

Madaren Osoki, 19 years old and living without a purpose in a new-age world of fantasy. "If only I wasn't born" When he was 10 years old he was struck with a strange illness caused by a otherworldly beast called a Monster. His father a low-ranking Hunter, couldn't pay for the treatment, so he turned to loan sharks. When he finally got better his mother took him back home to celebrate when he saw his father lying dead with a loan shark standing above him. 9 years later he found himself on a bridge, contemplating. Until a mysterious old man approached him and gave him a unimaginable crescent power system to fight a otherworldly threat. Will Madaren Osoki find a purpose in life, Or will he spiral into negativity? "I will live for my family and I will fight for the world!"

Greenaholic · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter Eighteen - Just... the beginning to our love

*It's Sunday and right now I'm driving to Todoki's place*

Ahh man I'm so nervous right now! *I check the time*

*8:00 PM*

*I arrived at Todoki's house and I get out of my car*

I'm so lightheaded for some reason. Who would've thought knocking on my door would be the biggest challenge I had in years.

*Before I knock the door it opens and I see her*


Madaren: *Staring in awe*

Todoki: M-madaren? *She smiles*

Madaren: *Still staring*

Todoki: You look great!

*I snap out of it*

Madaren: U-uh thanks! You look beautiful!

Todoki: Thank you!

Madaren: Shall we go now?

Todoki: Yes let's go!

*I close the door behind and we go to my car*

*She stops*

Todoki: Is this a Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet!?!?

Madaren: Yes?

Todoki: Oh my god!

*She goes around the car naming details I've heard before*

I didn't even know she liked cars. I just bought this one because.


Madaren: Hey Savion, what car should I buy?

Savion: Hmm, I don't know- Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet!

*I stare at him in disbelief*

Madaren: What's a Porsche?

Savion: What!?! Are you kidding me!?!


Todoki: And it's black!

Madaren: I didn't even know you liked cars?

Todoki: Well, my dad was into cars and I watched him work on a lot growing up so I kinda got into cars too.

Madaren: Like father, like daughter!

Todoki: Heh, Yeah!

*We get inside and I start driving*

Todoki: What restaurant are we going to again?

Madaren: It's a secret!

Todoki: I'm so scared! *She puts her hands on her face*

*I chuckle and we arrive at the restaurant*

Todoki: O-oh my god! It's so… fancy?

Madaren: I decided to… splurge?

Todoki: Are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want you thinking I have high expectations or anything, I'm just happy to be with you.

Madaren: *I blush* N-No I just wanted to take you out that's all!

Todoki: Really?

Madaren: I just wanted to spend time with you in a place like this.

Todoki: *She smiles and looks at me* Okay than.

*We enter the restaurant and sit at our reserved table, we talk and laugh until our food arrives*

*I'm driving her back home*

Todoki: Hey can you stop there.

Madaren: Oh, sure.

*I pull over at a park and we take a walk here*

Madaren: Nostalgia hit you?

Todoki: How did you know?

Madaren: You were looking at the playground and I guessed.

Todoki: This park is dear to me. I've played here a lot with my friends and my dad also took me here. Oh! Follow me!

*She grabs my hand and leads me to a lake*

Todoki: I used to walk here at night, just thinking.

Madaren: I can understand that.

Todoki: I can't believe it's been years since I've been here.

*I grab her hand*

Madaren: I love you, Todoki.

*She looks at me and hugs me*

Todoki: I was about to say the same thing, I love you Madaren.

*She kisses me and I kiss back. We stay like this for what seems like a century but only a few seconds*

*We pull away*

Todoki: Shall we head back?

Madaren: *I nod*

*The drive back is accompanied with a nice mutual silence, or so I thought*

Don't tell me I'm.

*All the blood rushes my head*

That kiss was… different.

*I look at her and I see her blushing*

The air feels dense and enchanted in some way.

*I pull over to her driveway and we get out of the car. I walk her to her door*

Madaren: W-well I'll see you soon-

Todoki: Do you wanna… stay over?

Madaren: U-uh really?

Todoki: Y-yeah!

*I enter her house and she takes me to her bedroom*

Todoki: W-why not sleep in the same bed!

Madaren: I-i mean we are adults and we're dating!

Todoki: Y-yeah!

*She gets ready and gets into bed and I climb in*

*She faces away from me and covers her face*

Ugh, I just wanna.

Madaren: Cuddle.

Todoki: Huh?

Did I say it out loud, dang it!

Madaren: Do you wanna cuddle?

Todoki: S-sure!.

*I get closer to her and she faces towards me, she rests her head on my chest and I put my arm under her*

It's been.. five minutes, I think? And I still can't sleep.

Todoki: Madaren.

Madaren: Yeah?

Todoki: Can't sleep either?

Madaren: I think I'm just too excited.

Todoki: E-excited?

Shit! Not like that.

Todoki: Are you thinking about it?

Madaren: What! No! I mean Yes! Ugh.

Todoki: I mean… if you want to?

Madaren: Are you sure? I mean, what if-

Todoki: I'm safe today.

Wow she answered fast

Madaren: L-let's do it then.

Todoki: O-okay!