
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 17 Judgment Day of the Apocalypse!

- Military base in the center of the capital? What about the press, are there any problems? - the President asked feigningly, as if mockingly, without a drop of concern.

- What press? This girl bought them all! Both the press and the network say not a word about the seizure of an entire district of the capital! Even simple rumors, as soon as they began to circulate around the city, she immediately started her own that this government was reconstructing an entire area! - the Minister said indignantly.

- Do you see how good it is? The government is renovating the whole area! - the President said just as calmly.

- Mister President, this is not a joke! You said that you would do this yourself, but in almost a month of time, you have done absolutely nothing! They have already brought in 2 military helicopters and a bunch of other equipment that we know and don't know about! - the Minister said dissatisfiedly, seeing such a negligent attitude of the President towards this serious issue.

- Why should I deal with the goose that lays the golden eggs for me? - the President asked, looking up from the documents and looking sternly at the Minister.

- Golden eggs? What are you about? - the Minister asked incomprehensibly.


-Have you looked at the country's economy in 2036? Over the past 1.5 months, we have risen from 11th place to 4th! And this is only what these two spent in our country, and they spent the money mainly on purchasing resources from other countries and bringing them here to us in Japan... - the President said with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

- Well... This... - the Minister hesitated, not knowing how to answer this fact.


- I thought about how he was able to amass more than 40 trillion from 5-10 transactions for the purchase and sale of Shares, but no matter how much I thought, I could not come up with anything. He seems to know the future, which is impossible... - the President thoughtfully shared his thoughts.

- But that doesn't change the fact that he did it here! Why does he need so many weapons? This threat must be resolved, Mr. President, the Minister said, gathering his thoughts.

- We don't need to get involved in this...

- In 2 weeks, maximum in a month, those from whom he squeezed all this money will come to his soul.

- And when they organize a war in Saitama... And they will definitely organize it!

"They won't be able to settle such a fuss with money, and the press will no longer be able to help them and will not want to." Then our exit will come.

- We will imprison them legally in the state of Japan, and confiscate their property! Everything they purchased from other countries will belong to Japan!

"And even if we have to do some negotiations and pay something for world peace." Thanks to this incident, Japan will rise in the economy to at least the top 5 wealthiest countries in the world! - getting up from his chair and showing holographic confirmation of his words, the President began to explain in excitement, already more excitedly.

After listening to the President's arguments, the Minister looked at him with admiration and a bit of awe. He himself did not know how to solve all this without conflict. Since the other side has such money at its disposal, they could put pressure on them with the help of other countries. But Mr. President has already thought of everything and they won't even have to do anything.

"When you leave, call Madame Ayako," the President said, turning a little pale.

- Mr. President, are you feeling bad? - the Minister said excitedly, because of the President's desire to see the doctor.

"From excitement, my heart is beating, and my blood pressure is jumping..." the President answered briefly, calming down and sitting back in his chair.

"It will be done, I guess I'll go about my business," the Minister looked at the aged President and said with regret, not wanting to bother him anymore.

20:30 pm August 10th. Bunker. Command Center.

"Rias, check if everyone is in their rooms for curfew?" Xi Yu asked in a serious tone.

"With the exception of Xue Ingrid, Eva Hill and Sylvia van Hossen who are next to you, all people are in their rooms in full," Rias reported in a gentle voice.

- Do you really believe that there will be an Apocalypse today? - Eve said skeptically looking at Xi Yu.

- Not today, tomorrow at 1.12 am. And yes, I believe. I invited you with me because you signed the slave contract. And because I need your full commitment in your positions. Rias, block all the doors and don't let anyone out until I allow it," Xi Yu said calmly, looking through and double-checking various information in holographic form. With thoughts about whether he missed something?

-Why are we the only ones here? You signed a contract with my father and sister and with Miss Fumiko... - Sylvia asked uncertainly.

- Well, Fumiko doesn't do any work except forging, and all the levels will be downloaded no earlier than in a week, so there's still time for that. Your father is a man, and Ophelia has a dislike for men, she hasn't gotten used to me in 4 years either. And there's nothing to mention about Maria, I'm not going to take a child to a dangerous place - Xi Yu calmly answered while inspecting the documents.

"And you guys are very skeptical and I really can't wait to hear your arguments when you see this..." Xi Yu said cheerfully.

- You can rest for now, we set out at 00:30 at night. We'll finish eating in 10 minutes and then we'll figure out what's what on the spot," Xi Yu said calmly, and everyone else went about their business.

00:30 am. August 11, 2036. Day of the Apocalypse.

- Well, is everyone ready? asked Xi Yu, wearing the Ekvip Combat Suit and armed with a pair of silenced pistols.

The "Ekvip" Combat Suit is equipment for a soldier that combines the most advanced technologies. The helmet is made of composite materials and protects against bullets from a Makarov pistol from a distance of 5 meters, as well as from fragments of mines and grenades. It is recognized by the international community as the lightest in its class. The seventh generation body armor can withstand 10 hits from an armor-piercing incendiary sniper bullet and Kalashnikov AK74 assault rifle bullets from 10 meters. It has high strength with low weight, weighing only about 2.8 kg. The suit provides the fighter with high efficiency and maximum safety in any conditions.It also has a built-in video surveillance system, communications and checking life support system indicators.

Life support systems are created on the basis of sensors for checking the parameters of the vital functions of the body. The sensor simultaneously collects data on the state of the body: it makes an electrocardiogram, measures pulse, body temperature, registers movements, etc. This data is sent wirelessly to Rias, and she displays it on the hologram monitors of the Command Center.

Xi Yu ordered 1000 sets of these advanced combat suits from the Arizona Military Base.

- Yes, we are ready. Don't we need weapons? - Eva, fully dressed in the Ekvip Battle Suit, responded as she entered the Command Center and looked at the pair of pistols in Xi Yu's hands.

- If you want, I can give it to you too. Considering your belief in the Apocalypse, I didn't even expect that you would take up a weapon," Xi Yu responded in surprise, handing Eve a pistol with a silencer and 5 spare clips.

- Well, there's an Apocalypse or something, but it's not every day that you get to carry a weapon with you. If you're already dressed up like clowns, then why not take weapons with you? - Taking the weapon and clips from Xi Yu's hands, Eve began to play with it.

- Should I give you a weapon? - Xi Yu asked, looking at Ingrid and Sylvia with interest.

- No, I think I'll refuse. Well, let's go? - Ingrid answered, heading towards the elevator.

- I don't need it, I have this! - Sylvia answered, pointing to the sword on her belt, and following Ingrid to the elevator.

- This is impossible! God forbid you kill even one zombie! You'll ruin the whole workout program I want to do! You can hit and push, but under no circumstances pierce their head! - Xi Yu warned, entering the elevator last and pressing the +1 floor.

00:46 August 11, 2036. Day of the Apocalypse.

At the elevator in the underground parking lot of a 50-story skyscraper.

- Maybe I should still call her? - Ingrid asked nervously.

- Yeah. And she will say welcome to my home at one in the morning, go into the room and take Xi Yu with you. Don't call, we're going to protect her. If the Apocalypse does not happen, I am ready to beg her forgiveness for the rest of my life. Besides, we have a contract with her! - Xi Yu replied, motioning with his hand for Ingrid to look into the retinal scanner.

Having risen to the 50th floor and leaving the elevator, Xi Yu and the company found themselves in Ophelia's apartment, where it was dark all around and only a few devices gave off light.

- Hmm. "Go wake her up, and we'll sit here on the couch," Xi Yu replied, turning on the light and coughing awkwardly from the feeling of an illegal invasion of private property.

Some time later, when Ingrid went to wake Ophelia, swearing was heard from the rooms of the apartment.

- Xi Yu, you crazy bastard! If it weren't for our stupid contract, I would call the police right now, and tomorrow I would sue you! - Ophelia swore as she left the room wearing only a robe.

- Hello, I'm Xue Ophelia! Nice to meet you. I didn't think that this crazy man would bring such beautiful cuties to visit me - but as soon as she saw the appearance of Eva and Sylvia, her face immediately changed and, smiling sweetly, she began to introduce herself, and her mood instantly went uphill.

"Hello, I'm Eva Hill, Sylvia van Hossen," the slightly embarrassed girls introduced themselves at the same time.

- Stop flirting, you still have time to meet each other. No matter how you are in the same harness of my slaves, if today, as I said, the Apocalypse happens - Xi Yu said sarcastically, nervous from the approaching time "X".

Although Xi Yu had no doubt that today there would be an Apocalypse, according to the sequence of all those things that were repeated from his dream. But he still hoped that this would not happen.

Although he has prepared, this preparation only gives him a place for a quiet haven where he can rest. And even then, up to a maximum of 6 zombie mutations, and after that, neither the walls nor the Midgar laser defense system can save him. Since already at the 5th mutation, the intelligence of a zombie will not be inferior to a person, and there is nothing to say about strength.

And 100-200 people are far from enough to fight off the entire hostile world! But there is also a Supreme Being who arranged all this.

- Who wants some tea? - Ophelia asked all the time, smiling, with the mood that they say "It blooms and smells."

"Me, please," Xi Yu said, and after waiting for her to turn to him, he began to portray a pervert who devoured Ophelia's body with his gaze.

Hearing his desire to drink tea, Ophelia shuddered, and she seemed to remember that he was also here and unconsciously became wary. Turning to Xi Yu, she was shocked!!!

He looked at her with a lustful gaze, as if wanting to pounce and devour her entire body without a trace. For all 4 years that Ophelia has known him. This was the first time she saw him display at least some emotions, and here not just any, but a very pronounced look of lust. At the thought that he had been pretending all this time, and now revealed his lustful nature, her body trembled.

Countermeasures and ways to escape arose in Ophelia's thoughts, but noticing the weapon in his holster, Ophelia again shuddered with her whole body and looked into his eyes. But in place of lust, a clearly expressed mockery appeared, and then it dawned on her that Xi Yu was deliberately pretending to try to intimidate her!


- Grrr... You'll get by! - Ophelia snorted angrily and went to prepare tea for everyone except Xi Yu.

"Finally, you have become yourself, otherwise this uncharacteristic sweetness of yours almost made me sick," Xi Yu said, so that she would not hear loudly, but also so that she could hear. Ophelia, hearing Xi Yu, almost tripped, and turned to him with fierce hatred and glared at him. After which she turned around and went into the kitchen to prepare tea.

After making some tea and drinking, the time on the clock showed 1:00 am.

"There are 12 minutes left, hold on and go change," Xi Yu said, pushing his bag towards her.

- Do you think I have nothing to do? "I'm not going to arrange cosplay here according to your wishes," Ingrid said dissatisfied.

- Okay, but keep this in mind. The fact that it will be more difficult for us to get to the base because we will have to wait while you change clothes will be on your conscience. And there won't be time for you to take anything with you. Won't you regret it later? - Xi Yu asked, as if this was exactly the answer he expected from her.

- If the Apocalypse happens, I will become your slave, and if not, you will marry the one I point to. Do you think I would have signed such a contract if there was even 1% chance that this could happen? - Olivia said mockingly looking at him, but then she noticed how all three girls' faces changed.

While Ingrid's face showed a bit of anxiety, Eva's face showed some uncertainty. And Sylvia had only surprise on her face.

- I think no. Just like a person before our era would never have believed that people would fly in space with the help of liquid and iron - Xi Yu noted just as sharply. Hinting that the basis of the phrase "not even 1%" rests only on the knowledge that is available.

Looking at his watch, Xi Yu saw that the time was 01:10 minutes.

"Turn on the TV to some channel live from the scene of some events," Xi Yu said, looking at his watch.

- Do you think there is such a broadcast for every day? Events that deserve live broadcasting don't even happen every day, not to mention the fact that it's one in the morning," Ophelia said, looking at Xi Yu as if she were a fool.

- I didn't tell you about Japan, live broadcast anywhere in the world is enough. Rias, which channel is currently showing a live broadcast from the scene? - Xi Yu asked Rias on her phone.

- Brazil. TV channel "Notícias da noite" - Rias answered briefly, in a gentle voice.

Looking at Xi Yu's phone in surprise, Ofelia turned on the Brazilian TV channel "Notícias da noite". Live on the street full of celebration, a reporter was excitedly talking about something.

Movement appeared on the clock, and the number switched to two, indicating 01:12 am.

- Well, as you can see, everything is fine there and there are no zombies running around anywhere. "You have to marry someone I'll point out to you later," Ophelia said after 30 seconds of watching the live broadcast in Brazil.

"Yeah, and I'm Rias!" - Eva said smiling.

Looking at his watch again, Xi Yu saw 01:13!

- HAAAaa....! How wonderful! He didn't come! There will be no apocalypse! - Xi Yu said excitedly, almost crying.

Out of great excitement, he didn't even pay attention to the fact that he hugged Ingrid, who blushed but didn't struggle. And everyone else looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what was going on in his head.

He clearly remembered that when he was traveling in China, the Apocalypse began at 00:12 minutes. Since they are now in Tokyo, it should have started at 01:12.

"Wait, I wasn't in Beijing itself. Could it be..." suddenly Xi Yu thought about something and turned pale.


[Loading of the "Vocation" System is completed.]