
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 25

A lot has happened this week...

Xi Yu's condition kept getting worse and worse. Sometimes he got angry for no reason, sometimes he was drawn to action, but by forcing himself to obey all the instructions from Rias that he gave her in advance, Xi Yu made it to the 6th day of training normally.

At the end of the sixth day, Xi Yu began to feel that no matter how hard he tried to squeeze even a little more out of the capabilities of his body or mind, he could no longer improve himself. Although, for some unknown reason, his Intelligence reached its limit in just 3 days. As Rias suggested, this was due to trying to think straight under the stress of insanity of emotions.

Thus, by the evening of the 6th day, not a single one of the characteristics analyzed by Rias in Xi Yu's capabilities, after half a day of diligence, had moved an inch.

Xi Yu tried to squeeze out everything he could, because every additional 0.1 opportunity could become the one missing at one time or another.

As Rias suggested: As soon as the Vocation System calculated the maximum capabilities of a person, estimating them with a value of "1" (a whole unit), it limited them to the same, before activating the system to avoid cheating!

Apparently, the calculations of the Vocation System included the possibility that someone would use its help aimed at protecting against Fel, in order to become stronger before the System was activated, consciously or unconsciously.

Xi Yu decided to rest today and recover as much as he could, both physically and mentally. He filled the Jacuzzi, turned on the water massager and began to enjoy the pleasant sensations.

Xi Yu could not completely relax, constantly jumping from the urge to take any action to the release of various hormones by the body, the actions of which are responsible for certain emotions.

But in recent days, Xi Yu has already gotten used to the fact that he has to take a huge dose of sleeping pills in order to go to bed and constantly adjust his actions with the help of Rias.

Almost all of Xi Yu's Will was aimed at not being violent and strictly following everything that Rias says, despite the incredible desire to succumb to his tempting feelings, promising to give in return the sweetness of indulging them.

All Xi Yu wanted to think about now was: "Nothing!"

The girls, as well as the blue-collar workers, also did not sit idly by and constantly improved themselves. At first, they complained a lot about Rias's training plan. But after the first surges of body strengthening, all complaints went away and they began to strive like crazy to acquire Strength.

Either because of a conscious or unconscious understanding of the importance of personal power in the world of the Apocalypse. Perhaps it was because of the evening news reports from Tokyo compiled by Rias at Xi Yu's request. In which people died daily, both from zombies and from other people, and sometimes the scenes filmed were worse than death.

Exactly why is not known, but these learned professions were simply unstoppable in their desire to become stronger. After the first days of training, there was not even a single mother who would forbid her daughter to undergo such tough training!

Although the members of the base's Senior Management and their families also worked their butts off, they finished their training by the morning of the 7th day, only Sylvia, Saeko, and no matter how surprising it may seem, the indifferent Fumiko to everything (except her profession)!

Day 7 7:00 am.

Xi Yu did not speak to anyone, since his emotions were no longer simply out of control, but he had little awareness of what was bad and what was good. All he concentrated the remnants of his consciousness on was Rias and her commands.

Suddenly, the buzz of network speakers was heard in the vicinity of the Saitama area.

Each of them turned on for just a few seconds, attracting a crowd of 50-100 zombies.

A crowd of zombies following the sound like a flock of obedient sheep reached directly to Xi Yu's base.

Using remote control, Rias opened the door at the gate of the +1 floor, and again began to lure zombies with sound. But as soon as 4 zombies entered, Rias closed the doors again, not letting the others in.

Saeko, Fumiko, Sylvia and Xi Yu walking 100 meters behind them were heading towards the zombies.

Xi Yu moved silently and closed his eyes, constantly frowning, trying not to think about anything. This morning was the hardest thing to contain his emotions, and all his hopes were aimed at activating the System.

- Miss Saeko, Miss Sylvia and Miss Fumika. I ask for your assistance, kill each zombie and retreat, leaving the last one to Mr. Xi Yu.

"His condition is close to the limit of what he can control." And as soon as he loses control, no one knows what will happen - Rias's monotonous voice rang out, in a completely different tone than the one she spoke with Xi Yu.

Since Xi Yu concentrated the remnants of sanity only on Rias's voice, completely ignoring everything else in the pile with the raging storm of what was happening to him due to the instability of emotions. To address others, Rias had to change the intonation of her voice.

Although Xi Yu had set her settings to a gentle voice, she had already evolved enough to refuse to carry out any order other than basic directives. Of which at the moment there was only one: "By any available means, protect and support Xi Yu and all those whom he values!"

- Fine! We understand - answered the girls dressed in the "Ekvip" combat suit and armed with two Katanas and a rapier.

They could easily take on these zombies without their suits, as their stats were vastly superior to the zombies in front of them.

But the bunker rules entered into Rias's main database, even before the Apocalypse in case of an Apocalypse, did not give them the opportunity to resist.

When Saeko refused to wear the costume, Rias monotonously gave her 2 options to choose from. Either she follows the rules of the base and wears a suit, or she leaves the base.

When Saeko rudely sent Rias on her way, saying that she didn't have to listen to her. As many as 10 units of MK4/2 machine guns descended from the ceiling of the Command Center!

And Rias simply said: "According to the rule of maintaining order, Article 8/2, I quote: "Any violation of the rules, after giving a choice and 2 warnings, is punishable by death!"

And she added: "Choice given, 1 warning given. What is your choice Busujima Saeko?"

After such terror, Saeko no longer argued, and from then on she began to call her "Dumb Tin Can", because Rias is a machine that doesn't feel anything with whom there is no point in arguing.

And then on Rias's signal. Saeko, Sylvia and Fumika, drawing their weapons, rushed into battle.

And as soon as they approached the zombie, the zombie immediately cut straight across the neck and lost their heads. All three immediately realized that they took the enemy too seriously due to the nervousness of the last days associated with Xi Yu's condition. At the same moment, the sounds of System activation were heard in their heads, and they ran further away from the last zombie, to which Rias was leading Xi Yu.

"Mr. Xi Yu, there is a zombie 10 meters away for 3 hours, you must cut off his head," Rias's gentle voice sounded, and Xi Yu without hesitation rushed towards the zombie, snatching the Katana from its sheath and cutting off its head in one movement.

As soon as this happened, a mechanical voice rang out in Xi Yu's head:

[Congratulations! You have embarked on the path of struggle for the survival of humanity! Welcome to the autonomous System "Calling"! The "Status" function is available to you...!]

[ATTENTION! Destabilization of the user's Soul components has been detected.]

[According to Directive 34 on user support authority, up to level 1. A scan is carried out and a solution is found for the user's problematic Souls.]

[A solution has been found, forced stabilization using the Energy of the Universe has been approved. The solution does not exceed the scope of the support directive!

[A request is issued for forced stabilization of the Soul components. Please make your choice!]

[No yes]

[Please make your choice!]

[No yes]

- Yes! - Xi Yu answered, trying to understand at least something with his last strength, he still did not understand anything about the secret System, but he did not miss the phrase a solution was found.

"AAAAAAH..." Xi Yu screamed, as if the pain was tearing apart his soul. A pain like which he had nothing to compare with! Because she was stronger than anything he had ever experienced. This pain was so strong that after a piercing scream, Xi Yu could not stand it and lost consciousness.

- Xi Yu! - Fumiko, Sylvia and Saeko shouted, alarmed because of the heartbreaking scream, and then falling to the ground, rushing to him.

After 10 minutes. Bunker. Xi Yu's room.

Ingrid, Ophelia, Saeko, Eva and Fumiko stood and sat in the room. Looking at Xi Yu with excitement and worry.

After reporting the condition of Xi Yu's body, they breathed a sigh of relief that his life was not in danger. But the fear that he might never come out of this coma of an unknown nature haunted them.

When Xi Yu began to feel his condition deteriorating 4 days ago. He ordered Rias to transfer the main powers at the Xue base to Ophelia, and if anything happens, consider Ophelia's orders to be higher in priority than his own. Until the moment when his emotional state stabilizes.

And also inform all members of the Senior Management all the subtleties and even the most insignificant details of what is happening to him. In case Rias misses some important moment due to lack of emotions. Since he decided that pure logic was not an accurate enough method for making certain decisions.

Although Ophelia and Saeko hate men, every decision he makes has unconsciously forced them to respect and admire him.

Although some of them were reluctant to admit it, in their hearts, everyone had already accepted Xi Yu as a reliable, competent and trustworthy Leader.

His behavior, decisions and actions, even in such an emotionally deplorable state in which he had been for the last week. It only made them even more confident that Xi Yu was the best possible candidate for the post of leader of the Dictator! base.

"Um..." a sudden groan from Xi Yu, who came to his senses, brought everyone out of their thoughtful state, filling them with joy that he had finally woken up.

- Xi Yu! How are you? Does something hurt? - Ingrid said excitedly.

- OUT! - Xi Yu's loud, bone-piercing voice rang out, in which cold, anger, hatred and fear were felt at the same time.

"Wha..." Ingrid wanted to ask again, like all the dumbfounded girls here.

- GET EVERYONE OUT! NOW! WOOON! - Xi Yu's voice sounded even louder and more ruthless.

This time no one hesitated, except that Ingrid was dragged away by Saeka.

In an instant, the entire room was empty, leaving only Xi Yu. Who, by force of will, restrained the remnants of his mind in order to give Rias his last orders before going to bed. At the same time, inject a double dose of sleeping pills and fall asleep for the next 6 hours.

In the corridor near Xi Yu's door, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

Having recovered from the shock, the reason for Xi Yu's behavior became perfectly clear to everyone, the answer is obvious, he has not recovered at all. And he kicked them out so rudely only so as not to harm them, restraining himself from going wild and causing them harm, judging by the tone of his voice, with the last of his strength...

- All members of the Higher Management must gather at the Command Center to make a decision about the difficult problem that Mr. Xi Yu is faced with and is unable to solve without outside help, in the state in which he now arrives.

- The deadline for making a decision is 5 hours. This is the minimum possible time after which Mr. Xi Yu, who has put himself to sleep, will wake up - Rias said monotonously, informing each member of the Higher Management about Xi Yu's order.

The base's Senior Management included: Sylvia, Eva, Ingrid, Fumiko and Ophelia.

As for Saeko, Maria and Vincent, they were classified as "members of the family of the Supreme Management" and were not allowed to attend the meeting.

But since Ophelia now had priority above Xi Yu, she accepted Saeko as a member of the base's Senior Management.

Command Center.

At the round table, all the members of the base's Higher Management sat and listened to Rias's explanation of what Xi Yu had encountered.

- Mister Xi Yu said that in order to finally stabilize his Soul components, the Vocation System sent him a request to choose 1 emotion of sin and 1 emotion of virtue from this list. Once chosen, sin and virtue will become the main pillar of Lord Xi Yu's Soul component. If you choose "Anger" for example, then his character will be considered evil. Evil will develop and take root in him, corrupting his nature with malice and hatred... - Rias said, and on the hologram screen in the center of the round table, a list of Sins of Emotions and a list of Virtues of Emotions was displayed in front of everyone.

Hearing what Rias said and imagining the evil Xi Yu, everyone in the hall felt uneasy. Even the constantly quiet and indifferent Fumiko shudderingly promised herself to carefully consider each component before finally confirming it.

- Why are there such sins and virtues here? They're not the main ones, are they? There's not even gluttony here..." Eve muttered in an interested voice.

- Having analyzed the list and compared it with the data that I have, I came to the conclusion that this list was compiled specifically on the "Emotions" of sin and virtue. Gluttony is not an emotion, it is a state of the body that causes constant hunger (the need for food). Just like Restraint is not an emotion, it is a part of character that is passed on through genes. There is no emotion of Restraint, just like the emotion of hunger, since these are desires caused by the needs of the body - Rias explained the conclusions of her calculations.

- And Blud? Lust? Isn't this a bodily need, just like gluttony? - Ophelia said warily.

- Lust is thirst caused by the body, it's true. But Fornication is not only "Lust", it is also Passion. And as I said earlier, this is just a theory. There is also a theory that the emotions on this list are somehow connected with the Soul. But there is nothing in human knowledge about the Soul... - Rias simply explained her thoughts to those around her.

- This is terrible... None of the sins are suitable... Although maybe "Despondency"? - Saeko said thoughtfully, looking through the list of sins.

- The master instructed me and the Higher Management of the base to choose 1 sin and 1 virtue for him. If I or most of you do not agree with this or that choice, it will be rejected - Rias said monotonously.

- A? Will you choose your emotions? Xi Yu is apparently very ill... - Saeko muttered, but everyone heard her perfectly well.

- I will not choose emotions. I will conduct a simulation of the emotions you choose, based on their description. Mr. Xi Yu said that I would decide whether this or that emotion is suitable for the future leader of humanity or not. This is his only request for choice, he wants your choice not to prevent him from continuing his plan to save the human race - Rias explained in the same monotonous manner.

Hearing what Rias said, everyone became much more serious and carefully selecting sin and virtue while discussing...

- We won't go anywhere like that... Let's choose Sin first. They are all terrible, so let's weed them out by eliminating the worst through a general vote," Ingrid suggested in a businesslike, serious tone.

- Okay, let's start with the first one, "Vanity"... I vote for crossing it off the list. If Xi Yu begins to desire undeserved fame, overestimate his capabilities, imagine God knows what about himself, while neglecting others... Horror! "I vote for deleting this sin from the list," said Ophelia, after which no one began to argue with her, voting for deleting "Vanity."

The more they read about these sins, the more they realized that with them, Xi Yu would not even become a normal person, let alone a Leader.

- Greed is an unquenchable thirst for material goods, "idolatry" of money, considering it the main value in life, replacing spiritual benefits with material ones, greed squared to the extreme, multiplied by insanity. Excessive possession, consumption. There is no desire to share any of his property with other people, although he has enough of this property. A morbid addiction to property leads to an increase in worries and worries, to internal anger and isolation, and also constantly provokes fear of loss and anger at possible competitors and envious people - Ophelia read out loud and the more she read, the more she realized that Greed definitely needs to be crossed out.

"Delete," everyone said almost in one voice, introducing Greedy Xi Yu to the Apocalypse.

- Pride is Arrogance. Arrogance. Ingratitude. Selfishness. Arrogance. Inattention to others. Excessive pride. Disordered desire for superiority! Depraved selfishness, as putting one's own desires, motives and whims above the well-being of other people. In even more destructive cases, it is the irrational belief that someone is essentially and necessarily better, superior, or more important than others. The inability to recognize the achievements of others and excessive admiration for herself personally - the more Ophelia read, the more horrified she became, she approximately knew about sins, like any normal person, but reading this and imagining the basis of Xi Yu's emotions...

"Delete" was the unanimous decision again.

- Envy is the desire to have what someone else has. Displeasure experienced at the benefits of others. Envy is sadness over the well-being of one's neighbor, which seeks good for oneself and evil for one's neighbor. The envious person would like to see: "The Nice - The Dishonorable", "The Rich - The Poor", "The Happy - The Unhappy". This is the purpose of envy - to see how the source of envy falls from happiness into disaster! This location of the human heart becomes a launching pad for the most terrible crimes - reading the 4th sin, and not seeing any chance that it could be left, Ophelia began to get nervous.

"Cross it out," everyone present said again in unison.

"Despondency is a state that includes Laziness, Apathy and Depression..." having read about the sin of despondency, Ophelia finally lost her calm, since this sin was much worse than she could imagine.

"Delete," said everyone in the hall.

"Anger is not even discussed, under this sin Xi Yu will become scarier and more dangerous than a zombie for all of us," Ingrid said and everyone agreed with her opinion.

"Delete it out," everyone in the room said unanimously for the sixth time.

"Only "Fornication" remains... - Saeko said with a darkened face.

- Fornication is a sensual sexual desire, a strong desire for Voluptuousness and Lust. Lust is usually associated with strong or unbridled sexual desire, which can lead to fornication. The sin of fornication can lead to promiscuity, including all kinds of manifestations of human sexual activity contrary to the natural way of their implementation -> "in Marriage". Promiscuous sex life! Adultery! A hint of all sorts of perversions (Depending on the person)! All these are different types of manifestations of prodigal passion in a person... - the more Ophelia read, the redder the faces of everyone in the hall except Fumiko became.

This was not because they were ashamed of what they had written, but because they began to realize the situation in which they found themselves!

Among these 7 sins, "Fornication" seemed the most harmless; even such man-haters as Ophelia and Saeko could not help but admit it.

Realizing what thoughts were going through the heads of each of them, everyone except Fumiko became embarrassed, looking away from each other, and there was complete silence in the Command Center.

- I vote for "Fornication". I don't have anything to worry about, because of my eye he's more likely to go into blue-collar jobs, but you need to be careful," Fumiko said cheerfully with a self-deprecating smile.

- ... Ophelia

- ... Saeko

Hearing what was said, Ophelia and Saeko were speechless and felt like they were in front of a rock and a hard place.

"I vote for "Fornication"," Ingrid said surprisingly calmly.

"I vote for "Fornication"," Eva said thoughtfully.

"I vote for "Fornication"," Sylvia said with a serious expression.

- Aren't you afraid that he will eat you after this? - Ophelia asked those who voted "For" with reproach.

"If it weren't for him, I would be dead now, just like my family members." I will not allow him to become a nonentity under another sin. It's better to be dissolute, if he gives the order, I won't refuse to share the bed with him - Sylvia said in a stern, serious voice, not at all embarrassed by her words.

From such speech and behavior, Saeko could not help but nod with a hint of admiration for this girl who is younger even than her.

- We know so little about this terrible world... And it is unknown when I will die even with him, but without him... You should listen to what parasites turn into and what they do to people... Woof... I I am very grateful to Xi Yu for saving me, I never considered myself an ungrateful person. If he wishes to pay for my body, I will not refuse... - Eva said embarrassed, although she had a quick tongue, she was still a virgin, she was embarrassed to admit this in public.

- Make your choice, even though the decision has already been made due to the majority votes and my agreement with them. But your choice is also important, it will show your attitude towards Mr. Xi Yu and what you want for him. "I need this data for further analysis and calculations," came the monotonous voice of Rias, who spoke completely logically and did not understand how her words had just made Ophelia and Saeko's faces grimace.

"Hmm... You can refuse to vote "For," I don't think Xi Yu will be very offended," Ingrid said, trying to defuse the atmosphere.

And even though Ophelia and Saeko knew that he wouldn't be offended. But they didn't want Xi Yu to think that they didn't appreciate what he did for them. And on the base there are more than 150 women quite suitable for carnal pleasures besides them.

"I vote for "Fornication," Ophelia said with a sigh.

"I vote for "Fornication," Saeko repeated after her.

- I also think that this is the least influential sin on Mr. Xi Yu. Therefore, we have decided on the sin of emotions and this is the sin of "Fornication"! Let's start with the Emotion of Virtue - Rias said monotonously.

- So virtue. 1. "Love" is...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Kaniucreators' thoughts