
MudBlood Prince[HP Fanfiction]

Slytherin OC/Insert. Has surface knowledge of HP Universe. Starts at End of Chamber of Secrets. MC is more sensitive to magic Will follow Movies storyline so no Peeves(sadly). Telegram Group Link: https://t.me/joinchat/I6ksCEKLdTqmbJv-YMuI1w Disclaimer: I own nothing. Harry Potter, its character and its world all of it is owned by J.K Rowling. This fanfic is just a fans idea of a story. A/N:I will insert 21st century and music in the story, so dont complain that the song was not even out then or that reference doesn't make sense. The purebloods would never have understood muggle references anyway.

Captain_Nemo · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
24 Chs

Ch 3- Hogwarts Express Dementor Attack

My Butler dropped me off at King's Cross Station and i found my way to Platform. It was easy to find the platform, if you had a sharp eye you would see people suddenly disappearing while running, though i was sure there were Ministry issued Oblivator nearby so as to handle any unforseen circumstance of a muggle noticing this.

You can easily differentiate between Muggles and Wizard by their different activities and way of clothing, i am pretty sure i spotted quite a number of Aurors, probably keeping watch for Sirius Black. How big of an idiot they were, like an escape convict will strike at the very place he is expected to.

I knew that Black was innocent or something along that line, i remembered that he dies in one of the later films i think the fifth or sixth one and people were mourning about his death online, so he must have been innocent or atleast on the side of Harry.

I am in 3rd Year so this is the Prisoner of Azkaban, well what do i remember about this year, hmmmmm, i remember that they had a good new teacher this time, sirius black escapes, werewolf something which was in the trailer of the movie and dementors ohh yeah dementors, they will come to Hogwarts. I had researched about Dementors in the holidays. The thing is not much is known about them. History book just say they were there one day. They need to feed thats why they stay at Azkaban, its a sort of compromise they have with the Ministry. Ministry gives them prisoner to torment and feed themselves on while they remain at Azkaban and don't bother normal folks.

Only way to defend against them was the Patronus charm, the incantation and wand moment of which were easy but the spell itself was difficult mainly because it required happy memory, a memory which will put a smile on your face the very second you recollect it, the memory must be pure too, you can't have memory in which you are taking revenge against someone be used for making Patronus. Thus the reason that not many people are able to master it. But i figured out a theoretical way to make patronus, nowhere does it say that the memory has to be real, why can't you use the memory of your favorite dream or make up memory. Making up memory is easy, especially if you came from the 21st century where people used to fake their lifestyle on social media, you know how to make things look a certain way so that you can have others be jealous of it as well as show off and satisfy your own vanity, Instagram influencers were the prime example of it. I still need to test my theory though, can't quite cast charm like patronus wandlessly and with wand the trace would have come to effect.

Holding onto my Walkman listening to music i made my way through the Hogwarts Express looking for some empty compartment. Finally found one with a man lying probably sleeping. He had covered himself with a shawl. Placing my stuff i looked around to get a glimpse at the person's name, Remus Lupin, which was written on a suitcase.

Must be the new professor, atleast i know that he is capable as far as i remember most of the teaceher in Hogwarts were abysmall at there jobs especially the DADA post which had new professor everywhere.

I had just settled when i noticed the compartment door being opened, I saw Hermoine, Ron and Harry,The Golden Trio. Should i be close to them or stay away i had no idea, i had not decieded what to do so lets just go with the flow here.

Hermoine's mouth moved and i realised that i still had my headphones on, silly me.

"Hey, sorry i was listening to music" i replied.

"I was saying, can we sit here Blake, everywhere else seems to be full." asked Hermoine.

"Sure no problem." I replied.

"Hermione, who's he?" asked Ron.

"I think its proper manner to introduce oneself before asking others for introduction." I spoke looking at Ron.

Hermoine jumped in and pointing towards me said, "He is Blake Rivers, a muggleborn like me and Syltherin. We have been exchanging letters and notes since the end of last term" then turning said" The red haired boy is Ronald Weasley, and the boy with glasses is Harry Potter."

"Hermoine, He's a Syltherin how can you be friends with him? all of them are prats"Ron exclaimed with horror.

"Ouch,Weasley, Judgemental enough? I can say that this quality of judging people before even knowing them is kinda Slytherin like." I spoke with a smug smile.

Color drained out of his face for a second and then i turned towards Harry

"Thanks for dealing with the little snake problem we had last year."

"Thanks, i didn't do it alone, i had help especially from Hermoine." he replied.

"Well i am going to go back to listening music, so don't worry Weasley i wont be disturbing you." saying so i put my headphones back on.

After some time, Hermoine tapped on my shoulder.

"Yes, Hermoine?" i asked

"Why are you taking the walkman with you? you know that electrical devices don't work at Hogwarts?"she said.

"What?????" I shouted.

"Yeah,mate. Nothing electrical works at Hogwarts. You didnt knew?We were told that in the first year" Harry said while clearly amused at my outburst.

"I lost my memory after the "Snakey Incident" last year." I told him while clearly drowning in my pain of going through the hard work of recording tapes of all my favorite 80's song.

"Oh, Sorry."replied Harry.

"No need mate, it was actually a good thing, losing those memories gave birth to Blake 2.0, and let me tell you this Blake is better and badder." I told him while standing up doing a 360 round circle and shouting "BE BAD!".(A/N:I was listening it at the time of writing this so i just added it here.)

Harry and Hermoine laughed clearly understanding my reference while Ron sat there thinking that we had clearly gone mental.

Suddenly i felt cold.

"Um, guys do you feel cold?" I asked.

The train stopped, the temperature dropped becoming cold,droplets of water condensed on the windows

"Oh shit its the Dementors" i shouted.

There was a collective gasp by Hermoine and Ron who clearly understood the danger. Whereas Harry sat there completely oblivious.

"What is a Dementor?"asked Harry.

"Something that you don't want to be near of."replied Hermoine.

Suddenly the temperature dropped even more and the door of compartment shot open. A black clothed figure/skeleton made its way in.

I think anyone who sees it for a first time will be frighten but i was fascinated, how did they live, did they have organs, brain, were they sentient or just lived by instinct like animal.

The Dementor seemed to have taken a liking to Harry as it was moving towards him.

Instinctively or reflexively i am not sure, i reached for my pocket and grabbed my wand and shouted,"EXPECTO PATRONUM", while focusing on a number of fake memories i had made.

White Mist came out from my wand enough to distract the Dementor but not corporal enought to completely take it out.

Suddenly Lupin jerked awake and performed Patronus to drive away the Dementor.

I collapsed as soon as Lupin drove it away, Magical Exhaustion is real guys.

Remus took out chocolate from his coat and handed it to Harry and Me.

"Great display of magic over there MR?"

"Rivers sir, Blake Rivers." I replied while munching on the chocolate, it tasted like the best thing i ever had.

"Eat slowly, Blake, chocolate helps in dealing with Magical Exhaustion and Mr. Potter you too" turning towards Hermoine he said,"Can you look after them both while i go and have a talk with the driver?"Saying so he left.

"Mate that was something you did there." Ron said looking at me clearly with awe.

"Why do they even have Dementor here on the train?" asked Hermoine.

"For Harry."i replied while munching on my chocolate bar and ready to kill anyone who wants to take it from me.

"ME??Why?"asked Harry clearly surprised.

"Well, (A) He was a death eater whose master was killed by you, (B)Hogwarts Express is the only place he can attack you at, the wards at Hogwarts make it almost impossible for him to even enter so this is the only place he can attack you." I replied while not even looking at their reaction.

"Can't i spend atleast one peaceful year at Hogwarts without people trying to kill me." I heard Harry whine.

Give me comments, tell me how the story is going.

Captain_Nemocreators' thoughts