
Ms. FBI and Mr. Lawbreaker

"Ms. FBI and Mr. Lawbreaker" (under minor editing but finished) Undercover FBI agent, Naitee Joshi is the definition of a moral, good, brave person. With a dark past and many ghosts she haunts the criminals of the world. Now she has to take a road trip to deliver sensitive information since public transportation can’t be trusted. When an unlikely event brings the FBI agent and the mobster, Alessio Spaglia together, their futures are changed irreversibly. Alessio Spaglia, the oldest son of the capo, has been heartless for years. When he stumbles across a fed he can’t resist the challenge. He’s in the states for business but like for Naitee when she meets him, everything changes. They’re both ready to do anything for their families but what happens when they can’t resist the pull between them. Who’ll come out on top? Or more importantly; Who’ll come out alive? This story is full of deadly enemies, hate, love and a plot twist that will take your breath away.

authorrenkiw · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

3 || Windows


I walk down the stairs, a weird feeling in my gut. I look around as I walk down the wooden stairs. I look around the lobby, the breakfast to the left and the door just a few feet away. I keep on walking forward, the lady behind the desk looks just as bored as yesterday. I drop the key on the desk. The scramble of it makes her look up from her paper.

She picks up a 25 from under her desk. I don't even have the energy to care. I grab it and I'm out the door before she can say another word. I was so focused on getting out of there and back to Sai that I almost didn't notice the shady guys standing just outside of the doors smoking. I miss a step. I know their kind, my gaze flies over the parking lot. A sleek black car is standing there. It's hood up.

My gaze lands on the guys standing there smoking again. The suits look just a little too crisp, the dark hair and eyes tell a story. One of pain, dilated pupils and filth. Their words are spoken in a foreign language.

I start walking again, this time with an urgency I didn't have before. I pull out my car keys, thankful that I put them in my jacket pocket. I unlock my ford. Sai's nose pressed against the back window as I jump in the front seat, throwing my bag on the passenger seat. I fumble for my phone. I need to contact my supervisor that I just accidentally ran across some fucking European mob. This wasn't planned, not at all.

I was supposed to go up to New York for a meeting with Supervisory Agent Ross about a new case, so urgent that I had to get there but in secret, by driving across 4 states.

I type out the words, my hands shaky, I've never been this close to the mob before in my life.

Foreign mob in USA, proceeding?

I look up in the mirror and my heart stops for a second. The man I accidentally slept with is walking towards me.


I shove my phone between my bag and the passenger seat and wait for him to make it all the way to the window.

His fingers rap against the glass, I knew he was coming but I still jumped.

I roll the window down and it's embarrassing how slow it's. By the time it's down my face is warm and my hands are clammy. He smiles, his teeth surprisingly white, my heart's beating wildly and it's not because his gaze is scorching hot.

"Hi." He says with a smile still on his face. "I know this might be weird, but could you give me a ride. Our car--" He points at the black car across the lot, "Broke down yesterday and they don't have the right parts to fix it here" My eyebrows crease.

"I can't give all of your friends a ride." I look back at Sai, hoping her teeth and appearance would scare him off. "I would only have space for one maybe two." He follows my eyes back to Sai, he stiffens for a second but the relief doesn't even have to register before he smiles again.

"That's fine, I'm the only one who needs a ride. I've got an urgent meeting I need to get to in New York." I can't help but notice his accent as he speaks. Not at all like my parents, Spanish or maybe Greek. I'm stiff as a plank trying to figure out how to best get rid of this guy when it hits me. This is my opportunity. If I can get him to New York and in the custody of the FBI it would greatly help my reputation for undercover work. If I'm lucky he has a meaningfgul place inte mob. Whichever one he's in.

I smile, hoping it looks more real than it feels.

"What a coincidence, I'm going to New York too." I answer and his eyebrows raise but he doesn't actually look surprised.

"That's great." He smiles as he says that and I only nod, suddenly not sure if this is the best plan or worst plan I've ever had. I can't just drive away now. The sound of his voice pulls me from my thoughts again.

"I'll just go talk to my... friends for a second" His steps are confident as he walks away. I can't let him know I'm a fed. The thought hits me like a crashing wave. I scramble for my ID and mobile. Pushing them down in my hidden department in the car door. Thankful for the cold metal weapon that rests there as well.

Right now I am very happy I took those classes at the academy. I reach for my Fake ID. The one I've used for the last months undercover. Kate Bass, my name is Kate Bass.

This one of the million times I've used a fake identity and it's routine by know. To absorb a life and personlity that isn't actually yours. I take another deep breath as I watch him slowly walking back, as if he had all the time in the world. I grab my bag and throw it in my back seat, careful to not hit Sai. I rub her behind her ears as I watch a really dangerous man get closer and closer. I was inviting the devil to a dance.

I pushed down the turning feeling in my stomach and push a smile on my face. It's time for the performance of my life.

He opens the passenger the door and I gesture for him to sit down. His long legs barely fit before him and the sight is amusing.

"I'm Kate by the way." I say introducing myself. He grins, his eyes dark.

"Nice to meet you Kate." the way he says his U's is noticeable. He's southern European.

"I'm Luce."He smiles a smile that would be charming if his eyes weren't so cold. I nod. Not sure what to say next.

"You have a pretty dog." He's actually trying to small talk? I look at him as I start the engine. It rally's for a minute before it starts and the sound of it is comforting as I start to pull out of the parking lot.

"Thanks, I adopted her a few years ago." Random half truths makes the best lies. That's one of the first things Ross taught me.

"What's her name?" I consider if I can tell him her name. But that is the most harmless thing, besides less fake names means it's easier to not mess up.

"Her name's Sai."

"It's a beautiful name. Can I pet her?" I throw a quick look at his handsome face as I pull out on the road.

"You can try but she's usually not so friendly with strangers." He chuckles and waves his hand.

"I'm good with pets" I laugh. He would see soon.

"Sure" I saw him move in my peripheral and couldn't even try to suppress my smile. I didn't need to see him move too know what happened the sound of Sai's barking was enough.

"Told you." He was shaking his hand, a irritated look on his face and suddenly I didn't feel amused anymore.

"Down Sai." Her barking stops abruptly. So used to obeying my commands that it's almost creepy. "Sorry." I mutter, lifting a hand to cover my smile. "I should have told you she bites sometimes."

"Why is she not better trained." His voice is irritated and I bite my lip.

"Oh she is, just not for strangers. Well have to stop later anyway, I can introduce you too her then." I can't see him but I know his gaze is resting on me.

"I'll have to walk her, I mean." I say blushing. I've never been good with strangers especially dangerous ones.

"Why do you have her with you anyway, a car can't be the best place for a dog."

I shake my head, not sure how to answer.

"I don't usually live in my car you know." Who does this dude think he is?

"You don't say. " He answers his voice filled with sarcasm. I grip the steering wheel, already regretting my words. He scoffs and I don't bother to answer this time, not only because he's a ass and a mobster but also because I'm afraid of what I'm going to say. I'm well aware that I say to much and speak to often. At least for a girl. But this time it's actually dangerous.

The warm summer air is almost as stifling as the silence. And I wish I had put my hair into a ponytail before driving away. The sweat on my neck is beaded and warm. His warm presence is only a part of what's making me sweat. That's what I tell myself at least.

It feels like I've driven thousands of miles before the silence is finally broken.

"When do we need to stop?" His voice is softer now, but his accent is almost more present. "Uh... maybe in a hour or so, I haven't walked her since yesterday." I bite my lip, the dirty feeling of having something under my nails as annoying as always.

"Should we decide when to have stops and stuff." I tried to be awkward in a way that wasn't weird or suspicious. I'm pretty sure I didn't succeed.

"Yes." Did all mobsters answer this shortly?

"Okay so a stop for Sai in a few hours and then we need to stop for the night. At least I need to stop. I won't sleep in my car. Plus point if they take pets. I don't want to leave Sai in the car again." I sound totally believable.

"Okay, a motel would be great but I'd prefer a hotel. I think the last motel was proof of how bad it can be." Hello, rich boy. Or man, he's definitely a man.

"Sure, look in the glove box. There should be map there, find some hotel that looks decent." I'm sure mister mobster here has slept in worse places, maybe he's just picky in the states.

"Mhm." I can hear the click of the glove box opening and the sound of paper. I'm all of a sudden very thankful that I moved my gun. It wouldn't have been very civilian of me to have a gun in my car. Well the kind of civilian I know anyway.

I reach out and start the radio, the low hum of Nick Lowe singing makes me tap my finger against the wheel as I try to recall every class I took on masking your micro expressions and going undercover 101.

I realize what he's singing about after to many seconds. A sick feeling in my stomach. Despite that I almost want to laugh. How fitting.

"There is a hotel in Charlotte, it seems fine." He says his voice smooth like a very expensive bourbon. I nod.

"Sure, what's it called?"

"Red Rose Casino and Hotel" I wrinkle my nose.

"Sounds a little— fancy don't you think?" He laughs and anger flares in me.

"I will pay for it, it is the least I can do." He says smugly, like he thinks I'll fall to his feet ust because he has money. He'll pay with blood money and one day, I'll make him pay with blood.