exam as well as the guide to the second.

"Second? But what is the first?" asked a bald ninja from the crowd.

Ren- "Isn't it obvious. This is the first phase of the exam."

Satotz(Examiner)- "What this young man said is true. All you have to do is keep up with me, simple, no? Where we are going and when we'll there, I can't say. To find out, just follow, follow, follow."

Kurapika- "That is simple indeed"

Gene- "Simple...Weird, I think."

Leorio- "Not really, It's just an endurance test. No problem there, I can keep up with anybody."

"This isn't just about physical endurance, There is a psychological element to it as well. Not knowing how long we have to run will seriously test our mental endurance as well," says Freya in a serious tone. Jus a Leorio was about to reply, a girl whizzed past us on a skateboard.

"A SKATEBOARD?! THAT'S CHEATING!!!" screamed Leorio.

WHite haired girl- "How so?"

Leorio- "HOW D'YA THINK?! He told us it was an endurance test!"

Freya- "No YOU said that. He only said to follow."


"Yelling just wastes energy Leorio. Not only that, it's irritating. Remember, we could bring whatever we wanted to the Exam. Anyway, I'm going ahead" said ren leaving Leorio furious.

Freya, Ren and Gene go ahead to catch up with the girl.

{Ren POV}

"Hey, how old are you guys?" enquired the girl.

"Around 12," I replied. This girl must be the female version of Killua.

"Me too. Huh… I guess I'll run for a bit." said the girl getting off her skateboard.

"I'm Freya. He's Ren and she's Gene." Saif Freya introducing us.

"I'm Kile. And who are you pops?" asked Kile.

Leorio- "I'M NO POPS. I'M NOT EVEN 20 YET!!!"

"NO WAY!!!" exclaimed gene and kile.

"Even you Gene! That's it! Our friendship is over!" said Leorio, pissed off.

'Not getting involved.' thought Kurapika as he picked up the pace.

A Few hours have passed,

Kurapika- 'We have been running for about three hours. At this pace, we would have at least covered 40 KM. But how much longer can we keep running?!'

Leorio- "Huf, Huf, Huf" 'This is nuts! We have been running for four, maybe five hours. And nobody's dropped out yet!!'

Gene- "How are you doing?"

Leorio just shows an OK sign, 'I didn't expect such a tough first phase… Correction, I didn't expect such tough Applicants!! These guys are the cream of the crop. I couldn't appreciate that until now. I'm seriously outclassed!'

Leorio now sweating bullets, pushing himself, his muscles burning, 'Odds to get this far were one in Ten Thousand… And a rookie might pass every three years-- MAYBE! Aw… Who am I kidding? I'm done, finished, kaput. An ordinary guy like me has got no chance…'

Leorio dropped his suitcase and comes to a stop. Alarmed, we stop to check on him.

Kile- "He has failed. That's how it goes. Come on.

"Wheeze, Huff, Huff… That's crap… " says Leorio while getting up. He had a determined look in his eyes. "I CAME HERE TO BECOME A HUNTER!! AND THAT'S THAT! FULL STOP!!" Roared Leorio as he once again picked up the pace. One thing's for sure. However dumb he may act, the guy has got will. For that, I can respect him. 'Well, might as well help him a bit by carrying his suitcase.' I think as I pick up his suitcase and carry on.

We have now crossed the 80 Kilometer mark. Surprisingly only one person has dropped out.

"Look!!!" said the Bald Ninja as he pointed towards what looks like stairs. Looks like we will have to go all the way up to the ground on stairs. Even some of the veteran examinees seem to be surprised. I must be new.

"Now then, let's pick up the pace a bit, shall we?" said Satotz with a smug look. His strides got exponentially faster as he effortlessly traversed the stairs.

Random Guy- "Check this guy, Would ya!!! Looks like he's just out for a Sunday stroll."

Veteran Examinee- "Probably gonna lose some on this leg."

Leorio was now sweating bullets as he pressed on. He had long passed his limits.

"How're you doing, Leorio?" enquired Kurapika, slightly worried.

"Great! Pant... Never Better!! Found extra steam in the boiler once I stopped giving a fig of how I look!! Strip me naked, I'm keeping up! Go ahead and pretend you don't know me!!" said Leorio as he removed his shirt.

Kurapika followed as he removed the 2nd layer of his dress.

We are halfway up the stairs. 37 people have dropped out. We (Ren, Freya, Gene and Kile) are right behind Satotz. "We're ahead of everyone!" says Gene as she looks back.

Ren- " Yeah, It's the slow pace. CLimbing slowly tires you faster."

Kile- "Maybe the whole hunter exam is like this, tedious and boring."

Freya- "So, why do you want to be a hunter?"

Kile- "That's the thing Freya-- I don't. I'm just interested in the exam. I heard it was really tough. So far, it ain't. What about you guys?"

Freya- "Ren and I are here just to have fun and explore."

Gene- " And as for me, my dad's a Hunter and I want to be just like him."

Kile- "What's he like?"

Gon- "I don't know."

Kile- "Ha Ha Ha, you guys sure are weird."

"The same can be said about you," I say with a smile.

Kile blushed as she was about to say something as Gene said, "Look, the exit!!!".

This seemed to have invigorated everyone as the rushed out.

It seemed that we were in a forest of some sorts.

"Wild," said a side character. "Where are we, enquired another."

Statz- "We are in the misty wetlands, also known as the 'Swindler's Swamp'. There are many crafty and voracious creatures unique to these wetlands. They'll trick you in a blink and eat you with relish. Follow me and stay focused. It comprises of the next leg of the first phase. Please note that If you are deceived, you are dead."

I have Reckoned Ren and Freya's age to 12.

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