
Multiversal: The Shop

In the shop, we have everything when we say everything, means everything but of course are you willing to pay the price for receiving them? There's nothing free, everything has a price. --- Alexander Barthomeloi, previous name [Unknown] before reincarnating as Alexander, he was nothing more than a poor average human in earth with nothing special, that was until 'God' a mistake and killing him by accident. Thus 'God' offered to compensate him for his mistake, it was to go to heaven or be reincarnated in another. And he choose the latter choice with the condition being born in a rich family and nothing more, however 'God' felt like was lacking for his compensation. So, 'God' decided to give him an extra blessing which is 'The Shop'. [ Warning! ] The story is a first person POV for Alexander. While the others are 3rd POV. Current Crossovers - Nasuverse Tada-kun wa koi wo shinai! Bocchi the Rock! Kumo ga nani desu ka? Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement (There would be more in the future) Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful. P@.treon/charlottes143 There's currently 10 advanced chapters there. Update 1 Chapter Daily. The cover isn't mine, credits to the original artist.

Charlottes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
119 Chs


I need yer stone, throw it at me!

And I appreciate it. 🫡

As I left them alone for them to think what they're going to buy, I went to check if that girl I healed woke up, and when I was about to arrive at the bedroom available for guests.

I saw the girl who was indistinguishable compared to her earlier appearance, with her new clothes and fresh look. It's like she became a completely different person, if it wasn't for that headband and that blood hair I wouldn't be able to recognize her at all.

It seems that she's now awake and has taken a bath. There's no unpleasant smell coming from her anymore, as she smells like flowers.

"Well, I guess she's awake." I said as I stared at her, devoid of wounds and dirt, her true beauty was discovered.

This girl could easily become a supermodel in his world if she were older, but she's just barely a teenager, if he were to guess she's 12 or maybe 13.

Also she's really skinny, it was obvious that she's malnourished and I bet if she took off her clothes, she would be nothing more than skin and bones.

This kid probably doesn't have anything valuable, it was a shame but regardless this must be some kind of fate for her to stumble in this place.

"So, what's your name girl?" I asked her, and like a cub of some animal, she hid behind Emiya's leg, looking at me, like I'm sort of a child predator.

I looked at Emiya with uncertainty. "I'm not that scary right?"

The bastard snorted and replied. "No, she's just afraid of strangers considering what her experience before she arrived here."

Well, that's definitely logical and I replied. "Not surprising, either way my name is Alexander, I'm the owner of this establishment and the person who healed you, so what's your name girl? And how old are you?"

While the last question wasn't really necessary, however, I'm quite curious about what her true age is.

Hearing that I'm the one who healed her, she realized that I'm someone that she could trust and was no longer hiding behind Archer's leg.

Still though, it's quite funny looking at Archer who was basically like a giant to her, it's like he's her father or something.

"I-i'm Ymir….m-my lord and my age is 16.." The girl who is now named Ymir replied.

'Ymir?! Holy shit, no wonder she looked familiar, also she's 16?! How?! With her body mass she looks like 10 years old! Did she miss her growth spurt? Or maybe she's like that because of lack of nourishment?' I was shocked by her identity while also being surprised by the fact that she's 16 despite looking like a kid!

Based on her injuries before, I don't think she gained the power of titan, which was honestly quite a shame that she didn't have it, because I'm pretty sure I can convince her to convert it into points, since I'm doing her a favor anyway.

There's nothing good comes with her having that power, her slave mentality isn't suitable for it, like the original despite her being more powerful than that bastard Fritz, she surrendered thinking that following that bastard of a human being is the right thing to do.

However, I can't really blame it all on her, after all if following orders is what she knew all her life, she would eventually think that it is right to follow the command of anyone.

It is her what she had become after not having any 'freedom' for years, not thinking that there's more to life than following orders.

Also, what's with the 'my lord' title, while I'm completely fine with anyone from mage association calling me with this title, however it's wrong for Ymir to call me that, like she's comparing me to that bastard Fritz.

I know that it's not her intention, but knowing her future makes it feel wrong for her to call me like that, thus I decided. "Cut that 'My Lord' stuff, just call me Alex or sir, but I prefer the former."

Ymir wasn't sure what to do, as this was the first time someone rejected her to call them 'my lord' as it usually pleased her masters, but this person looks uncomfortable being called that way.

She wasn't sure if she should apologize for making me uncomfortable or following my 'order'.

In the end, Ymir couldn't decide for herself as her slave mentality is still strong, and could only look at Emiya for response.

Knowing exactly what she was implying or at least what he read based on her expression, he said. "Just do as he said, call him Alex."

Ymir nodded and then looked at me with a determination, although just a tiny bit of it. "A-alex."

I shrugged, while it wasn't perfect, at least it's a start, then stared at Emiya with a smirk. "Also, call me boss."

Emiya rolled his eyes at my words, but regardless didn't fight it and answered. "Alright, 'boss', what do you want me to do now?"

His voice was sarcastic while he mentioned the word 'boss', I wasn't really expecting much to begin with, I'll take whatever I can get, his manners don't really matter as long as he shows results.

In the end what matters is that he's doing his job, since wasn't the kind of boss who scolds someone for no reason, I'm better than that.

At least I'm trying to be fair.

Then I ordered Emiya. "Make her something to eat, make sure it's healthy. I mean look at her, she's 16 and still looks like a kid, that can't be normal."

Emiya looked at Ymir for a bit and nodded. "I was about to do that anyway."

Ymir didn't understand what they were talking about. Aside from the eating part, she hoped that whatever she ate could fill her stomach.

And little did she know, it was more than just a fill with Emiya.

"Follow me, I'll guide you to the dining room." Emiya said to Ymir as he urged her to follow.

Ymir didn't say anything and just followed him, but before they could leave, I was reminded. "Also make food for 8 more people."

Emiya looked at him confused. "Why?"

"There are currently a total of 8 customers, and I don't think they have eaten yet, so would you?" I replied while I crossed both of my arms.

Understanding my request, he nodded and said. "It will be done in a half hour."


It's been more than a half hour since she's been looking for a 'perfect' weapon to slay the Gods for good, but everytime she decides on something, she felt like if she bought this particular weapon, it won't be enough her instinct was screaming at her that it won't enough to slay them despite it's ridiculous power and abilities.

She felt like they needed a more powerful weapon, something that cost more than 150k. Morgan usually her 'instinct' that she calls it, is more like some kind of foresight rather than just a feeling after all it saved her multiple times already by following this 'instinct' that she has.

Mom told her that such ability is unique and extremely valuable for the likes of them, who are people in power, like it could save them from an assassin or making a bad decision.

That's why, despite being the third youngest, she's favored to become the crowned princess.

With a sigh, she wasn't sure what to do now because she felt in her gut that everything in this section wasn't enough…

Suddenly she broke out of her thoughts as she smelled something amazing behind her, it wasn't just her who noticed this but also her friends.

Morgan noticed that it was the store owner who brought this appetizing smell, unconsciously her lips began to drool.

If her mom sees the state she was in, there's no doubt she would scold her for such an unsightly manner, but right now she couldn't care less as she continued to stare at the meal in front of her.

The owner placed the set of meals in front of the table and said. "I'm sure you're all hungry, why don't you take a bite? It's in the house, I feel bad if I don't at least feed you."

With his words, the last straw was drawn and the last of their resistance was taken from them and without a shame they went to eat whatever dish was laid onto the table.

And as soon as the food touched their tongue, they all had 'foodgasm' in their own personal way.

Only after they satisfied their own hunger, they realized how embarrassing they acted.

Morgan's face resembles a tomato after she regained her sanity and thought. 'Ohmygoshicantbelieveiactedlikethatimdeadifmomfoundout!'

The owner thankfully didn't take any offense to their unsightly behavior and just laughed a bit. "I'm glad you all enjoyed the meal, I'll let Emiya know about it, he'll be happy to hear it."

"T-thank for the meal, sir i- we didn't realize we were that hungry." Morgan said with a flustered look.

"Well, now you do." The owner smiles and then looks at her and asks. "So, I'm guessing you haven't decided to buy?"

Morgan paused and lowered her head. "Y-yeah, I don't mean to offend but…I felt like the weapon from 150k isn't enough.."

Owner didn't feel offended, which was a relief, instead he replied. "I guess I can understand, you're trying to slay a god, a weapon of that caliber isn't enough."

It was nice to know that the owner agreed with her, then suddenly he suggested an unexpected offer. "Say, if you want you can hire me to deal with those gods, for all of the credits you have."

Morgan was speechless. "W-what.."

However, the owner only smiles. "So, do you want to hire me?"

A/N: A spoiler there's going to be another person that is going with him, someone who likes to kill a god, kinda predictable but you may guess who.🤔

Also, spoilers I think I nailed that sex scene! 🔥

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 10 chapter advance