
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 10 The Van Hossen Family!

After meeting with Setoshi and signing the contract, Xi Yu paid extra for confidentiality.

*Zyyn* *Zzyyyn*

After leaving the VIP room of the restaurant after finishing the meeting with Setoshi, Xi Yu's phone rang.

- Hello? - Xi Yu answered the call.

"Xi Yu, you wanted to first meet with the blacksmith and the fencing teacher's family." They have already arrived to sign the contract, I think it will be better if we meet together," said Ingrid.

"Okay, let's have a meeting at the Command Center," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- In the Command Center? Isn't it only the Senior Management who are allowed there? Why would a blacksmith and a fencing teacher be there? - Ingrid asked in surprise with a hint of misunderstanding.

- Because they will be part of the main composition of the base. Secretary Xue, I strongly recommend that you take these two professions as seriously as possible! - Xi Yu said in a serious tone.

- Phew... Whatever you say, Mr. Zhu! - Ingrid said after hanging up.

20 minutes later.

- Hello everyone and welcome, I can say the main reason why you are here! It's very nice to meet everyone, my name is Zhu Xi Yu. You don't need to introduce yourself, since I already know not only who you are, but also what you do," said Xi Yu, entering the Command Center and scanning the people here.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, some of the guests frowned, but did not say anything about it.

In the hall, the van Hossen family sat on one side, Kobayashi Fumiko on the other, and Ingrid and Eva on the third.

There were 3 people sitting on the Van Hossen side of the family: a middle-aged man with a good-natured expression on his face, a cute little blonde and a slender girl with a particularly curvaceous figure and a particularly large bust. She has long blonde hair that is tied into a bun. And violet eyes that sometimes appear gray in certain lighting.

On the other side was how Xi Yu guessed Kobayashi Fumiko, a blacksmith!

She has scarlet eyes, red short hair, a slender, and in the right places even curvy body and an eye patch on her right eye.

- Let's start with an introduction to the matter, I'm telling you and listening. When I tell you what you need to know, you will ask your questions," Xi Yu said, sitting down at the chair next to Ingrid and Eva.

- Before you start... Could you give us an idea of ​​why we were invited here today? Yes, and in full force - Vincent van Hossen asked a little nervously.

Although Vincent has a lot of power and connections in Japan, when he first refused Xi Yu's invitation, his company felt a serious blow! Clients began, one after another, to terminate contracts with his company, even despite paying the penalty! And when he tried to find out why he was losing clients, he couldn't get any information! As he guessed, they signed a confidentiality contract.

Having received the second letter, he again rejected the invitation without much thought, but the pressure on his company immediately tightened, so much so that it is now on the verge of collapse! And from the third letter he received a hint that it was precisely because of his refusals to come here that a crisis had come in his life.

Therefore, he took his daughters, who were also invited for some unknown reason, and came to the meeting place.

Vincent was not afraid for his safety, since the invitation came from a company with a good reputation, and even if such influential people wanted to harm them, they would not have invited them. And the meeting place is not outside the city, but in Tokyo itself.

When they arrived and saw the scale of construction they were shocked! High 30-meter walls that have no end or edge, and judging by the pillars under construction, there will also be a roof on the territory...

- Well, if it worries Mister Vincent so much, I will answer you. I don't need all of you, I only need the fencing teacher Miss Sylvia and the blacksmith Kobayashi-san! But for reasons that I will now explain to you, I had to invite you as a whole family! Sorry Kobayashi-san - at the end of the speech, Xi Yu leaned over slightly with an apologetic look, for mentioning whose family Fumiko does not have.

- It's okay Mister Xi Yu, so why do you need a blacksmith in the modern era? - Fumiko Kobayashi asked interestedly.

- This is what I wanted to explain to you all, listen and don't interrupt until I finish! - Xi Yu said, waiting for everyone to nod in unison.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Ingrid and Eva frowned. They did not expect that he was going to share his nonsense about the Apocalypse with someone else. And thinking about what he would say now... They all wanted to run away so that they wouldn't have to blush and pretend to have a serious expression on their faces.

- It all started 1.5 months ago. I was in a coma and had a prophetic dream. Everything that happened in this dream after waking up happens in real life. So the main catch is that according to the plot of my dream, in 15 days the end of the world will begin! - Xi Yu said, and the audience showed different facial expressions.

Fumiko didn't react much, she just listened to everything that Xi Yu said like non-believers who are told about the Bible. Something like: "It's his business whether he believes in God or not, it doesn't concern me!"

Maria listened with interest with a surprised expression on her face. Sylvia had a skeptical expression on her face that seemed to say, "What kind of prank is this, where is the hidden camera?

And the expression on Vincent's face was incomprehensible, he still could not understand why they had been gathered here and were sharing their impressions of the dream.

Everyone ignored the phrase "Everything that happened in this dream after waking up happens in real life" after hearing about the impending end of the world.

"You don't need to believe in the end of the world, you just need to understand what I believe in, and how my faith will affect you," Xi Yu gave a motivating speech so that the listeners would not stop listening carefully.

The motivation apparently worked, as everyone frowned.

- The end of the world, or whatever else you can call it, the Apocalypse, will happen thanks to the incredibly accelerated evolution of animals and the fact that 30% of humanity will turn into zombies! - Xi Yu still said calmly, but surprisingly the listeners did not change much in their faces. Apparently, from the very beginning they decided to listen to Xi Yu's story as a fairy tale, except that Maria had a surprised face.

- And so, like Noah who built the ark, I decided to create a base for survival in the Apocalyptic world. I need a blacksmith because firearms will be useless later, and I need a fencing teacher because I need to teach those who will fight zombies and animals combat techniques. "The reason I invited Mr. Vincent and Miss Maria was so that the fencing teacher would not have to mourn his relatives after the start of the Apocalypse," Xi Yu finished his explanations.

Surprisingly, after uttering the last phrase, Sylvia frowned and began to think.

- I'm not forcing you to believe me, you just need to live in this bunker for 15 days! I'm even ready to sign a contract. If the Apocalypse does not begin in 15 days, I will pay each of you 10 billion dollars. How do you like it? - striking while the iron is hot, said Xi Yu, wanting to convince Sylvia.

And from her facial expression it was clear that although she did not believe, she did not want to take risks.

"Well... If you insist that we stay here, then we'll have to sign a contract," Vincent said, beaming.

"Okay, let's do this," Xi Yu said, and Inrid quickly drew up and printed out the terms of the contract and distributed them to everyone.

After reading and signing the contract, everyone was satisfied.

It was clear from Fumiko that she didn't care about money, but she needed it for something. And she doesn't mind earning 10 billion in just 15 days.

Ingrid and Evoy treated this matter as a mandatory norm for wasting finances for the day.

Sylvia was just curious why she would waste so much money on a fencing teacher for 15 days.

Maria was not interested in money; it was clear from her that she was glad to visit a new place and was interested in the base itself.

And the one who was truly happy was Vincent, he literally glowed with happiness!

After signing the contract, Xi Yu personally escorted them to the place where they would live for the next 15 days.

The van Hossen family, although they were surprised by the arrangement of the rooms, was only because they did not expect such comfort from the bunker, but Fumiko really liked it here.

After Xi Yu gave them a short tour, he saw a smile on Fumiko's face for the first time. As soon as they entered the forge, Fumiko's mood immediately rose and she began checking the blacksmith's equipment.

Xi Yu did not bring any machines to the forge, since they still do not apply the blacksmith's skills, and what the blacksmith needed was of the best quality.

Since many people who signed the contract now lived on the base, the canteen is already operating. She came to the department of a middle-aged woman with the profession of a chef, and there was not a lot of food at the base yet, for a maximum of half a year for 200 people.

In the evening, people from the Dark Work organization, sent by Setoshi, arrived. And there were surprisingly many of them! After registering each of them for a five-day work, it turned out that their number was 462 people! Having settled on the 6th floor for 5 days, Ingrid drew up their work schedule on a 24-hour basis.

(This does not mean that they will work 24 hours a day. This means that 231 people work a 12-hour day and go to rest, and their place is taken by other 231 people. And so the work is in full swing for days.)

Their task was: Unload port containers.

Install 500 network loudspeakers. Network speakers are full-featured monoblock audio systems for transmitting voice messages.

Install 1000 MK4/2 automatic machine guns. "MK4/2" machine guns are multi-barreled heavy machine guns that can be fired remotely using commands via the network or under AI control.

In the building they are attached to special hatches, which are pulled out if necessary to open fire.

Outside the bunker, they are attached to poles specially designed for them, which are included with the MK4/2.

Install 10,000 "VIST 360" cameras. "VIST 360" cameras are cameras that see and record everything in 360 degrees. They turn on when there is motion and turn off when there is no motion. (Cameras with built-in motion sensors)

Install 10 units. laser defense installation of the "Midgar" series! The Midgar laser protection series is a network of lasers installed on the outside of the wall. In the case in which someone or something rams a wall, the AI ​​activates a network of lasers and the one who rams it, when ramming it, no longer runs into the wall, but into lasers, and is cut by lasers into cubes of flesh.

Install 8 anti-aircraft guns "E427". Anti-aircraft guns "E427" are remote, armor-piercing anti-aircraft guns.

Xi Yu also instructed Ingrid to build barracks on the "+1 floor". "+1 Floor" it was decided to call the area above the bunker, which is surrounded by 30-meter walls. Since the +1 floor consists of a square whose length and width are 4 kilometers, there is plenty of space for barracks there.

Since Xi Yu decided not to allow men into his base, at least until he finds a way to keep them under control. He decided that if they nevertheless came knocking on the walls in search of shelter, he would, under an ultimatum, drive them into the barracks on the +1 Floor.

The point is not that Xi Yu would not be able to cope with them, but that he would have to pretend to be very cruel. Killing and intimidating others, pretending that he has no important people to take hostage...

Without allowing rape, scandals, disagreements, separate communities within his own base... In general, while there are only women and girls on the base, Xi Yu has at least some chance of a cohesive team, which he hopes will become the foundation of his future base .