
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 11 Slave contract for Sylvia.

As Rias found people of the required professions, Ingrid was busy signing contracts and moving specialists and their families into the bunker. And when the permissible limit of two hundred was reached, difficulties began for the residents of the bunker.


Get up at 7:00! Charging in 30 minutes! Shower 15 minutes! Breakfast at 8:00! From 8:30 to 12:45, independent preparation of a dissertation or practice in your profession. Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00. From 14:00 to 18:00, continuing to study your own profession and practice in it if possible. From 18:00 to 19:00 sports. Dinner from 19:00 to 20:00. At 20:30 curfew, everyone must be strictly in their rooms. Anyone outside their room is punished with 1 hour on their knees in a corner, regardless of age. At 21:00, all doors are automatically locked with Rias until 7:00.


During Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, take additional vitamins and nutrients. Each one has different vitamins and nutrients depending on Rias's analysis and the blood tests obtained during registration. Vitamin A, B, C, D, etc., etc. Nutrients calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, etc., etc.

"Mr. Xi Yu, Kobayashi Fumiko wants to contact you," Rias' gentle voice came from Xi Yu's phone.

"Connect," he answered briefly.

"Mr. Xi Yu, I would like to ask you for materials for the forge," Fumiko said with excitement.

- Are those that were already over or what? - Xi Yu asked in surprise.

"No, I just don't have the ones I need at the moment," Fumiko answered.

- Ah, that's the thing. Well, I don't really know what materials you need. Let's meet on the 7th floor in 5 minutes - Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

"Okay, thank you," Fumiko said after hanging up.

"Rias, contact my lovely secretary and ask her to send 5 strong workers from the Dark Work organization to the 7th floor." Having given the order to Rias, Xi Yu headed to the elevator.

Coming out on the 7th floor, Xi Yu noticed that Fumiko was already waiting for him, and a second elevator opened nearby and 5 strong workers got out.

- So, warehouses 8 to 27 contain all types of metals. There's a forklift and there's a freight elevator. The five of you are temporarily under the orders of Fumiko-san, do whatever she tells you. If you need steel or titanium, they are on the surface, on floor +1. Their volume and weight exceed the permissible standards. All clear? - Xi Yu asked the workers, giving them orders.

- We'll do everything! "We are at your disposal, Fumiko-san," one of the workers said, coming forward, and then turned to Fumiko.

Fumiko didn't pay attention to the little things, all she was interested in was what materials were there. And what she can create with them.

During the few hours that these workers spent at this base, they received more impressions than at all previous jobs.

This place itself looked like a secret military base, and while unloading the container, their belief that this was a secret military base only intensified.

As each container was unloaded, they became more and more surprised. Some were filled with large-caliber weapons, others consisted entirely of countless amounts of ammunition. And some generally had anti-aircraft guns that resembled robots.

And today, under the leadership of Fumiko, opening warehouses from 8 to 27, their world was turned upside down again. Bronze, Tin, Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Cast Iron, Tungsten, Iridium, Chrome, Coltan, Niobium, Tantalum and many other metals were neatly stocked in boxes. Some metals were only a few tons, while others were several dozen tons! But it was not this that struck them, but the 26th and 27th warehouses filled with silver and gold.

Fumiko's eyes shone more and more, there were so many metals that she had not worked with before. She wanted to drop everything and start working with them right there.

"Mr. Xi Yu, go to the Command Center, Secretary Xue is calling you," Rias's gentle voice rang out.

"Is she calling me? Which one of us is the secretary? - Xi Yu thought ironically as he headed towards the elevator.

Arriving at the Command Center, Xi Yu noticed a strangely awkward atmosphere.

- What's happened? - Xi Yu asked a question to those present.

Ingrid, Eva and the entire Van Hossen family were there.

- Pervert, have you lost your mind? - Sylvia said angrily as soon as they met.

- Hm... could you please explain? - Xi Yu asked awkwardly, not expecting such an attitude towards himself at such an early stage of acquaintance.

- The fact is that when the workers unloaded the container, they carried the boxes with equipment to the floors on which this equipment would be installed. And when Miss Sylvia saw the boxes on the 9th floor, she asked what was in them. Well, in general, word for word and... - Ingrid gave a detailed explanation in an awkward voice, but was immediately interrupted.

- Are you really going to install cameras in bathrooms and toilets? - Sylvia growled in a direct, threatening voice.

- SO! STOP! - Xi Yu shouted loudly, clapping his hands.

- Firstly! Keep calm, I'm not interested in spying on people swimming or going to relieve themselves! I'm facing a problem, if you come up with another solution then please enlighten me! - Xi Yu said in a stern voice, not wanting to go through bald scenes.

- What problem made you put a camera in the toilet and bathroom? - Sylvia said still condemningly, but not so aggressively.

- The base, as you should have already noticed, is huge! It is designed to fully accommodate 100,000 people! To keep track of her, and to prevent sabotage that, for one reason or another, could occur during the Apocalypse. I need complete control over her, and I can only achieve this if there are cameras everywhere controlled by Rias! There should not be a single blind spot! Toilets are good, but the cameras are not hidden, which means the saboteur will go where there are none. "I don't want to risk the safety of the entire base because of someone's awkwardness," Xi Yu said in the most serious tone.

- You are a crazy paranoid, did you know that? Zombie Apocalypse, cameras in toilets... What will happen next? Father, let's terminate this contract now! - Sylvia said angrily, she was not angry with the cameras in her toilet and shower. But the thought that her little cute sister would be recorded on video while bathing or relieving herself made her feel fiercely angry.

Hearing what Sylvia said, her father turned pale! The contract stipulated a tenfold penalty, which means that from 3 contracts the amount is 300 billion dollars!

- Sylvie, dear, maybe we can calm down and discuss everything sensibly? - Vincent said panicking.

- There's nothing to discuss here, first there was nonsense about the living dead, and now the little girl has cameras in the toilet! What happens at the end of the contract? - Sylvia said still not calming down.

- Imagine that you are now, because of prejudices about me. Ready to let my father and little sister die! And all because you simply don't listen, I told you so! Everything that happens in my dreams then happens in real life, and you... - he tried to convince Sylvia for the last time, Xi Yu was interrupted.

- What other ones to death? This is just ridiculous, fantastic nonsense! - Sylvia said even more angry.

- Nonsense... Okay! "I have found a satisfactory method for solving the problem," Xi Yu said with a bit of goiter.

Sitting down in one of the seats, Xi Yu began writing the contract. While he was writing it, the van Hossen family was in bewilderment, but Eva and Ingrid, on the contrary, knew perfectly well what was about to happen.

Having finished typing, Xi Yu took out the already printed sheets with the contract.

- Here, read and sign! - Xi Yu said, handing over new contracts to each member of the Van Hossen family.

- A contract for slavery? - Sylvia said indignantly after looking at several points of the contract.

- Miss Sylvia, is there a limit to your ignorance? First, read the contract in full, and then be indignant," Xi Yu said more coldly.

He perfectly understood her concern for her younger sister and how she could imagine God knows what about him, but her hysteria began to exhaust his patience.

- Everyone who does not believe in the existence of the Apocalypse signs a contract of slavery if it comes! If the Apocalypse does not come, you are free and rich, but if it does come, then you are my slaves for the rest of your life! - Xi Yu said more calmly, even with a hint of playfulness.

- Slaves? Isn't this too much? - Sylvia said hesitantly, looking at her younger sister.

- What are you talking about? He won't be there! You are so sure of this that you are even ready to risk the lives of your father and sister! - Xi Yu said sarcastically.

"Okay, but the cameras..." Sylvia said, dismissing Xi Yu's sarcasm and continuing to read the contract.

- Cameras in toilets and bathrooms will be installed, BUT they will be turned off, until the coming of the Apocalypse. You can see for yourself by the red glow at moments when the camera is working and its absence at moments when the camera is not working - Xi Yu said persistently.

After a little hesitation, Sylvia signed the contract, followed by Maria and the Vincents.

"I can't wait to see you making excuses after the start of the Apocalypse..." having collected the signed contracts, Xi Yu said with a satisfied smile.

-Who do you take me for? Are you trampling on my honor and dignity? The word of a member of the Van Hossen family is worth more than gold! - Sylvia said indignantly, after which, without waiting for an answer and not wanting to talk to Xi Yu anymore, she left.

"I hope that when the planned horror movie doesn't happen, you won't go crazy..." Eva said looking strangely at Xi Yu.

"If it doesn't happen, not only will I not go crazy, I will become incredibly happy..." Xi Yu said sadly, remembering the nightmares that he had almost every day after the coma.

Seeing the expression on the face with which Xi Yu spoke about the Apocalypse, Ingrid and Eve could not help but be surprised.

- Okay, so! Secretary Xue, here is the plan for the +1 floor - throwing all unnecessary thoughts out of his head, Xi Yu calmly said.

5 Days later, 10 days before the Apocalypse.

During these 5 days, several dozen construction companies covered the entire area inside the walls with solar panels, which is why it was as if a roof had formed over the bunker.

Each of the solar panels was covered with bulletproof glass in order to protect them from the natural disasters of the Apocalypse and flying creatures!

Xi Yu did not spare money, he spent it on everything that could be at least a little useful in the Apocalyptic time.

We also unloaded and installed: MK4/2 machine guns, Midgar laser protection, VIST 360 cameras, E427 anti-aircraft guns and many other small items delivered from the Arizona military base.

There were machine guns everywhere! Securing the machine gun shafts and mounting machine guns in them, 50 were located on each of the 10 floors!

It cost Xi Yu nothing, and the life he lived in a dream made him paranoid. She showed Xi Yu that in the Apocalypse you never know what to expect next.

Xi Yu wasn't even so much wary of zombies as he was of insects! The accelerated evolution of all creatures on planet earth except humans frightened Xi Yu the most!

Xi Yu placed the remaining 500 machine guns throughout the territory inside the +1 floor.

Cameras were installed everywhere! There were no blind spots throughout the entire base, both inside and outside! Outside the base in the purchased nearby territories and beyond in the city, Xi Yu installed not only cameras, but also loudspeakers.

5 Midgar laser installations were installed along the entire outer perimeter. One installation for each of the 3 walls and two for the wall that has a huge gate with an entrance door in it.

The gates are 4 meters high and 3 meters long and are made of the strongest metal alloys. They have a built-in remote sliding door, controlled by voice commands from members of the senior management and Rias. While work is underway at the base, the door is constantly open, its function is replaced by a checkpoint with a barrier.

Of the remaining 5 Midgar laser systems, 4 were installed on the outside of the roof, above the solar panels. And the last one was installed in a concrete elevator hangar, the elevators of which lead to the bunker.

Special places on the walls were prepared for the E427 anti-aircraft guns. 4 anti-aircraft guns were located in the corners of the wall square, and the other 4 in the center of each wall.

In order not to cause panic in Tokyo, military equipment appeared from nowhere and for what purpose. Xi Yu ordered the construction of plastic covers in which anti-aircraft guns were installed. And which can be easily destroyed if necessary.

Also, during these 5 days, 30 barracks out of the planned hundred were built. The barracks were built simple but reliable. Each barracks can accommodate 100 people. Xi Yu purchased 5,000 durable bunk beds. Of which only a thousand have been delivered so far.

Xi Yu also did not ignore the sewer leading to the base. Cameras and 10 MK4/2 machine guns were also installed there.

The source of drinking water for the bunker does not come from the city, but was brought from the bowels of the earth even before Xi Yu received it at his own disposal.

But although after the Apocalypse the water will not be contaminated with anything, the evolution of small insects and microorganisms forced Xi Yu to pay a lot of attention to filters.

During these 5 days, there were several conflicts among the specialists who signed the contract with the Xi Yu base.

Conflicts have been caused over curfews, exercise, evening 30-minute fencing lessons, and even nutrient and vitamin intake.

But the threat of dismissal and termination of the contract stopped any conflict. The contract had a clause on termination of the contract on the part of the employer, under which the amount was paid only for the work from signing the contract until its termination. The contracts were drawn up for 6 months, and the salary amount is so huge that it would not be possible to earn money in other places even in 100 years.

Among the 197 residents of the Xi Yu base, there were several patients who were cured by obtaining expensive drugs. And although everyone is healthy now, even so, Xi Yu is constantly trying to raise their health even higher. After all, on the day of the Apocalypse, all the sick and weak will turn into zombies, and he did not want anyone from the members of his base to become a zombie.