
Chapter 406 Seduction Failed

"Let me think about it."

Nina was silent for a long time. She did not agree with what Bella said, nor did she object. She didn't want to face it now.

She was in a mess right now and needed some time.

Bella understood. She briefly instructed a few things about Nina's health before leaving.


In the blink of an eye, it was the 12th. It was only six days away from the engagement date James had set.

Ryleigh had been in a good mood recently. After she gave the picture of the proposal to Sebastian, he didn't call her anymore.

At first, Ryleigh was uneasy. She was always afraid that James would find something wrong, or Sebastian deliberately told others about her purpose of being with James. But over time, she put down her vigilance and concentrated on the engagement.

Now, almost everything was arranged by Ryleigh.