
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
200 Chs

DanMachi 30

The shy girl misunderstanding my words goes bright red. She starts fidgeting and mumbling, but I ignore her plight and I don't let her talk.

"Let me introduce you to the rest of the familia, and you can decide if you want to stay with us." I say extending my hand and grabbing hers. Her face goes crimson but doesn't let go.

I lead her out of my room, down the stairs, and right into the living room, where the rest of the familia was already waiting for us. We had a discussion earlier about Haruhime, but no details were said. I only told Hestia a small part of Haruhime's past and what she went through during her stay at the Ishtar familia, I even told her my plans of making her forget about all of it. The goddess protested at first, but after a detailed recount of some of the girl's experiences, Hestia agreed without saying another word.

Additionally, she made a promise she wasn't going to mention it, and if the girl wished to join us, convert her falna without a word. The falna conversion process, thankfully, doesn't need the original god's permission, so there is no need to worry about that, however, the original god will feel one of their familia members get removed from their divine senses, but that could also be explained with death, and Ishtar has too many followers to care about a single person disappearing or dying.

"Everyone please meet Sanjouno Haruhime." I introduce the shy girl to the rest and push her to the front. Her tail wraps around my arm and she timidly greets the other girls with a deep bow.

"I-I-it's a pleasure to meet e-e-everyone." The girls look at her with wide eyes, and not a moment later a squeal was heard, and then they surround and pull her away. With the live sacrifice made, and not wanting to be part of whatever they plan to do, I extract myself from the room and head upstairs.

Not long after Olive comes informing me that Haruhime joined the familia, that she had a unique skill, and that they plan on heading out to get her some clothes and equipment.

"Okay have fun and don't stay out too long." I say with a wide smile, as I wave her off. She freezes in her step and measures me up.

"You're planning something." She states strangely looking at me and then squints her eyes.

"Whaa? What are you talking about?" I ask pretending to not know, which prompts her to roll her eyes.

"Oh, cut the crap, I know you better than you know yourself, you're planning something." I sigh and look at her system screen to check if she has some kind of sixth sense skill, just to identify when I'm planning on doing something stupid, but nothing comes up. I grumble then tell her my plan on attacking the Ishtar familia after they leave.

"Why? You already saved Haruhime." She asks while looking a bit confused.

"Is the quest finished?" I point it out.

"Hmm, I was wondering about that too..." She says taking up a thinking pose.

"That's because Ishtar needs Haruhime's soul to defeat Freya, and she won't stop at anything to get what she wants. If that means going to war with us, kidnapping someone, or straight up assassinating Hestia, she will do it. There's nothing she won't do to achieve her plans." I explain.

"I want in." She says, squinting her eyes.

"Are you sure? It's not going to be pretty." I ask looking at her while rising my eyebrow.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Alright, I was planning on going out as soon as you guys are gone." I say.

"Then give me a second and I'll inform them I'm staying home." She says quickly exiting the room to find the girls.

As the others leave the house, we quickly gear up. Because we didn't want anyone to recognize us, we didn't go in our current dungeon equipment, but our old one. It provided some minimal defense, but even going in shorts I wouldn't be truly afraid. The highest-level adventurer the Ishtar familia had, was their captain. Phryne Jamil, otherwise known as Frog, is well known for her sadistic tendencies and child abuse, she stood at an 'amazing' level five.

The second strongest, and the second in command, was Tammuz Belili, who was one of Ishtar's playthings. She charmed him, and he couldn't resist any of her wishes, he only stood only at level four. The assault on their manor, or should I say sex dungeon, was going to be a relatively easy feat. Now you might be asking me why I didn't save the fox earlier, or why I didn't attack earlier when I could have done it ages ago.

And you would be right, but at the same time, even if I was careful, the assault on Ishtar's manor would have raised some flags, especially if a god dies, and in the end might have pulled suspicion on me, on us, and I couldn't risk that. I had to make sure to be able to beat the strongest man in town, Freya's attack dog and demigod, Ottar.

I was sure Freya will act sooner than later, her tendency to collect useful people were already showing with her spying attempts. My main focus was rising my system and falna levels. If you take into consideration that Ottar has a basic falna system, rising only up to a maximum of S 999, while mine can reach up to SSS 1500. You get to where my current falna stats, even at a level lower than him, are standing toe to toe with him. On top of that add class stats and race stats, and I was already stronger than him.

The second problem we might be facing is Ishtar's and Freya's ability to charm people, and no way in hell was I going to let Olive anywhere near them without a surefire way of preventing that. Her latest skill, in combination with the one I just taught her, will keep her mind well protected.

Olivia has already assimilated the Renard race, and gods did she look sexy, she only had 7 dark brown tails which ended in white patches, the same as her ears. The tail fluffiness was heavenly and I was planning to sleep while hugging them.

After shifting she gained instinctual knowledge on how to move her tails and ears, making her strike up adorable poses. Oh and let's not talk about the fact that those tails and ears were erogenous zones, with their sensibility similar to the elf ears. I just wanted to take her right there and right now. But suppressing my urges, I kept it in my pans, we had more important things to do today. So with the plans for the night already made, we disguised ourselves even more by shifting into the Cat Person race.

With the preparation for the mission done, I grab Olive's hand and pinpointed the child abuser's position, she was in a basement, deep under her familia home, already torturing Aisha, Haruhime's ex-guard and without any fanfare, we blink to the location.

"Who the Fu-" The beast asks, but never finishes her question.

With one swipe of my blade, they both lose their lives. Even if Aisha 'helped' Haruhime, she was part of the team who allowed her to go through what she went through. The amount of mana infused into the blade, not only cleaves right through both Aisha and Phryne, killing them instantly, but cleaves through the ceiling ending a dozen more on its way up.

[Human (Level 1) x7 slain 700 XP Received]

[Human (Level 2) x3 slain 600 XP Received]

[Human (Level 3) x4 slain 1,200 XP Received]

[Human (Level 4) x1 slain 400 XP Received]

[Human (Level 5) x1 slain 500 XP Received]

Olivia turns toward me with a deadpan look. I roll my eyes and ask. "What?" She says nothing, only shakes her head in disappointment.

"We are here on a mission to get rid of them, not to give them a chance to explain themselves." I say and just before the ceiling starts collapsing, I blink us upwards to an empty hall with a door at the end of it. A low rumble is heard from downstairs and yells from all around us. A group of guards, weapons drawn start running towards us, I point to them and say. "If you're not ready, let me take care of them."

She purses her lips and slowly shakes her head, and unsheaths her sword, firing off waves of destruction, leaving large gashes on the wall and a dismembered group in pieces. We start walking towards the door ahead of us, while the screams of pain surround us. She might have left them alive, but without limbs, in this world, it might have been worse than death, but I don't comment on it. It's her choice to keep them alive, even if it might be a problem in the long run.

[Celestial Eyes] tells me the room ahead is occupied by the goddess and two of her devoted followers. She had company and the time of her life, taking it from both ends at the same time, without an ounce of worry for all the explosions and screams around her. It would be a shame if someone would interrupt her fun.

So I kick down the door, startling the ecstasy-immersed goddess and her followers, as a [Alter Orb] instantly forms over my head, shooting two rays of plasma, cleaving right through the heads, the ones on their shoulders, of the guys entertaining the goddess. She screams and pulls herself off the still stiff rods, then jumps out of the bed.

"Who dares interrupt me!" She yells furry pointing towards us, while her divinity, and something white between her legs, slowly start leaking. A grimace appears on my face, as the smell of the room assaults my nose. Olive gags, but I answer the goddess's question.

"I do." I say, just before blinking and removing one of her arms from her shoulder. I wicked smile plasters my face, as it takes the goddess a moment to realize what just happened. She grabs her heavily bleeding shoulder, and drops on the floor, as golden ichor starts spraying the floor. She screams from the pain and starts firing off multiple charms our way, in an attempt to get out of this situation alive by bewitching us.

A snort leaves my nostrils as [Mind Arts] shield trembles from her assault. This was the strongest attack it ever received, but not even cracks show on it. The combination of all my passive magical skills amplified its defenses to an illogical level. Sill I know that before a higher-tier entity, not this cheap imitation of a god, they would not stand a chance.

I quickly look over to Olivia, prepared to see hearths in her eyes, but only find furry, in the amount, I've never seen from her. Her blade was already drawn, shining brightly with the tell-tell sign of her [True Cut] active. She slowly walks up to the goddess, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her to her knees. Ishtar's divinity already raging, spreading all around her, prepared to explode, but before she does that, Olive bends down next to her ear and with venom in her voice whispers. "Bitch, he's mine." Then with a swipe of Severance, that also bisects the mansion, she beheads the god of lust.

An explosion of light washes over the room, shaking the whole building and its foundation, shooting Olive backward at high speeds, I [Blink] and catch her before she hits the wall, the light intensifies, but strangely doesn't straight up shoot toward the sky. The stone at the epicenter slowly starts to vaporize, and the heat in the room skyrockets.

"I think we should leave." I say, worrying about what's to come. Not waiting for her reply, I move Olive to a princess carry, and a small yelp escapes her mouth, while a light blush adorns her face, I blink us few kilometers away, right into the air, [Fly] keeping us afloat, just as an earth-shaking explosion rattles Orario, surprisingly, doing minimal damage. Seemingly all of her protection runes of the manor, contained the explosion inwards, causing minimal damage to its surroundings, but it still takes out the whole of the Ishtar estate and a few houses around it. Notifications assault both of our visions.

[Quest: [Kill a god] Completed 2,500 WP(x4) Received]

[Quest: [Save the fox] Completed 750 WP(x4) Received]

[God Slayer]

- All stats doubled while facing a divine entity.

- Massive negative favorability with all divine beings.

- While equipped, gods nearby can sense your presence.

[Class: [Divine Slayer] unlocked.]

[Class: [Heretic Mage] unlocked.]

[Class: [Heretic Warrior] unlocked.]

We both received a new title, and shit, were those some nasty drawbacks, but the bonus it provided was too alluring, especially, when fighting true gods, not these bad replicas from the DanMachi world. The next one Olivia received, was the one I already had.


- The size of the explosions you are responsible for is 25% larger.

Strangely, we didn't get any experience from the people the explosion killed, or the goddess that just breathed her last. While I was thinking about the experience gained, Olive was shocked by the devastation and started trembling. I check on her and cast a quick [Gift of Life] healing all her light burns. Her astronomically high vitality and resistance kept her from true harm's way.

"What have I done..." She whispers in horror, as she looks at the destroyed building and the panicking, screaming people.

"You did what you had to do. Not only did you help keep Haruhime safe, but saved thousands more." I say, patting her head. She slowly turns my way, then shouts.

"How many innocents do you think I just killed?!?" Tears appear on her face.

"Barely any, if you even did kill one. Those houses next to her manor were mostly her underlings and Evilus members." My statement makes her pause, and her shocked expression quickly turns into a grimace.

"You're not lying are you?" She whispers, looking at my face for any signs of a lie.

"No." I say shaking my head. "She is one of their biggest backers. Our involvement might have sped up their plans though. We'll need to clean up the manmade labyrinth pretty soon, or else a lot of people will die."

"Haah." She exhales, not finding any false claims in my words, the tension leaves her body quickly, and her [Mental Wall] skill levels up. "I want a vacation!" She exclaims after a moment of silence and brings her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a quick kiss.

"Let's get to level 10, finish up the stuff we need to do in this world, and head to one with a beach and without annoying things to do." I say after we separate.

"Aww, come on, we can come back after we had a vacation, can't we?" She says while making a putting face, and keeping an eye on me.

"We can, but I don't know how Hestia's falna would react if we left the world." I comment. She sighs, and takes up a thinking pose, then nods. "Okay. Let's do it your way, but I get to choose the world!"

"Alright, alright. You'll get to choose as soon as we're done here." I say rolling my eyes, but a small smile appears on my face.

"Let's go home!" She says, and while still holding her in a princess carry I [Blink] u there, only to find it still deserted. After the explosion, I don't think the others will be staying out too late, so I head to the kitchen and start preparing dinner.

The next day, the town was in an uproar, the Red Light district has lost its owner, and no one could find her, not even in heaven. The Guild tried to calm down the people and the gods, but without any success. The news of Ishtar's disappearance, caused a wave of fear to go through the godly community, as no one knew what happened to her, they only felt her divinity activate, then disperse in the wind.

An emergency Denatus, a council of gods, was called upon, to discuss what will happen with her district, and to try to find the culprit. As we lived in a good neighborhood and really close to the Babel tower, Hestia didn't want us to accompany her, as she didn't really need guards for a few minute walk, but I did keep an eye on her with [Celestial Eyes] for the duration of her journey, the last thing we needed is losing her and our falna going inert.

Actually, I wasn't even sure our enchanted falna status would have gone inert, we probably just couldn't update our levels anymore, and changing gods would allow us to reactivate it. So nothing truly important would be lost, but still, Olivia would be sad, so most of the day I kept an eye on the miniature goddess.

While she was gone, I introduced Haruhime to the concept of runes and mana manipulation. Thanks to my sky-high [Teaching] skill and her race's amazing talents in magic, she absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. By the end of the day not only did I teach her how to manipulate mana, but I taught [Animus] the spell storage magic, [Svalinn], and [Gift of Life]. Allowing her to be one of the best backlines supports in Orario. She even started experimenting with spell creation, to have some long-range crowd-control spells.

[Uchide no Kozuchi], her personal spell and the one that put her on Ishtar's radar, was a real powerhouse, and made her perfect for her future support role. It was a boost-type spell and increased someone's stats by a full level for fifteen minutes straight, the only downside it had, was the reduced amount of excelia the targets would get, while under the spell's effect. The spell and its details were kept secret, and if anyone not trusted would find out about it, it could lead to another kidnapping and a few deaths.

After spending her full day at Denatus, Hestia finally came home, while huffing and puffing. She was mad and it clearly showed on her, as he slammed the front door of the house when she arrived and started complaining.

She was mad that Freya took over the Red Light district. But her complaints quickly stopped when I asked if she was the one that wanted to take over the district. Just the image, of one of the three virgin goddesses, controlling the district filled with prostitutes made me laugh, then quickly receive three slaps to the head from three different women. Was totally worth it.

"Asshole." Hestia said after I stopped chuckling.

"So do they have any information on who was responsible for the attack?" Olivia asks.

"They had no information at all, but two strong cat people were seen floating in the air near the explosion." She says squinting her eyes in our direction.

"Hmm, so we need to be careful with cat people." I say ignoring her expression. She sighs then continues.

"The biggest problem is that Ishtar couldn't be found, not even a spec of her divinity can be found not even in Heaven its as if her soul was truly extinguished." She says pursing her lips and looking straight at Olivia.

"Don't look at me like that. I was at home with Andrew. If you want, I can recount all the things that we have done while the house was empty." She says with a smile and the goddess goes bright red. That half-truth doesn't seem to activate her truth-sensing ability, or was it Olivas's new mental shield skill?

"There no need." She waves her off. "Just so you two know, because of Olivia's sword, Hephaistos is probably suspecting you two."

"No problem, we'll be careful." I say smiling at the petite goddess.